How To Write A Killer Blog Post (Using AI)

You’ll learn how to write a killer blog post with the help of AI. Even if you are a complete beginner at blogging. Write A Blog Post …

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if you’ve been struggling to write good content online I’m going to teach you how to do that in this video we’re going to go through the whole step-by-step process of how to write a killer blog post with the help of AI and the most important part of this entire video is that you’re going to learn how to find keywords that match search intent you’re going to learn how to go through an SEO driven approach with social media in mind I’m going to teach you how to use AI to create a blog post outline that matches that search intent and I’m going to teach you why the introduction is so important then we’re going to start writing with and without a so what have I accomplished well I made six figures in affiliate revenue from writing and recording content online I’ve taken over 1,000 coaching calls for a blogging and personal brand community and I still work for them as of this day I still currently teach over 4,000 students with this process all right so let’s go and get started with the entire blog post training and how you can use AI to help you through this process so the first step is we’re going to find keywords that match search intent now you’re going to understand what your audience is searching for and for anyone who doesn’t know what search intent is this is also known as user intent it is the main goal a user has when typing a query into search engines so for example if you’re looking to make coffee at home you’re going to type into Google how to make coffee at home and you’re going to see the search results and it should populate information or blog post that teach you how to make coffee at home but instead of manually typing in this information in you can use free and pay tools to identify these high intent keywords so by doing this we can go ahead and use a free tool like HRS if you if you scroll to the very bottom of their footer they have a ton of different SEO tools that you can try out so if we jump into the free keyword generator I can type in a specific keyword and then it’s going to populate some relevant information for me to kind of go off of and I can go down this Rabbit Hole of finding really good keyword ideas so from here I can just type in best coffee and what it’s doing is it’s going to give me a few different keyword ideas so you can see here based off of this free tool they’re going to give us 20 free keywords out of 25,000 we can look at a phrase match so we by typing in best coffee I can find things such as best coffee grinder best coffee machine best coffee maker with a grinder best coffee creamers and I can look at these questions as well and I can write articles based on people’s questions so I can find things such as how to make the best coffee and as you can see the keyword difficulty is going to be hard so you do need to be very careful about that and find loow hanging keyword ideas but from this alone this is just a good starting point to find these high intent keywords so like I stated you want to focus on going after those longtail keywords or potentially just trending topics that you can write about just think about what your audience might be searching for and do that so put yourself in your customer shoes let’s say you have a digital product or an affiliate marketing offer or just services that you sell what are the questions that your audience is searching for or thinking about then you can create content around that and match the user intent this is really key before you even start writing an article because without that if you miss this step your post might never be found so it’s important that you match a search intent with the keywords that you’re writing so the important types of search intent that I’m focusing on and I think everyone should is informational post so these are going to be things such as how two guides they’re going to be case studies any type of long list style content is going to be really really important when it comes to using this for informational content then we have transactional so transactional is going to be mainly where you make the most of Revenue as an affiliate or if you’re selling products and services these transactional posts are always going to be these best of product roundups and then we have commercial intent or commercial content this could be product reviews comparison posts and Alternatives between different tools and services that you recommend and these three are the ones that I always recommend to use when you’re creating your content plan so I wanted to provide you with some free keyword research prompts as well on top of using these free tools like atrs you can use these keyword research prompts to help you get started in this entire process before you write your blog post and I think that that’s why it’s so important we need to get through this first but these three prompts are the ones that you can use and to get you started with at least 30 to 50 keyword ideas so let’s go ahead and jump in and I’m going to show you what that looks like so we can use any large language model if you want to use chat GPT Claude Gemini meta perplexity whatever you want you’re more than welcome to do so as long as you have these keyword research prompts you’re going to be completely fine so the first one one that we’re going to use is act as a keyword research expert and give me 25 different seed keyword ideas for the category of and then you insert that category the reason why I do this is just so you can have a bunch of seed keyword ideas so you can use the next prompt easily so for this example let’s just go ahead and put in marketing all right so now we have 25 different seed keyword ideas for the category of content marketing and there’s some good ones in here we have blog post ideas social media content SEO content writing B2 content marketing email marketing content marketing Brands long form content and there’s just so many different things that we can use here so now I’m going to go ahead and use that next prompt and this one’s going to be a lot longer this one’s going to be give me 40 semantically relevant but unique topics under the main category of whatever seed keyword I choose and it’s going to give us a whole table chart of Amazing Ideas so let’s go and put that together for this example I’m going to go and use SEO content writing put that into the brackets and we’re going to get an amazing list of ideas so as you can can see chat gbt is giving us a bunch of unique topics and under these topics are different articles that we could potentially write that have some type of search intent now there’s going to be one more step that we’re going to take and again this is the reason why it’s so important to do this first before you write any article cuz if you write the wrong intent you’re not going to be seen by Google and your audience might be confused on the kind of content that you’re creating now the next prompt that we’re going to use is turn all the informational intent into how-to ideas and you can do do this for really any intent so you can say turn all the transactional intent into best of ideas and so on so for this example we’re going to use this prompt here I’m going to go and add that there and then press enter and now it’s going to give us a bunch of how to intent articles so we have how to do keyword research for Content writing how to find longtail keywords for Content ideas how to choose best keywords for a niche how to optimize content for multiple keywords how to implement our onpage SEO techniques how to write content for Featured Snippets how to rank for Featured Snippets so this is a bunch of material that we can go off of but now we know that this is going to be an informational post so just choose one that you like you can validate this by using a keyword research tool or just typing it into Google and see if it’s something that you can go after compared to your competition so I really enjoyed this one here we’re going to use how to write content for local SEO as for the rest of this video and training so we can go ahead and keep that one for the our books and we’re going to make sure that we’re going to use this for the rest of the video now that we know the intent behind our article it’s important to focus on an SEO driven approach with social content in mind and what I mean by that is these few steps we’re going to optimize our content for search engines using an onpage seal tool such as Surfer SEO or phrase or you can use any one that you want even if it’s a budget or friendly alternative the reason for that is because with these onpage SEO tools it’s going to give us semantic keywords that we can include in our content that our competitors are using it’s going to give us the word count how many images the type of heading structures that they’re using and this is going to help us put and lay out our content together without doing it from scratch now a lot of people don’t need to use these tools depending on the niche or content that you’re in but the majority of businesses especially if you’re a B2B SAS business or marketing or in a very competitive Niche you’re going to want to have some kind of SEO tool to back you up now think about your content and how it’s going to be shared on social media on top of SEO if you were to write an article what would you want to see on it and what I mean by that is when I’m reading an article online whether it’s on or different platforms or it’s an article I want to see the emotion I want to see visual elements copywriting I want to be entertained and hooked in that article I want to see maybe even a video ined that kind of explains things in detail and as a reader you want to help and see and get that guidance from that article so if I’m the marketer or content writer I want to think about those things as a reader on the other side something that people also forget is you want to make sure that your content is mobile friendly has a good layout and you’re also using specific brand colors an easy way to find your brand colors for your website or your blog content is just using a tool called colors. it’s completely free and it’s actually a little fun we can go and click on start the generator and you can press the space bar to find specific unique colors and mainly contrast colors for your website but by finding and clicking on the space bar you can find colors that you might like so you know this raay in black is actually pretty cool so if you like it you can go Ahad and toggle that lock and we can click on this button again and see if there’s anything else that we can use as a contrast or separate color and this is really unique because it’s going to make it easy for us to use our brand colors and just choose the ones that you like save the hex code and move on now that we found our brand color we understand that we can use an SEO tool like Surfer SEO to help us with an SEO driven approach we want to go ahead and make sure that our content layout is really good so the reason why I say that you need to have like brand colors and specific unique colors in your content is because it’s going to help with user experience now I have an example from market watch they actually had a huge boost in traffic after the Google core algorithm updates and they get a ton of people visiting their website and you can see here their brand color never changes they have really good button colors that kind of stand out from the rest of the page they have nice table charts and we can actually go to one of their articles and based on this article they’re actually ranking on the first page of Google for best solar companies they get a lot of traffic to this they have a high Authority using the atress free Chrome extension and again the colors is perfect they have a nice key takeaways box they have table comparisons of all of their best products the color looks good it really pops out compared to the rest of the content and you just want to have the a simple layout just like this and I wouldn’t change it even honestly just try to model what this website is doing okay so we understand that we need to go with an SEO driven approach I showed you the brand colors I’ve shown you and how we should structure and layout our content and even the color scheme that they’re using next is how to actually write our articles and our blog post outlines and again we’re going to be using a tool called Surfer SEO you can use any tool you want such as phrase newon writer and again my favorite currently is Surfer SEO they are a little bit more expensive so that’s why I always recommend just go and research an SEO tool that you want to use the one I’ve been I’ve always been with is Surfer SEO and I’ve always been using them for the past three and a half years so they’re they have a ton of different tools but the one that we’re going to be focusing on is going to be the content editor so this’s jump into the dashboard here and everything else is kind of irrelevant at this moment but we just need to look at content editor and from here we can go ahead and enter a specific keyword and again remember we found that search intent based off of using AI or using our own manual methods and I can go Ahad and enter the exact keyword here for how to write content for local SEO so that’s going to be our article and we’re going to write this ourself we’re not going to be using their Surfer AI tool and one thing I like to do is I want to make sure that my search results are in the US cuz that’s who I’m targeting I also want to make sure that my settings are for mobile because I usually have most of my audience coming from a mobile device and then from here you can continue adding more specific keywords related to how to write content for local SEO as long as it relates to it but we’re just going to go ahead and use this one keyword specific thing and I’m going to go and enter create for One content editor credit and what this is going to do is going to pull all the information from the top 10 competitors and other relevant data so I can know and see what I need to write about and what kind of structure I can use all right so it took about a minute and it looks like it’s ready to go so let’s go and enter this credit and now we have this entire document editor so on the right hand side most of them are going to be very similar by the way everyone but on the right hand side we have a Content score so this is the average and the top scores of our competitors we can actually click on customize and we can see our competition here so we have 14 ideas for local SEO content we have local SEO content how to create engaging content marketing Strat for local SEO so you can see our competition is pretty uh up there and then from there we can see our content structure so we can see that we probably need a roughly about 2,188 words we need about 25 headings we need around 54 paragraphs and at least 11 images and then from here we have all of the keywords we can include in this article that are completely relevant to this topic here or based on the search intent now there’s two ways we can go about this we can use Surfer own AI native outline Builder or we can use another tool like chat GPT or Claud and use a specific prompt so let me show you both ways and you can choose the one that you want to use so the prompt I’m going to be using is called create a blog post outline that matches the blank intent without including irrelevant sections the blog post title is called blank so grab your content that you’re going to be writing for so the topic was how to create content for local SEO we’re going to enter the blog post title here and then the intent was informational so add that there and from here we can go ahead and start seeing what’s going to do for us okay so this is not that bad so we have the blog post outline how to write content for local SEO we have the intro we have this one here saying understanding local SEO researching local keywords writing content with local Focus optimizing content for local SEO different types of local content types how to build backlinks and a conclusion then we can keep moving forward and we can even ask it to give us some FAQ questions we can give it and see if there’s anything else that might be relevant to our post but this is just starting point you want to use Ai and you want to use your own methods to find and create a perfect outline with Surfer we can also see by clicking on this outline feature we can look at other headings that our competitors might be using and we can use that for ourself from there you can continue optimizing the blog post outline and create something that you can always reference to every single time and then just make small adjustments depending on the topic so I can go ahead and add that outline in here and see what it does so now our score went from 0 to 33 and that is not that bad just based off of that we don’t even have the introduction yet or the title so we can add in a lot more details in here and see what happens so let me just go ahead and show you using the surfer AI outline bu Builder and see what they do so just going to click on insert outline and it’s going to create an outline for us this can usually take some time since it’s using Ai and different data um but honestly it’s really exciting let’s go ahead and see what it does for us all right so we just got an outline and it looks like the score went to 63 um that’s insane but we have the title how to write content for local SEO a step-by-step guide to success and now we have this H2 understanding local SEO what is local SEO what are the fundamentals researching keywords writing and optimizing the local SEO content how to utilize Google my business so some things need to be fact checked because you know Google my business has recently changed to Google business profile so there’s a few things you want to adjust and that’s completely fine AI only to help us about 80 to 90% of the way there and I think this is really good from here I can continue adding my own information that I want to include I can remove specific things that I think might be overwhelming to the article and I can also fact check specific things if you know such as the Google business profile that needs to be adjusted but you can see how fast this is going to get us to writing a killer blog post with AI so now that we’ve created an blog post outline our next step is working on the introduction and the introduction is quite honestly the most important part of this entire process you’re going to want to craft a hook that grabs the attention of your audience right away we can you use sales copywriting Frameworks such as Ada or pass and I’m going to show you what that looks like in just a second and you want to clearly State the value the reader is going to get from your article so whether they’re reading a informational post or they’re looking for a product to purchase you want to be upfront with that value whether it is the product or the service or the solution you’re going to want to also use a conversational tone and make it feel relatable while also still pertaining to SEO best practices keep it really concise and compelling so don’t have any fluffing your content don’t forget to always fact check and personalize your content if you’re using AI so let’s actually write a blog post introduction together and again for this example we’re going to be using chat GPT but you can use any AI model that you want so for this example I’m going to keep it really simple for this video but we’re going to say write a blog post post introduction that uses the adaa framework to hook in my readers keep it conversational with zero fluff and jargon make sure you include a summary box or tldd which is also known as too long didn’t read it’s just like an a summary of the entire article at the end of the introduction use roughly 120 words and and use these exact keywords and the reason why I say that is because I can choose some keywords that Surfer SEO has given us here so I can put in local business as a keyword I can put in search end results as another keyword and then I can use blog post as the last one so we’re going to use those three keywords we’re going to keep it at 120 words and uh there’s a lot of good info here so let’s try out and see what happens all right so not bad so this is the introduction as a local business owner you know that standing out in search engine results is crucial for attracting customers but how do you ensure your content gets noticed when competing with larger Brands the answer lies in mastering local SEO so it’s not overwhelming it doesn’t sound too robotic in this blog post we’ll break down exactly how to write content that not only ranks but also resonates with your local audience whether you’re new to SEO or looking to refine your strategy these tips will help you climb the search engine ladder and then it included a tldr learn how to write content that boosts your local business visibility on search Eng and results with acable tips and strategies ities for local SEO so I I can actually include this in our post now so I’m going to copy and then add that into the surfer document and now our score is 72 we still have so much to do here but you can see how our article is going to slowly get better and better using the specific keyword research and these SEO prompts and it’s going to be super powerful for your content now that we’ve completed the intro we have an amazing outline we can just start writing our content and you can use AI Assistance or you can just go ahead and write this on your own and then use AI to help you edit your content so again let AI assist in you’re generating articles but make sure you keep your own voice and make sure that you train it on your tone and what you would normally write you want to focus on clarity as you write content and you want to make complex information very simple you can even ask AI to help you as you write your content you can feed AI your paragraph that you wrote and ask it to if whether if it’s too complex to make it simple or give you ideas on that process you always want to make sure that you break up your content into those subheadings to make it easy to read give line breaks and then break it up with visual Elements which we’re going to talk about in just a second here again don’t forget to fat check all of your information and always personalize all of your content so again you want to choose what you want how you want to write this a lot of people really choose using AI to help them some people just want to write this on their own but just again be mindful if you’ve never written an article before I do recommend that you start writing your own content for at least the first 5 to 10 articles or Beyond and you can slowly start to use AI to help you and assist you in this process so let’s say you do want to use AI this is usually how I go about it I normally write by paragraph by paragraph or section by section because if you add too much information to AI it’s usually going to hallucinate and going to mess up your entire output so for this example let’s go ahead and write this post section all right so so what I like to say is usually write this next section using an eighth grade reading level and the next section that we had is copied from our document editor for what is local SEO and I’m going to go ahead and use that example so I put in the H2 what is local SEO then I have those bullet points for that and I can go ahead and continue to say use these exact keywords and I can go ahead and enter those keywords from Surfer that I want to use and you guys get the idea just go ahead and repeat this over and over again until you use all the proper keywords you can also go ahead and write the article on your own whatever you feel most comfortable with that is the most important thing and this is your article so you want to feel comfortable posting it and sharing it online I can also say use 100 words only and this go and see what it does for us awesome so what is local SEO local SEO is all about making sure your website and online content shows up when people search for businesses like yours in your area it helps your local business get noticed by customers nearby and stand out from the competition so that’s sounds really good to me I can go ahead and grabb this here and then go and copy it back into my document editor and our content score is now at a 74 which is already above our competition but again we need to finish the whole article so you want to keep going and doing that over and over again until you like everything that you have you’ve completed an entire rough draft and we can keep moving forward so now that you know how to write a blog post with the help of AI or just doing it yourself you’re going to need to add visual elements for a higher retention rate this is so crucial when it comes to whether it’s Google SEO social media content first and you want your visitors to stay on your page longer adding visual elements will keep people from leaving your page and it’s going to keep them entertained so some things that we could use is images quizzes forms and even videos to break up that text and keep that person there longer visuals are always going to help enhance your content it should never be distracting you also want to make sure you optimize your visuals for quick loading time so you can if you’re on WordPress you want to make sure that you’re using using some kind of caching Plugin or an image compressor if you’re using another platform or CMS platform you want to make sure that those are also being optimized for quick loading times one of the most key things that people forget is all of your visuals are needed to be relevant based on what the content is providing so if we go back to our example from the first thing that you’ll notice is that we have the title here we have a last updated date to show that this is relevant we also have a place where we can compare quotes and this is kind of useful because it keeps the person on here longer because they’re putting in their information their zip code their emails and then from here we have a key takeaway section or a tldr what I love is that they also have a comparison chart with this color um most people are going to be reading this they can see you know the star rating the top picks for these companies there’s an internal linking going on here what I like is that they also give you the answer up front and they tell us what the best solar companies are right after this and then they even have a trusta section what I love is that they also have a product box element that kind of shows us like okay cool this is a good rating the the warranty where it’s available how many years this company is in business I can also get a quote they even have these pros and cons that makes me click to see what they show and this is keeping me on this page longer if I was a reader I’d probably be looking at all of these so I can choose the best one for my uh solar system so this is really great I mean I would even recommend if they had like a video ined here that would look even better you can add videos and visuals and a great way to do that is just using a tool like canva by using a tool like canva you can create amazing looking blog post images so these are just some ones that I use for Featured images but if I go Ahad and duplicate a page in canva I can go ahead and remove this here I can make myself bigger and add that right there in the corner on the left hand side we have elements we have text we have image uploads we can even draw we can use different apps that are connected to canva completely for free and most of them are free but there will be paid Tools in canva but you don’t need to pay for it for a long time I mean we could even add really interesting text here and I can shrink this I can make it large I can change the color and I could add whatever I want and make this image look amazing and just save it and add it to my content I can go to elements I can even add like a little coffee thing right here put it in the corner if I wanted to what I love about the paid version is I can even remove the background from images and you can do some crazy things with canva so it’s really cool I really enjoy it and I think everyone should use it for their images and that’s how I create all of my images you can even make video edits using canva so if we duplicate this again I can remove all this here I can go to elements and I can go to videos and I can make and choose a video that I want and I can add that right in here and now we have a whole video that we can embed in our website so try that out and use it for yourself now now you have a whole entire article done by this time you’ve created the blog post outline you’ve done all your prompting you’ve written the post you can also edit using AI you added visuals using canva or other tools like chat gbt and last but not least we can go ahead and repurpose our content into different content formats this is really cool because you can turn your blog post into social media content you can turn it into video script outlines like I’ve been doing with this channel you can create an emo sequence or even create a lead magnet based on your article you can use specific little Snippets and use that to drive traffic back to your full article and then repurposing content really just saves time and maximizes your reach one huge disclaimer though is that you don’t want to just repurpose a content from The Prompt and then just publish it you want to add a little bit more personalization and add and tweak specific things so it sounds like you if you’re posting it on social media for people to see so the simplest way to do this is just asking the AI to help you repurpose your content you can create create templates in different formats which I’m going to be showing you in future videos and for this one you can just write a specific prompt and be specific about it so it gives you the proper content I can go and enter this here I can say write a LinkedIn thread that could go viral for my blog post above use LINE breaks and a powerful short hook in the first sentence and use a grade reading level so now we have some kind of information we can go off of again you don’t want to post this right off the bat you need to edit it add a little bit more maybe even be better with your prompts and have more advanced system prompts so this is want local business to stand out online let’s talk about local SEO the game changer that gets you noticed on search engine results Pages here’s a quick guide to writing content that will boost your visibility and bring in more customers it even gives us little emojis here but number one what is local SEO create local content you know Target search volume stand out in local search results all of this here is just a starting point for us to write our local LinkedIn content so this is really powerful you can do this for any social platform that you want try it out for yourself and see what happens but again this is insanely powerful for anyone to use all right so you finally learned how to write an entire article with the help of AI and I’m super pumped that you went through this whole entire training if you have any questions go ahead and feel free to drop those in the comment section below and I’ll make make sure to respond to you even if it takes a few days if you want to learn how to use different AI prompts for blogging you can watch this video next or if you just want to learn how to start a blog and build an audience you can also watch this video as well thank you guys so much for watching I’ll see you in the next one don’t forget to subscribe thank you so much

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