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how do you write really great affiliate marketing blog posts and get people to actually click on your links and buy through your links well if you ask Google you’re just going to get a bunch of thin blog posts that give you theories around how to set up a Blog for affiliate marketing and finding your audience and like all this stuff we’re going to skip past all of that assuming you know who you’re talking to you know what makes them want to purchase and all of that stuff we’re going to we’re just going to skip right on forward and today I want to show you how to write affiliate marketing blog posts that make people actually want to buy from you now I’m going to give you some examples the examples are also going to be in the description down below if you want to go and visit any of the blog posts that we’re going to talk about today but I’m going to give you actual examples and tell you why I think these blog posts are great I’m going to give you some examples of my own as well as some that I found out on the internet because because this is probably one of the most asked questions that I get on this YouTube channel and in my business how do I do affiliate marketing on Pinterest well if you want to do affiliate marketing on Pinterest you really need to know how to write really good blog posts because at the end of the day pinners are not going to convert on cold affiliate links when they’re not even ready to purchase maybe they’re still in decision mode so if you are here because you you want to write really good affiliate posts and you know nothing about Pinterest we stick around because that’s what this channel is primarily about but if you are also here just because you want to learn how to do Pinterest for affiliate marketing and this video was sent to you well welcome my name is Heather FIS I’ve been in business since 2016 I have had three main websites all of them have generated an income in one way or another but all of them have also generated an income from affiliate marketing so without further Ado let’s actually just Dive Right on into the components of a really great affiliate blog post number one you are going to write really detailed content you are going to avoid the generic advice that you’re going to find on on this blog post for example like Shopify there’s nothing actually wrong with this blog post I think some of the things that they put in the blog post are great but I don’t want you to look at these big websites and think oh well they’re writing their post like that so I can do that tattoo that is absolutely not what what you can do as a smaller Creator you’re going to have to go deeper you’re going to have to go wider and you’re going to have to go above and beyond so I want you to focus on creating really good detailed content now more of that as we dive through the different types of blog posts coming up the second component of writing really great affiliate blog posts is to know the product and speak about the product honestly that is going to mean that some of you are not going to be able to write blog posts about products that you’ve never used about programs that you have no idea just because they have a high affiliate commission and all of these affiliate marketing gurus are telling you to just get on ClickBank or whatever and find products and Link them wherever on the internet that’s going to rule out some of that strategy because if you want people to trust you and you want people to stick around and buy through your links then you need to be honest about your experience and your relation to this produ produ so you really need to know the product well and write about it honestly number three and this should be obvious but it is not is to always disclose your relationship with the affiliate link before you place the link this is actually law in the United States I don’t know what the laws are around the world so if you are not in the United States you need to check your own however you have to disclose and that is a component of writing a really good affiliate blog post people will not trust you if you dup them number four answer questions throughout the post so if you can go into detail about this product because you really like it then chances are you can answer questions about the product and you can actually foresee what some of the questions are going to be from people just like you who are using this product or thinking about purchasing it so if you can answer questions you can even go to Google and see what those questions also also are like the people also ask questions hello Google’s outlined them for you go there answer those questions in your blog post number five is to Showcase product shots things like about the product showcase the product itself don’t just write a wall of text and expect people to understand what you’re talking about put in in product examples photos videos if the brand has photos that you can use then go ahead and insert those in if you don’t have your own photos but always make sure you have the ability to actually use those photos and if you have to give attribution make sure you do so let’s actually get into the meat of the video and talk about the types of blog posts that you can write for affiliate marketing so the first one is a tutorial and the first one is mine and in fact this blog post probably sends me a few new subscriptions every single month if I were to get more traffic to this post or bring this post more up you know on my Vlog or whatever probably would get more traffic to it and more clicks uh but this post is all about tailwind and I’m teaching you how to use Tailwind according to my methodology and I’m showing you all the components of Tailwind now in this blog post I go really in depth I have photos I have mockups I have screenshots and circles where I’m telling you like what all of these things are and that is one feature of a really great blog post cuz remember I mentioned show showcase photos go into into depth really really go into detail on how to use a product if you can anticipate what people are going to use the product for and include that in or other ways people can use this product other than just like for example this particular blog post for me is about Pinterest I could update this blog post and add in how to use this how to use Tailwind for Facebook how to use Tailwind for Instagram how to use Tailwind ads for e-commerce like I could add all of those things in and that is me anticipating other ways people would use this product and I could add in tutorial pieces or outlines for those other uses as well okay so example number two is a review blog post the blog post example I’m going to show you here is from the every mom and it’s on a breast pump specifically a very specific type of breast pump now this brand actually did a really good job of answering questions throughout the review blog post they also showcased imagery of moms nursing moms using the product so you can see for yourself what this is going to look like when you get the product if you decide to use it so this was actually a really really great example of a review of a very specific product and if you notice if you go to this link um in the description of the video and you open it up on your own browser up at the very top of the blog post is that disclosure that says we will make an affiliate commission okay so our next example are comparison blog posts these blog posts actually are a kind of a marriage between a list post which we’re going to get to and a review post it’s actually kind of marrying those two together and it is comparing different products so you can see here on the millennial money woman she’s actually doing a comparison of all the different budgeting apps that you can use to manage your finances I think this is a really great blog post it’s kind of thin on words but she gets her point across by giving it a star review outlining the best things and the like the pros and cons for each tool and who each tool is actually a good use for so if you go and you look at that post you’ll notice there’s not a ton of words but she did do a good job of outlining and like adding in photos of what the apps are going to look like um and giving you an honest review of all of them now comparison post number two is actually mine there are a ton of words in this blog post this was my scheduler blog post that I where I reviewed like five or six different Pinterest schedulers for this YouTube channel back in 2021 I think or maybe it was 22 I can’t remember now if you were here then you may remember that video and that video has actually sparked marked a ton of partnership opportunities for me since doing it and I’ve had other scheduler companies reach out I’ve had those scheduler companies reach out and ask if I could also talk about their products so not only do these types of blog post generate interest from other brands but it also is just a really great way for you to Showcase your knowledge on all the tools so this particular comparison blog post was comparing all the different Pinterest schedulers that I tried I rated them all I listed pros and cons all of that information is there and I even have images and screenshots of the tools now this post does really well for me on you know various platforms but it doesn’t drive a ton of affiliate commissions for all of the tools because these tools have you know retired programs or whatever but the one tool it does do really well for me for is Tailwind obviously so you can see the difference the comparison blog post is very much a review post a list post and comparisons like all married in together you can see how all of these posts they just they’re blog posts they kind of all are similar in ways um but they all have different jobs moving on to my final example which is the list style post a list post can be a list of like tools so my Tailwind post could be a list post it could be a list of budgeting apps kind of like the millennial money woman’s or it could also be a list of products to purchase after an event so this blog post I’m showing you is the nine things that you need after you purchase an RV or a trailer and these are very simple to the point there is no fluff here I’m telling you exactly what you need and I give you a list of bonus items that you might also want to keep on hand this blog post has been one of the single best income drivers for my blog from Amazon and this blog post ranks really well in multiple different places but Pinterest is one of the main ones so you can also go the route of creating a list now with each product I Showcase in that blog post I have a blurb around why you need the product not just here’s the product buy it but why so make sure you give a little bit more detail if you do create list posts that way people can actually get value from the content so I hope this blog post kind of the types of affiliate blog posts that you can write is helpful I hope you go and visit the links in the description down below so you can study each blog post and then hopefully when you go and do some competitor research or just market research you can see the types of blog posts that fall Within These categories that you can create for yourself I am a girl of examples so I need lots of examples so go and visit those links and do some studying now I have a bonus for you for creating affiliate income and that is to add a Content upgrade or like an often to your blog post specific to the affiliate so a few examples of how you could go about doing this is number one you could do a setup video like how to set up your Tailwind account after you use my affiliate link so you use my link to sign up I’m going to give you this course for free or whatever it is it could be something so simple it could be an ebook but it could be something that they only get when they use your affiliate link now another way to go about this is to get people into your email list that might be interested in purchasing with your link or this product from you and then you nurture them email back to the sale so that’s two very distinct ways if you’re interested more in hearing about affiliate funnels I think I have a YouTube video on this channel that talks about it I will link it in the description down below if I can find it if I can’t I’m sorry just my apologies but in the meantime if you are interested in Pinterest for affiliate markeet getting head on over here and watch these videos
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