How to Write a Blog Post That Ranks Using AI

Learn how to write blog posts faster using generative AI. Follow the proven AI writing process our team used to increase blog …

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let’s face it people the future is here technology is at a place where anyone literally anyone can click a button and just like magic instantly generate a blog post I mean it’s so simple even a dog could do it problem is these AI articles are written on a very basic level plus there’s also no way of knowing if what it writes is even accurate so in this video I’m going to show you how to properly write a reliable blog post using Ai and get amazing results [Music] before we jump into it the strategy I’m going to talk about is actually the same one we use for our blog right here at word tune whereby posting just two articles a week we’ve managed to consistently grow organic traffic before writing your article go through the short checklist to make sure you’re on the right track first do you know anything about this topic I could always write about how to style facial hair but if I’m being honest that’s not actually something I have much experience with give me a topic like social media though and we’re good to go next are you providing any value will you be teaching people something practical or unique and lastly does this topic pique your interest if it doesn’t move on to something else that does so after all that I’ve decided that my article is going to be about crafting the perfect LinkedIn bio which happens to be something I know a lot about our first step toward our AI written article is research research is a major part of writing and journalism if you want to Deep dive into this topic we have a three-part series over on our blog you can check it out by clicking the link in the description the main reason it’s important to do your research first is so that you could fact check just to make sure that what the AI creates is accurate step two is all about crafting your main message every article should have a big idea AKA a premise angle position opinion thesis statement whatever you’d like to call it they all mean the same thing which is the thing you are trying to say so continuing with our example here’s the main idea I’m going to go with for my article in order to write a great LinkedIn bio you should follow a proven successful template having a clear main idea will ensure that later on when you’re using AI to generate content it won’t Veer you in the wrong direction or steer you off course alright we are ready to write with AI with the main idea as your base you can use that to outline your article which is what I did over here this includes the categories I came up with to showcase the different types of BIOS people tend to have now let’s dive into some of those points I’ve outlined and see how using AI makes it way easier to write all right let’s start with this one the biggest strengths and achievements linked in BIO this point has to do with writing a bio that includes your strengths and achievements who would have thought right I’ll just drop this into word tune and click explain and there you go I might change this up a bit to make it my own you could also get more suggestions until you land on the one that you like but I think it’s clear how much time and hassle this can really save you alright moving on for every category I listed I also want to add a who is it four paragraph So for that I’ll just click expand and write who is it for since I’m doing this paragraph by paragraph and not just generating the whole article at once like some other tools do won’t name any names but it rhymes with schmate sheet Beauty writing like this gives you more control over how it turns out and feels like you’re creating something you can call your own and just like that here is the finished result this article actually ranked in Google after just a few days if you want to know the timeline it took me about two hours to finish and if I hadn’t used AI it probably would have taken me twice as long step 4 feedback and final review with AI you can never be too careful and that’s why it’s extra important to pay attention to your feedback before you publish it’s time to send it over to friends and co-workers and get their opinions if they feel like something doesn’t flow right or just sounds a bit off or clunky that means that it’s pretty obvious it was written by a bot in this case you should go back to editing and personalizing your content a bit more to wrap things up though AI is most definitely a game changer when it comes to creating content it’s important to remember that these tools were meant to be used as assistance and not replacements for this reason your professional judgment as a writer should always come into play whether you’re bringing awareness to important issues or teaching people how to style their hipster mustaches raiding has the power to make a difference in the lives of readers and writers the last Quick tip to grow your career is to always keep learning and a great way to do that is by hitting that subscribe button thanks so much for watching and I’ll see you in the next video bye [Music] foreign

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Sáb Oct 19 , 2024
DISEÑO DE LOGOTIPO DESDE CERO! En este tutorial voy a mostrarte como CREAR un diseño de logo minimalista (PASO POR … Pida el logo perfecto a precio bajo; para su negocio, empresa, o para revenderlas en otros sitios que pagan el servicio a precios más caros, ganando la diferencia: ✔️Clic […]

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