How to Make a Post on Google Business Profile – How to Post…

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all right we’re going to show you how to create a post on your Google business profile listing which used to be Google my business but it’s now called Google business profile now this is not how to set up your account or at a business this is just how to create a post on it so this is thinking I’m hoping that you’ve already added your business and whatnot so typically what I do uh when I’m going back into the Google business profile is of course type in Google business profile and go to manage now over here which goes to this screen and then um it goes to manage now over here now as you know Google my business is very very good for marketing whether it’s for your local marketing to create posts to update people about deals that you have because you know everybody goes to Google when they are first searching for things that they want or to a search engine which is mostly Google so a good way or a good way to go for your marketing is to make sure you are always updating your Google my business so that all your posts and all your services show up right here to this part where you could see my mouse going round and round as you can see five days ago was when we added our last post which said get fast results with our social media services so we are just going to show you how to create that because when you add an update and when you create a post what’s so cool is it goes over here so that when people search for you they get to see this little shelf Banner shelf light I mean what do I want to call it a top shelf space in your views because you know I mean how many Scrolls do you have to go down and you see here but now let’s create our post so now once you log in you could see you have uh you have your uh dashboard here and you have all of these icons here but what we want to do again is create a post so hit that Arrow right there and you will see add update right here that’s how we can create a post now I will scroll down or up or whatever it is let’s go down here again and you can see that that same ad update is right here which I think is cool because you might just not know what your last post was and if you go here you might have created the whole post and not remember that you did it so uh being able to see your last poster gives you an idea of what next you can post you know but you can also add an update here hitting clicking this and clicking this take you to the same spot and of course this is our desktop not our mobile phone just clearing that out there now click add update once you click add update what is cool is you have three types of posts that you can uh add here right one is AD update post updates to your customers on Google which what shows up there at offer create an offer and attract customers to your business which is pretty pretty cool and then you can also add an event right here these are the three updates that you can add so what we’re gonna do though is create a post here now once you do that it gives you the opportunity to add the description of your posts over here to add your photos over here and to add a button over here which is optional you don’t have to add the button but if you are a marketer you know how important it is to add a button it’s you know a CTA a call to action because you want your customers to take an action so all right so all your um options are here you can book right here you can order online you can buy you can learn more you can sign up you can call now and uh typically depending on what you’re doing it will provide you the space to do uh what you need to do or what you need to put there whether it’s learn more it’s a link or buy a link order online you can put that there but we will show you how really soon okay so let’s add our description and to make life easy we typically um just use an AI to do that so what I’m going to do is pull our AI here and I have typed my prompts in here and so here we go all right so this time we’re going to talk about Commercial Real Estate Services and it’s a Google my business offer post which is pretty much what we want to post here but to make life easy we’re just going to use our AI tool all right so let’s generate our caption here and see what it gives us because that’s just what we’re going to copy or at least selectively take stuff out of to paste in there because at times you just don’t want to copy what exactly the AI gives you okay so bizkron’s a social media marketing company that specializes in providing services to commercial real estate industry we have been successfully helping our clients to grow their business on social media since 2013 and are looking forward to doing the same for you our social media marketing package includes Facebook Instagram and Linkedin advertising as well as access to our team of experts who will help you build your brand and generate leads with each post in addition we offer weekly reporting so you can see exactly what’s working and what isn’t for more information please visit www.bizcribe Media or services or contact us which is pretty pretty cool yep all right so we’re going to just copy this some of it is not true but we will make those changes here all right uh okay so we will copy that and go over here because that just looks very good Okay now what’s awesome is we can view if I hitting the preview you tend to see how exactly it looks so let’s go back here bizkron media is social media marketing company that specializes in providing and what’s also good is you can see this little arrow right here you can just scroll down so you can see a better view right there okay we have been successfully helping our clients to grow their business on social media since 2013 and uh that’s actually we started in 2015 so as you can see and looking forward to doing the same our social media marketing packages include Facebook Instagram LinkedIn advertising as well as accessories team of experts who will build your brand and generate leads with each post no because that’s not true you can’t generate leads with each post and help generate leads okay all right now so we’ll take that out so that’s the that’s C that’s the thing about AI it’s not always what exactly is you always have to tweak it you still have to do it in addition we offer weekly reporting so you can see exactly what’s working and what isn’t no we don’t because we set up reporting for you where you can actually just go see your reports right away at any time of the day all right so visit here for more information okay so that’s our caption that we’ve put in there right that we grabbed from our AI tool it just seems perfect we’re gonna add our picture and what we do is Click add your picture and as you can see you could browse or you could drag your file and what we’re going to do is just drag our file here see and our picture should show up and you can add as you can see up to 10 pictures that you can add there up to 10 pictures so how about we add just another well sorry we can’t do that you got to click this before you can add or drag so we’re just going to drag another picture here so now we have two pictures now let’s hit our button because we want them to learn more right okay and we could just put Biz crown right and now we pretty much have our post so let’s see preview here and see that so this shows you how exactly it’s going to show up and how many pictures is there any good rule of thumb is just to read over here because you know you might need to make edits and when you need to make edits just you go back there um so we need a period here and let’s see here we are going to um take this off because that shouldn’t have been 20 link for your button there we go all right and then preview our post again as you can see and what we do after then is just click post your update is being reviewed if it isn’t approved you’ll receive an email and you typically do now I will tell you one of the things you want to avoid when you are posting is putting your phone number in the captions or putting your links in the captions if you noticed over here it lists please visit Crown media for your services or your phone number well if you do that Google typically deletes it why because I think they have created call to action buttons already for you so again if you add an update here you can’t put your phone number or your or uh web your www dot you know your web name can’t put it there because you have call to action buttons here for that and when I’ve done that in the past and others have done that in the past where you typically get is the post deleted and a message from Google now let’s talk about adding an offer all right so for your offer you can add your offer title as it says 20 off in store and online you get to add the start date of when your offer starts you get to add the end date of when your offer is ending and also you can add more details sorry sorry the discount code the link to redeem offer their terms and all that conditional stuff and it you go about it the same way you add your photos and you click post and the offer shows up there likewise um the score changes if you don’t want your change I mean sorry if you don’t want your post you can discard your change like that like wasn’t likewise sorry excuse me an event you add your event title the start date of the event the time of the event the end date the time the event details the button needed for you to um have him sign up for the event or call you to book the event you click post and that typically goes to um your events for people to book or for people to call you based on what your call to action button is so that’s pretty much how you can create a post on your Google business profile with the intentions of it being approved and showing up for it to display over here after your post has been approved now I’m going to refresh this page over here and see if it’s been approved already which you know typically shouldn’t take that long but let’s see any um sorry changes we might have made Might reflect here oh wow we have nothing showing up so I will do bizcraft media again let’s see it could be just the updates too there we go as you can see now we have it here now we have the post here and um you can see what we just posted shows up here but that’s how you can create a post on Google my business or sorry excuse me Google business profile and if you need access to also be able to create it I’ll add the affiliate link in this video post over here for uh this wonderful software that we use so that you know you can use it and create your Google Business posts pretty quick you know see how long that took in no time so hope this was helpful and like And subscribe our page if this was helpful so we can always give you great content that just makes life easier for you [Music]

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