How to Create PERFECT Blog Articles in Minutes

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competition online has never been so intense and if you want to rank high on Google you need to do everything possible to make sure your blog articles show up at the top when someone types in the keyword and in this video I’m going to show you how I’m scoring good to perfect 7.5 and up on semrush’s internal you know rating tool how they rate blog articles for SEO I’m going to use three tools I’m going to show you exactly how I do this I’m going to use Google bard because there’s been some cool updates with Bard right we’re going to use word Galaxy which you know has awesome updates too it has chat EBT 4.0 which we’ll get into right and we’re going to use semrush so let’s get into it so this whole thing started because Google bard pushed an update and it just kind of piqued my interest right I was just like let’s see what’s going on here so it says it’s available new places and languages so they included languages great it can read responses out loud it can do all these other things but I started to dig further and further into Barton you’re going to like what I found so let’s start at the start I gave it some pictures right have you seen this person before and we off the bat right keep in mind this is all for the purpose of blogging it said I can’t help you with images of people and then I said how can I improve this thumbnail right I want to know how can I improve my YouTube thumbnails I said yet again can’t help you with people right and I said what is this right a picture and it said oh this picture is from the artist here found on Art station I want you to realize this keep this in the back your head what it just showed us it recognized this picture right here no problem and it’s cited where it’s from easily very easily right I said tell me about this and it says oh it’s like Chad should be T and it represents this that and another Google knows pictures really well keep this in mind as we go through this and just as a test I said tell me about this one it said it’s about it’s by this artist and farm it’s from Heroes made at this date Google knows pictures better than I thought it did keep this in the back your head as we go through this practice now check this out you’re gonna like this I said do blog posts with original images help with SEO now keep in mind I’m asking Google this Google bard it is a large language model but it’s Google it says yes blog posts with original images can help with SEO and here’s why help user experience can help improve SEO Rank and I wanted to know about this one and can help attract backlinks when you use original images in your blog post you’re given search engines more content to index that’s very interesting let’s keep going with this we’re going down the rabbit hole this all ties in to creating better blog posts I said can you explain this better images can help improve your SEO ranking right that one that we we singled out and said look here’s how it can do it and basically what it says is if you’re using like stock photos Google already knows you’re using stock photos this just verifies it this was kind of like knowledge we all thought we knew this but it’s saying look for example let’s say you have a blog post about how to make a chocolate cake if you include an original image of chocolate cake in your blog post search engines will be able to index the image and include it in search results you have potential for more clicks if you use original images and Google here is validating it this is very very interesting so check this out I pressed it a bit more and it gave me some you know pros and cons table look here feature relevance stock image versus original but did you know you can export look I click this button I could export these tables to um look at this this is sweet I can export tables right here I mean this is super useful I didn’t know Bart could do that I did it here too anyways I said can you provide a table explaining other SEO factors of original images file name right this is stuff I teach in the master class alt text captions image size image format all these things wonderful and we can export it but let’s get into the meat and potatoes right meat and potatoes you know what I did here I said if I were to copy and paste these tables uh would it be considered plagiarism I’m basically asking Bard right here like if I use your content you’re giving me here first off would you know about about it second off should I cite you I said you’re llm how am I supposed to cite you and it said the following table was generated by Bard a large language model created by Google AI can you tell whether a table posted on a Blog is plagiarized it says yes I can tell so the sophistication of Google knowing everything about everything I mean this is happening in front of our eyes does Google do these types of comparisons actively when crawling websites yes Google does do these types of comparisons actively Google knows everything so of course I ask you what is the most effective way to use Bard and it says here’s what you can do use it to create high quality content and I’m like you just told me I can’t do that because it’s plagiarism come on and said we can do uh optimization for images and then this is where I started to think all right use bar to research keywords and I’m thinking to myself chat should be T says you can do this too but it really can’t but Bard is different here’s why Bard is different and I kind of pressed it on the plagiarism thing a bit but I said what Google apis do you have access to right very important Google search Google Translate Google Cloud vision and right here Google Cloud natural language okay entities mentioned in text and my brain’s going ding ding ding ding ding ding ding this is what I’m looking for I didn’t expect to happen upon it Google Cloud natural language I can use this to understand the meaning of text this includes information about the sentiment of text the entities mentioned in the relationship between entities this is what this is like gold we just found gold but how do we use it but my end goal is to find a way to use word Galaxy better than ever before right in the custom article workflow I have a keyword I have headers and I have keyword additional keywords lsis and this is why I’m interested in what Bard is giving us so now we’re cooking with fire and this is where the fun begins can you provide a table using the Google Cloud you’re gonna have to listen pay attention to these next prompts right this is where the usefulness for you comes into play can you provide a table using Google Cloud on all semantically related entities to bass fishing in their specific entity-based relationships that’s a good prompt right I’m testing Google sure here is a table entity bass relationship is a type of fish fishing is an activity Rod is a tool this stuff looks simple looks simple not simple at all because we are getting an inside scoop into Google’s brain bash relates to efficient and all these in a very systematic semantically related way very very interested and you can export it right so let’s keep going create a larger Corpus including your proposed additions and it said sure no problem and it goes on and on and on and this can work for any Niche we are starting to get into the brain of Google Now what are these things useful for right two main things two main things number one a Content Hub if you have trouble or even if you don’t have trouble if you want to optimize your content hubs you can use this type of stuff I even press into it further in a second right and then what I’m going to really get into is the content on one blog post using these techniques right I ask it some other questions until I get back to the meat and potatoes I say what are some common Search terms for bass fishing and it gives me some stuff and it says yeah I know because of semrush you can use these tools I’m like but then this is another prompt pay attention provide a multi-column table for entities related to Common bass fishing searches this is useful right this is content Hub stuff this is stuff on page like SEO optimization on Page look bass bass fishing how to catch bass bass fishing tips all this stuff at our fingertips then I say provide a table and it kind of screws this one up but then but then I said try again this is okay this is okay but we’re going to keep going with it check this out provide an article header outline for best Creeks for bass fishing in Maryland this is where we get to how I was able to score so so high with word Galaxy on stem rush like with the click of a button this is what it is right here so provide an article header outline right H2S for best Creeks for bass fishing in Maryland as well as specific keywords I should inject throughout the article right here it is the title The subtitle and keywords great and it gives me some stuff it gives me you know article body that’s okay but here’s some keywords so what I did I took these exact keywords here inject these keywords throughout the article these are the exact things that I took right and I went to word Galaxy copy and I pasted it right there hello how hard was that let’s keep rolling with it where’s Bard all right we’re going to get back to Bard and then I said to make it a bit better I said here’s the uh I said reword this into actual H2 headers and it said uh sure here’s the article header outline and H2 headers and I said great and I took it I took conclusion to introduction and I pushed it yet again boom to the custom article workflow hello was that hard at all none of this is once we understand what to do and then I’m just going to get best creaks for bass fishing in Maryland we’re going to push it here and look word galaxy has variants three variants professional conversational and opinionated we have like 50 plus languages you can do in relative article length for the tests that I’m going to show you here I used all variants of the Styles right all different variants and I use article length of two now let’s see the results so here’s semrush’s SEO writing assistant this does some cool things right these first three here 7.6 7.6 and 7.4 were the different word galaxies right I have an article going right now the different styles all right the different styles the three different styles exactly all the same format here the same headers the same exact keywords and this is what it came out with seven six seven six seven four that’s like with a click of a button like that wasn’t hard at all to do that’s a good starting point I always recommend that you edit you know even more Galaxy stuff definitely everything edit edit edit make sure it’s factually correct but look here the score 7.4 the original originality excuse me is 100 original right people were worried about that stuff with AI content uh the tone of voice it says neutral so that’s good 88 consistent and the SEO they this is interesting look here to the right recommended keywords now I’m going to utilize these shortly to get even a higher score very very easily with word Galaxy but you can see here there is no quote unquote SEO issues and no originality issues right the tone of voice is not 100 consistent and the readability some sentences have a little fluff because of the style uh bass fishing a Pursuit right a little fluffy because of the type of style we chose but overall you know a 7.4 100 originality out of the gate with all three Styles not bad so check it out I just did a new article right same stuff but the difference is this article here is chat GPT 4.0 the stuff I’m showing you is semrush that’s all chat CPT 3.5 those articles cost like two cents an article but this is uh Chachi pt4 and it’s really nice right and all these keyword phrases you can click in the one if you said you know best uh bass fishing tips click here you can internally link just by clicking that button here type in you know your thing the Thrifty or whatever it will automatically push links there what we have here is an easy way to create articles super fast and keep in mind the examples I’m showing you on semrush is all 3.5 stuff 4.0 is better writing I mean it’s proven in open ai’s um API it says you know it had like better l-sat store scores it scored better on this and that so go check it out let me know what you think about it but let’s keep going with this so let me show you how I got the 8.2 perfect score quote unquote perfect score with semrush right how did I do this so let’s look here readability originality tone of voice not bad um the originality let’s just start there 100 original good the tone of voice 90 consistent nice uh the readability it says here’s one of the issues the target of this this is kind of funny it’s dinging us for this because chat should be excuse me word Galaxy does megalithic articles sometimes it was a 5 000 word article right it’s very in-depth but the target was only 500 Words so it’s dinging us for that and it says it’s fairly difficult to read based upon I think it’s like the Fletch score yeah the um Fletch reading score but not bad so we’re getting dinged a little bit on readability in a kind of funny way to me but nonetheless SEO let’s click here all of these it says recommended keywords so what I imagine semrush is doing is they’re crawling the internet excuse me um with with the serps and they’re recommended these keywords so all I did is I just copy and pasted them into a new article right I added them to this list and I re-ran the article like that’s not hard to do at all so this is the stuff from Bard and I’m taking the stuff the recommendation from semrush and all of a sudden I have this awesome article that’s scoring you know 8.2 out of of 10. so there’s how you can have excellent SEO optimized articles with like a click of the button that wasn’t hard but if you want to go deeper check out this video here right you know how to start to write a good article but how do you get backlinks to that article that matters check out this video because you know writing the article is one thing but having backlinks is another when you’re going after super highly competitive terms you’re going to need backlinks and this is a way to do it with chat should be T fairly easily so if you like this video please subscribe like it comment definitely comment tell me what’s going on um yeah and I hope you like this I appreciate everyone in the community I think we’re pushing like 16 000 subscribers right now thanks so much for that and anyways we’re going to continue to improve word Galaxy we just pushed out a bunch of updates go check that out I’ll have a link in the description anyways I’ll check you on the next one

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Dom Sep 1 , 2024
En este tutorial voy a mostrarte cómo crear un logo tipográfico en Illustrator, utilizando como elemento principal una tipografía … Pida el logo perfecto a precio bajo; para su negocio, empresa, o para revenderlas en otros sitios que pagan el servicio a precios más caros, ganando la diferencia: ✔️Clic aquí […]

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