SEO Checker – Description Tags

JEMSU’s SEO Checker analyzes your description tags.

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okay the next element that our seo checker looks at is your description tag and your description tag is another element that google pulls into its search engine results page so it has importance when it comes to conversion or convincing people to click on your listing to your site the description tag doesn’t have a lot of weight when it comes to optimization but does have that conversion weight to it which indirectly definitely impacts your seo and your rankings our seo checker really looks at two elements with your description tag one is the keyword that you’re trying to target the primary keyword that you’re trying to target for that page in the description and two is it under 160 characters again so you don’t get truncated a couple other best practices for description tags and writing good descriptions is one use proper english and proper grammar so you do want to use full sentence form and punctuation capitalizing the first letter and not the rest of the letters like you would in a title tag also some other good best practices for optimizing description tags are to utilize some calls to action within the description tag you can use even your phone number but definitely putting some calls to action in the description can help that click-through rate or that conversion element that is important to description tags so that is how our instant seo checker looks at those two elements thanks

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