Local SEO 2024: How To Get More Local Business Calls

Local SEO 2024: How To Get More Local Business Calls | Chris Palmer SEO : In today’s local SEO video …

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Hey there I am Chris Palmer in today’s local SEO video I’d like to share with you how your local Business website and GBP can start receiving more traffic more leads more sales and more phone calls by simply switching your mindset and having the end goal in mind at the start of the campaign or right now so I don’t want to waste too much time I want to go ahead and share with you a tool for visualization now this is a completely free tool I’m not sponsored by it it’s just a visualization tool now oftentimes and I’m sure just like yourself right I talk to business owners maybe just like you where you’re doing really well in your area a two to five mile radius right but you want to expand you want to get leads and traffic from other areas but the problem is is when you built your website you built your service Pages you built your GBP or Google business profile it’s all about your service and where you’re doing your service at currently when you started the campaign you probably weren’t thinking about hey I want to rank 10 20 miles out for my business and you set up your website that way you built your citations to the home page going to the main location you built your Google business profile the products the service the service area all with your main location in mind right your press releases all with the main location in mind right what I want to walk you through is some tips to help you start deploying a strategy that will lead to a more traffic sales calls everything that you want simply by just switching one thing so let me share with you this tool here this is calc Maps let’s say your business is in Hollywood all right you might already be doing really good in Hollywood but you want to get a 10 mile radius right that’s the end goal in mind right the end goal is I want to rank in all these places so I could get more calls and more leads and more sales so Hollywood Florida is where the business is that’s the red mark we have a 10 mile radius so the first step that I would do is figure out first and foremost make your list of services you know what services you provide the next thing is is how ambitious do you want to be because as you add more locations times your services that’s a lot of pages and a lot of work but regardless of how ambitious you want to be each of these locations that are in this 10 mile radius we need to a have a corresponding page on our website so if you’re a plumber you have uh uh plumber service Fort Lauderdale plumber service Melrose Park plumber service Davey plumber service Pembroke Pines these are called location-based service Pages these will be in your main navigation that’ll be in your header maybe your footer even in your body content you’re making it very evident to Google that not only are you a plumber service but you also provide the service in these areas so here’s what I would do all right think of your 10 mile radius if you want to go more ambitious by all means go right ahead make a list all right I should have wrote this first but make a list of your services okay survey make a list of your services then you need to build out your location based service pages so this is going to be your Service Plus location Your Service Plus second location every location in your 10 mile radius you need to have a page targeting that service for that area now if the volumes or whatever doesn’t make sense like if there’s no volume and there’s nobody searching then skip that area but Fort Lauderdale makes sense right Pembroke Pines Hollywood like these have a large search volume right so whatever makes sense in your radius that’s the pages that we want to have up so now we’ve we’ve visualized our 10 mile radius we’ve built our location-based service pages right we have our list of services okay the next thing is well we want to tune our GBP so our GBP tuning all right generally I always recommend to optimize all right like if you’re a website in one location if your website is targeting one area I always say hey you want to go abroad and then go hyper specific when you’re putting in your service area however if you have corresponding Pages or other verified gbps in those other areas it only makes sense to have those listings listed inside your GBP and if you have another verified listing then of course you’re going to have a corresponding page on your website but let’s stick with one GBP now that you’re inside your Google business profile all right for the service area all right where you service whatever page you build in your 10 mile radius on your website add that to your service area the next thing is inside of the products okay let’s say that your product is link Building Services this one right here could be link Building Services for Hollywood link Building Services for Davey link Building Services right Point these products to their relevant Pages why because now you’re connecting the dots for Google now you’re saying Hey Google on my website I’m talking about this service in this location that covers my organic now there’s still links and there’s other stuff to do and we’ll get to that but we want to start connecting the dots we have the page on our website check now we’ve gone in and we’ve marked it as our service area in our Google business profile check we’ve gone into our products and made location based service products in our Google business profile the best part is these link directly over to the site check right we’re checking our boxes now we’ve made the connection right GBP tuning gbp’s Google business profile tuning service area and products all right tie those to those individual location-based service Pages the next piece is is if you’re in this predicament and you’re ranking really well in your area remember the work that you did at the start of your campaign my GBP and my website is ranking really good where the business is located the reason is is because you built your citations you built your content you built your press releases around that location you need to do the same thing for your location-based service pages so the nest the next recommendation is citations for each location and you’re going to say well hey won’t that be a duplicate well no you’re changing the description you’re changing the URL the URL in the description is completely unique you can also have a unique image and you can also have a unique keyword the keywords in so keywords description the image everything can be different and if you even want to have localized numbers for those areas you could do that too but what I’m getting at is you can build citations to those internal pages to say hey I offer this service in this area now you have digital references on business directories and your citation sources saying hey this business does this service in this area it’s pointing to this website oh by the way the Google business profile is pointing at this page too right so now we’re building citations to the location-based service pages that we built right number six is do a press release regarding location plus service that you’ve just built right so again think about this I have the page on my site the Google business profile it’s marked in the service area and the Google business profile product is pointed to the page I’ve also now gone in and built digital references AKA citations and local business directories to those internal location-based service Pages the next thing is let’s get some authoritative sites saying hey this is who we are this is what we do and this is where we do it press release does that very well press release going to that internal location based service page the next thing would be of course why wouldn’t you want some other external backlinks going to those pages right so some external backlinks coming into those pages now I can increase the overall authority of that page on my website a lot of website owners still build links to the home page of their website you need to show importance to the other location based services that you do I have to get external votes coming in and internally I also want to internally link to those pages as well but now we’ve done our 10 mile radius we visualized our plan right we want to rank in this area we’ve built out the pages we’ve marked the service area in the GBP we’ve marked the products in the GBP and linked it to the relevant Pages we’ve built out individual location uh service based location citations and we’ve done PR for this particular location offering this service generally depending on the competition this should be enough to push you over the edge then if that wasn’t enough let’s get some more authoritative guest posts targeting specific anchor text containing location-based service keywords pointing into those pages I hope that this helps you out and how this can help you get more calls more leads more sales and more traffic is simple now on optimized my GBP is optimized for those services that I provide in the locations that I want to provide them so now I’m actually getting people searching and finding me for those why because my website my GBP are optimized for them I have citations press releases I have guest posts targeting these specific keywords right start with the end goal in mind you don’t want to get a year or two years down and say man I really want to get more traffic I really want to get more leads and more sales and then have to deploy have the end goal in mind start with 10 miles take over dominate go out another five miles build out your new pages follow this process it’s very effective it works I hope that this helps you out I hope that your local business can get more leads if you need help with this reach out to me I’m Chris Palmer at chrispalmermarketing.com if you have any questions related to this strategy or any other strategy please feel free go ahead and ask in the section below and I of course look forward to seeing you in the next local SEO how you can get more phone calls for your local business video have a blessed day I’ll see you in the next video bye-bye

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