In this video, I’m going to show you how to start your own local SEO agency in 2024. By following my step-by-step guide, you’ll be …
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did you ever notice that there are hundreds of people in your Facebook friend list or around you they are making lots of money without doing any job they just sit their home and they do any kind of work on like online and they are living a better life than you right if you are among of these kind of people this video is going to be very helpful for you so in back 20 like back 2021 I was a guy who was doing a job uh making 25,000 a month and in these kind of money I need to pay for my petrol I need to pay for my uh daily uh like travel and like at the end of uh doing all these expenses I have only like 10 to 12,000 in my hand after that I quit my job that time I thought that this decision is going to be the worst decision of my life I don’t have any backup that time I don’t have that much strong uh like family background that my family can feed me for next one or two year and my like just after 1 month I got like my marriage is scheduled so I took the risk I quit my job I start investing in myself that time I took a loan of 7 ,000 Rupees to enroll in a course by the grace of God I succeed I started and the rest all the thing is like passed so today I am going to share you how I started my journey uh from a job guy to successful like having a successful SE agency in less than 2 years okay so whatever I’m going to share you today I don’t have any kind kind of a script today this this video entirely is going to be a raw video whatever I’m telling you I don’t have any script whatever I learn from my journey whatever I learn from the my friends the the people I work with I’m going to share the entire experience okay so let’s uh go to screen so the first thing is I’m going to tell you the five steps you if you just go and follow these steps I gu like I give you a guarantee that in next 3 to 6 months you are able to achieve at least 1 lakh rupees a month just by working with some high high paying clients and they can give you a lot of money okay so start with the first thing what challenges the first thing is challenges what challenges you can face during the journey okay when you just started you are planning to start your journey today then these are the challenges you might face so I face like I face the exact same challenges where to learn it’s very hard to find the right Mentor in the beginning there are lot of mentors they even they even don’t have any uh solid client portfolio but like they are like pretend to be as Guru second one how to deal with competition day by day likeo is going to be like tough the like a AI like uh try to disrup the the Google algorithms there are lot of people doing the same thing using thei how to how to get best results the next thing is uh let’s suppose you got a client for your services you are you start the work you learn for some some some good mentors but you don’t have any kind of uh like One toone support from your Mentor or like the community support so it’s very hard for you to look out some look out for some help and like people there are very few people who can like really help you the next one is how to retain clients for life like in the game of SEO uh it’s like I work with almost more than 400 clients but like some CLI some clients stay with me for like 6 months 8 months 10 months so it’s not there is no uh like uh 100 100% proof plan that this way you can retain new client but I will tell you that how I can uh able to retain my clients for a very longer period like some of some of my clients are like with me for last two years they are keeping me for like last two years and they are they are making a lot of more money whatever they are paying to me right the next thing is how to explain reports uh this thing is like quite a bit challenging for every SEO doesn’t matter you are you just started you are a beginner intermediate or like you are at Pro level the the see that client doesn’t believe that uh they are getting something okay so if you are improving their ranking they are not they are not uh like exactly they are not directly getting the the convergence they’re getting the results from like first month or second month so you need to uh behave like a person real person that who can understand them who can uh explain them that what the data is is saying and what they can expect from you whatever they are paying in it like in exchange what whatever they are paying to you right which tool is best there are thousands of tool in the market many people are recommending different different tools on in like online communities on like social medias on YouTube at every platform so it’s very bit confusing for a just beginner which plate which tool they need to start their journey and they don’t need to pay more money uh like for the tools to manage their clients okay so we talk about the challenges so far the next thing is what you need okay we talk about challenges now what you need the first thing is at least no more than your client it’s a basic right uh if you don’t convince your client to take your services uh you don’t don’t you you you cannot sell your services to to the clients so at least grab that knowledge so you have that uh confidence that you know more than more than your client when you talk to the clients if you if if my client talk to me I know more than them I it doesn’t matter they are agency owner they are SE Pros they are uh like they are just beginner intermediate I have that confidence confidence that I know more than them okay it’s very simple the second thing is be updated what is working always keep learning like like uh after like working with so many clients okay I I have my own coaching program like I’m teaching a lot more like uh like right now we have like 40 50 like paid paid members in my community still I am and like I am keep enrolling each month in the new new updated courses uh I’m and take part of like coaching programs you need to be updated each time each month you need to keep like investing money on your learning if you want to be in if you want to be successful in the SE Market you need to follow this thing 100% third thing is keep learning just go out on the like uh check out the Facebook groups check out the the some of the uh like nice people they have some kind of authority on SEO keep reading some blogs okay watch all the uh the the stuff Google releasing the the documents the updates right ready to get rejected like see uh this thing why I mention this thing I got my first client after got reject by more than 20 people but I like if I if I feel that uh I I’m not able to uh start my my agency or people are not noticing me I don’t have I don’t have codies that time but I still keep reaching out to the new new people it doesn’t it like if if someone uh you try to reach out and they said that uh you are not the perfect one you cannot handle their their their situation you cannot get them ranking it’s okay move to the next one don’t take too much stress like rejection is a part of business we like and I recommend that get as much rejections as you can that will give you the internal boost that will give you the confidence that uh they like they don’t deserve to work with you don’t fail don’t like don’t let fail you down in your own brain be the boss of your brain okay so when like like today like uh two days ago I reach out to someone uh I offer my services and she like uh she was she she was a lady she says that she’s not interested in my service I said okay then I again uh reach outout to some other people and I got three clients last week if I like when the lady reject rejects me if I think that time that uh people are like I I’m I’m I’m not able to sell my services what if if I uh if I don’t get the results whatever they want just kill the self-doubting okay you are the best one it will like things will like things might can might will take some uh take some time but it will definitely happen Okay next thing is guys uh always keep moving as I already mentioned if someone rejects you move to the next one keep them uh keep them showing your content that’s why I I always ask that keep consistent with your content so maybe they reject you today but like after like 3 days six day one week 2 week one month later they will come like they will come back to you and they they that time you have the authority that time you can charge the premium price if you reach out to like if I reach out to someone today whatever the price we negotiate it’s my like uh it’s the situation that I need to negotiate my prices I need to whatever they are paying me I need to work with them but when someone reach out to me once they reject me I can I can charge whatever I want okay always learn from your mistakes so I did lot of mistakes uh in my like 2year Journey uh I like I prefer to uh work with very small clients like who can pay me like uh 30 30 bucks 40 bucks $100 for month I lot of work but then when I realize that uh this is not the right way I can scale up it’s very hard to reach to 10 lakh Rupees like 10 10,000 rupees a month not the rupees $10,000 each month then I quit all my low clients like low ticket clients I start working with some some big clients I minimum charge 1,500 2,000 to all of my clients that way I don’t need thousands of hundreds of client to reach out to to reach 10,000 uh Milestone each month next thing is don’t go after money I always don’t go after money there are some nice people in the market okay so just behave like you are a nice person okay if if you really feel that there is someone in the market who really needs your help and like uh at the moment he doesn’t like afford you he doesn’t have the money uh to give you just go and help help that person whatever you are doing today that you will get the same thing in return it’s K like it’s the karma like how it works make relationship with clients all of my clients all of my paid community members they have my direct access they can call me anytime it doesn’t matter that it’s like 3:00 a.m. 3: p.m. they can call me they can message me okay all the time provide your premium knowledge as much as possible like all like uh on my weekly calls with with someone and like I always like after like two weeks or three in like two or 3 weeks I I I offer like 10 15 free calls on the free calls I answered all of their questions whatever they ask me it like I never hide anything from them okay so you need to have that courage if you are providing the real values you are building your Authority in their in their like in their mind in their guys don’t copy what other are doing like there are there are many people uh I see I see I seen them on Internet that whatever someone told in the group they just start following them whatever I’m learning from any any of the mentor I directly don’t go and apply directly on my client’s profile I have some test I I have some profiles for testing I go and do Implement all these things on my testing profile first if I got something from them then I apply then I apply on the client profile and then I teach them to my community don’t grab some anything from the internet and just serve to your community or just start implementing on your clients okay don’t out promise uh there are many people you also have seen on the many Facebook groups that uh many people they claim that they can give you guaranteed results I never do that I I I did this uh in my early days but my guarantee is not about their rankings my guarantee is that uh in in my early days that I guaranteed that uh you will get good rankings good visibility in next 9 to like 3 to 4 months if you don’t get that ranking I work with you for next 3 to 4 month for free I won’t charge anything from you in next uh 3 to 4 months upcoming 3 to 4 months that was my guarantee and then I keep learning from different mentors and I learned something that SEO is not a like SEO uh you cannot control everything you can guarantee what you know but like there are th no one knows knows actually what are the total ranking signals and how the things actually work and whatever I’m telling you telling you in this video I like these all are my real experience so don’t get a fund like uh with my content I don’t have any any script for that I’m sharing what I feel I’m sharing what I face when like in in in the Journey of like last two years the next thing is how you can get your first 10 clients who can pay you some decent amount so you can build up your profile portfolio and you can start earning some kind of money so that you can afford the tools you can in you can start investing some money on yourself to upgrade to uh to learn from the some some real uh seos out there in the market Okay so I tested lot of things in the past two years okay so these are the things uh that actually work for me I don’t know uh these things may like might be possible they don’t work for you but like uh I teach the same things to all of my community members and they are getting decent results okay so you just need to be look the best part of this thing is you need to be more consistent okay so the first thing is you need to build build your portfolio so in the portfolio means you have something to show your clients if you just started if you don’t have any any case studies if you don’t have any any client testimonials just start sharing just start sharing whatever you uh you learning where from you learning if you have any kind of Mentor just take the authority of your Mentor that I am learning from this mentor and I am ready to like work I am ready to help you in the beginning just try your free services for one month two month so that in exchange you can get testimonial you can get you can get client client case study or if you like if you don’t want to work work for free for anyone then just create uh some dumy profiles you can easily create them if you have the physical physical location you can create them okay optimize your social media I’m going like whatever I’m telling you here I will show you on on the screen also okay so you need to optimize your profile uh you need to work on your messaging uh be creative you need to think about it be like uh if you if you drop a message on any Facebook Community uh which like uh community of your uh your niche you’ll get some suggestions be active in groups Facebook groups provide comments provide values then then someday uh someone reach out to you okay I agree it’s it actually works but what if the the second part of this strategy is that there are thousands of other people you are competing with them you are not alone them you are not alone there so like when whenever when you raise raise your hand there are thousands thousands of client they are ready to buy from you there are thousands of different persons they have like more Authority than you then why someone go with you okay so you need to be more creative then which is the unep place of Facebook or like any kind of social media platform where the competition is very low and you can you can find the real persons so that so them you can start building your connection with them okay start offering the values up front don’t try to sell anything in the beginning just understand their business just create some audit for them how how you can help them in their businesses and the best way and I will also tell you the best way to find the people okay so first uh see here on my cover image you can see you can clearly see that uh what I do and for whom SEO Freelancers SEO professionals and agency owners clear who is my target market what I like how how how how can I help them I help them to get International clients return them for life and scale your agency to 10 lakh in next 90 days using using my unique method if you see my messaging here it’s completely clear look at the content what kind of content I’m creating here if you go to go to my profile and you will see all the things here okay so this way you need to optimize your profile I don’t have any any other uh like lead generation methods I don’t use any any of them Facebook is working for me okay uh so I think these thing are clear now the best way to find the right persons LinkedIn Facebook Community groups and Google Maps itself okay let me show you so the first thing is we cover Facebook uh like mostly cover Facebook uh LinkedIn uh is the secondary secondary one for me okay so on Facebook there is two options the first option is if just go if you are in in the local SE just go and search for local SE groups localize your groups okay and you will find like thousands of group here uh the criteria of joining joining a group is that that group has at least two like more than 5,000 people that group has most engaged group if you you go and like if you go and open any of the group uh like look at last four post a day like this group has four post every day three post every day 10 plus post every day 10 plus post every day so these are the engaging groups you can join them okay you will find some uh real uh your future clients there so look at here six post every day four posts 7.2 me like th000 members here so you need to join them you need to start uh dominating these groups uh don’t go and type I’m interested come to DM I’m sending you DM I can do that for like 200 bucks 300 bucks like $1 like I have seen some like a crazy post like someone is offering a entire website design in like $1 crazy I don’t believe that okay so here is the first method uh it’s 1 join the groups of uh find like look at the engagement of the groups and start uh commenting on the on the posts uh if you like if you know the answer better then be descriptive and try to be unique from the other comments that way uh you definitely you will you will start uh getting eyes on your content the second method so uh this method is like uh I only uh discuss this method in my P community and I’m like I’m giving you for completely free I want you to just start taking actions and change your uh like upcoming year like 2024 so uh I’m targeting a a city of Texas okay you need to select your your Market target market first then I type local Facebook communities so I open some of the groups here I like I did some research I spent like uh 10 to 15 minutes here to open all of these groups and then I have I found like three to four groups groups okay so uh the thing is uh here is the here is the community group thec communities living in the Dallas so if you scroll down here you will find all like all are the real business owners here uh they are like uh I think they are real like realtor he’s a realtor so you can you can you can send them a friend friend request okay uh you canot you cannot send the friend friend request try to engage with them try to uh show some love some comments under under his profile then go to the next one he’s a like uh uh restaurant restaurant owner uh he’s like uh I think some kind of business okay uh vegetable store okay uh Wireless it’s a mobile store uh restaurant uh Digital Services you can offer you can add add this to your friend request so just by scrolling just by doing like 5 to 10 minutes uh research every day you can find at least like 30 40 50 peoples right like real business owners they are the real one and there is no competition in the in the in the groups there is no competition you don’t need to comment here you need to just add these uh persons as your friend like I can he is like realter I send him request right now I cannot send him the request okay so some of the profiles you can you can send the request some of the profiles you don’t send them request Fashion Boutique uh realitor okay uh the photography spe specialist I do some love here so this is the another method like I open some other profiles here Community foundations of Dallas okay look at here uh junk removal another another group of Dallas junk removal request request a request a free junk removal Court here he they are offering requests so if I go and uh open them they are the hallway junk removal service uh they are like power connections uh they are like uh triple play it Advantage business potential some kind of tax services they are offering uh car Decor okay what the offer pent service near message me yeah he he he’s a pter just check his profile he’s a penter okay ultimate power connection okay uh what the they what they do uh moving uh they moving so he’s a moving guy okay and uh let’s see flooring uh carpent Carpenter so just by uh V like uh following this method you can easily add like 10 to 15 real business owners on your profile and when you start putting out the content okay whatever I doing here when you start putting the content people will start sending you messages people will start engaging with your content this is the best way this is the completely free method in like next 2 to 3 months you can at least get your first 5 to 10 clients believe me just go and follow this be consistent with your content and always respect don’t use the like don’t don’t like in your mind all like your clients is also human they also have the emotions when you go on the calls behave them like they are the real persons understand their problem try to solve their problem try if if you think that uh you can you have any kind of research resource and you can give them for free just do that okay and uh okay so YSU agency uh you can start Facebook agency you can start uh Ecom Drop Shipping uh Google ads there are th like uh graphic design there are thousand options I don’t know about them I only know about the SE agency that’s why I am I always recommend to start SE agency I know literally more than uh any other NES okay so uh according to me there is four reasons uh demand is very high compared to the supply the second thing is recurring money each money if I close 1,500 client this month he he will pay me ,500 each month uh you have like long-term commitments with your client you don’t need to uh achieve the all success in like first month you have like three to four four six months you can make your stake powerful okay so when you start in uh when you uh like getting C client for the Su service you can upsell website you can upsell uh upsell them some like uh entire uh like uh okay you can sell you can upell them SEO you can partner with some other other agencies who who who offer like Facebook ads Google ads uh Graphics social media okay you don’t need to do everything like by yourself you can partner with some other agencies if your friend is doing Facebook ads just and like on like uh ask your friend I have a client of SEO and he he need some someone who can do his Facebook ads why don’t you why don’t you come up on the call and help help him that way you can you can take like 20 30% whatever you whatever you want okay so and uh these four regions according to me and now I’m showing you the data so according to the hrf the research most businesses paying monthly return fee between 500 to, 1500 per month okay most businesses so it’s only like average average percentage if I like in the later part I will show you the exact dashboard that how much I am charging but like right now you can see here most businesses they can give you 500 to, 1500 if you if you get uh in like in next 3 months if you get uh six for seven clients who can pay you 1,500 you can easily make more than 10K simple mathematics look at the other other other articles here uh yo top states 68% of Google like online experience began with a search engine that’s why SEO is very hot in demand like when some when I need to buy something I just go to Google and look at look at some reviews I’ll go to Google like call some some businesses to compare the price to compare the quality to to get a free Cod for all these all my all of my needs okay that’s why I I chose SE okay and the last thing uh the tool tools you need you need Google ads local band manager Fleck over and the chat jpt I showed you why Google ads uh it’s a free keyword research tool local band manager uh you can go and uh manage your business listings you can do you can do posts you can track your listings you look at here like you can uh you can do the posts you can man you can uh track the their keywords can track their keywords literally you can do everything uh I have only this tool like I have also GMB Crush but it’s on for only for my purpose if you if you need any tool local band manager is your all in one tool okay and the last uh now I’m going to show you my real dashboard so that you can get some some kind of motivation and also I like you can think about it whatever I taught you in this video whatever I shared my real experience and that way you can go and look at this so here here is my uh like real dasboard I’m sharing my screen and I am refreshing it I’m refreshing it so that you can see that it’s not an image you can go and compare the the numbers with the previous one I hope you enjoyed uh this video please share your love here if you have any any uh questions don’t like feel free to reach out to reach out to me drop your comments and start your journey boom bye-bye see you in later videos
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