Hello everyone, today I’m going to show you something new. Professional Logo Design Tutorial: Simple Logo, logo design tutorial …
Pida el logo perfecto a precio bajo; para su negocio, empresa, o para revenderlas en otros sitios que pagan el servicio a precios más caros, ganando la diferencia:
✔️Clic aquí para pedir tu logo.
Si buscas en inglés o puedes usar el traductor, tienes más de donde elegir:
✔️Click Here to Get Your Perfect Logo.
hello everyone it’s me a summary welcoming you to my new logo design tutorial and today I’ll show you this type of logo with the Google so let’s start the tutorial if you are new in my Channel please do subscribe and hit the Bell icon for the new notifications [Music] at first going to the file and taking new options taking an artboard and giving the name GF color move the RGB for the web purpose if you want to print it you can take it CMYK with the create button after that going to the line segment tool turn off the fill color only the stroke color and I’ll make it 1pt is the shift and hold it and Drawing the Line like that so we’ll draw eight lines three four five six seven eight so I’m repeating by the command of uh control or command D Ctrl for the windows and command for the Mac making it group and making it in the middle of the artboard and making this one into ungroup that’s good Ctrl C Ctrl F and making this one 180 degree nice we got our roadmap or blueprint whatever it is and drawing this circle or ellipse like this that’s good and we’ll make it in a middle of that board and make sure that this line and the circle are overlap press Ctrl command Y for the outline mode and double check the position of matching if this is not match with each other it don’t work properly when you will cut the shape so control over Y for the normal mode again Ctrl C and Ctrl F and making it bigger Ctrl C Ctrl F making it another copy of this Ctrl C Ctrl F making it another cop and nice now we’ll make this one into the shape so how to do that is our shape Builders tool taking color like this and drawing the shape like this [Music] that’s fine we got the G and now if like that so here is the line segment tool we’ll draw another line like this and again we’ll select all the steps again shape Builders tool and making the line like this and our shape is ready that’s good now we’ll just turn off or delete all the lines at M before deleting the lines you should check out the left area if just left over there Magic One tool over there select once in a line delete all the steps that means all lines will delete that’s good select these logo turn off the stroke color and now here is the direct selection tool select once you’ll get the round Corner images or edges select once in this point and making it round select once in this point and making it round select these and making it round so we got this but we want to make this one little bit of bigger again direct selection tool select this area that means this point and press the shift and the down arrow key you can make it bigger if you want okay we got our ship that’s good and making it into the middle of the artboard and the name what kind of name you want to keep just you can provide your name okay that’s fine I from the Color Picker I’m giving the name over there that’s good you can make it a little bit of smaller and match with this if it will make sense and making it middle of that button that’s good it’s time to provide color before that we’ll copy the gradient all the stuffs that’s it and that’s nice here ungroup this one and here I from the Color Picker select color from this going to the gradient options making this one 60 and making it reverse or this one is good that’s fine and making this one into this type of color that’s nice and if you want to get the dark background you can draw the square shape again and placing it in the middle provide the darker color it could be like this and sending it to back going with the arrange and send it to the back that’s it in this case I’ll make this one the white portion or white color so our logo is ready you can make it Group by pressing Ctrl command G and making it middle of that one you can make little bit of bigger that’s fine we got our logo easily by using the gray technique of that you learned right from this video if you did please thumbs up and share with your friend if you have any sort of questions query or request please do comment my video comment section until the next video is signing up today stay safe stay healthy keep me in your prayers bye foreign [Music] [Music]
Pida la mejor ilustración al mejor precio para su negocio, su empresa, o para revenderlas en otros sitios que pagan el servicio a precios más caros, ganando la diferencia:
✔️Pide tu Logo Aquí.
En inglés:
✔️Click Here to Get Your Perfect Logo.
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