SEOWRITING.AI 1-Click Blog Post Writer: Create Optimized…

In this video, I’m showcasing the powerful 1-Click blog post writer from SEOWRITING.AI—the ultimate AI tool for content creators, …

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[Music] hey what’s up everybody Ben here from blog withth and did you know that in March of 2024 Google rolled out a core update that redefined how content is ranked with a stronger emphasis on humanized authoritative and well-sited content this means that producing highquality credible content is now more important than ever for bloggers and content creators but what if there is a tool that could do it all for you enter SEO writing AI revolutionary AI tool that creates SEO optimized blog posts with a single click adapts your content to meet Google’s new standards humanizes the text for authenticity and even pulls citations from the Deep Web plus it autopost directly to your WordPress site now as you can see here this is the blog post that we’ll be creating in this video with the help of SEO writing Ai and I have to say that after using it for the first time I was really impressed the blog post features well researched facts all backed by citations pulled from the Deep Web giving your content the extra layer of credibility and thanks to SEO writing’s AI humanized text feature the tone and style feel authentic perfectly tailored for your audience not to mention the post also comes with AI generated images that enhance the visual appeal making it not just a good read but visually engaging as well and come to find out that’s the power of SEO writing AI a tool that doesn’t just create content but it elevates it to meet the highest standards in the industry and in today’s video I’ll show you how SEO writing AI can help you stay ahead of Google’s update and create humanized well-sited content with the oneclick blog post generator and real quick before we get started if you get any value out of this video I would greatly appreciate it if you would subscribe to the blog with bin YouTube channel helps me bring you more resources and it keeps you up to date with all the AI web and Tech Trends happening throughout the year but either way thank you so much for all your support all right with that being said let’s get started so getting started is as simple as signing up for a free account at se writing. and I’ll link to their homepage in the video description below but here you can create an account with an email address or you can sign in with your Google account but either way once you’ve signed in it’ll take you to your dashboard where you’ll have access to all the resources and tools SEO writing AI has to offer one of them being the one-click blog post feature so let’s go ahead and click on it to access it within the dashboard as I briefly mentioned in the intro this amazing tool allows you to quickly generate and publish SEO optimized content with minimal effort once you provide a topic or keyword the tool automatically creates a full article with relevant keywords and also integrates AI generated images in video and you can autopost the the content directly to your WordPress blog saving you a ton of time and effort and it’s super easy to do so the first step in that process is to create your blog post title and we all know that creating an eye-catching an SEO friendly title can be challenging at times but this tool does it for you in a matter of seconds so in that first field there enter the main keyword or keyword phrase that you’re trying to rank four you’ll want to keep it within 80 characters but for this example I’m going to create a blog post for my fitness blog so my keywords for this title will be low impact workouts for Rehab the next click the generate title button and the AI gets to work crafting a title using your desired keywords and check that out the new title is obviously using the keywords that I asked the AI to use but it’s created a much more attention grabbing headline I really like this one so I’m going to use it but if you’re not satisfied with the title given for some reason just regenerate a new one until you find one that works best for you okay scrolling down a bit you’ll see the core settings and this is like setting the foundation for your blog posts content for example here you could do things like set what language your post should be in and I’m in the US so I’m keeping it in English but you can configure the language of your content here if you’d like next is the tone of voice and this allows you to customize the style and tone of your content to match your brand or audience’s preferences this feature lets you choose from various tones such as friendly professional informational Etc ensuring that the generate content aligns with the desired communication style and by adjusting the tone of voice you can create content that resonates more effectively with your readers whether you’re aiming for a professional tone for business blogs or more casual and friendly tone for lifestyle content and for this example I’m going to go with an informational tone of voice next are the point of view settings and this allows you to choose the narrative perspective for your content you can select between first person second person and third person points of view depending on how you want to engage your audience and for this example I’m going to select second person this directly addresses the reader making the content more engaging and interactive next you have the ability to Target a country with your content this allows you to specify the geographical location of your audience and by selecting a Target country the AI tailor the content to match the cultural nuances language preferences and SEO practices relevant to that specific region this ensures that your content is more relevant and appealing to readers in a chosen country potentially improving engagement and search engine rankings within that location the setting is particularly useful for businesses and bloggers who are targeting a specific international market then towards the upper right you could set the size of your article by configuring the word count by default it’s set to medium with which I think I’m going to keep but you could change the size of your blog posts here if you need to next we have the AI model settings and this is where you could choose between different AI models to generate your content each model may have distinct strengths such as varying levels of creativity accuracy and speed but by selecting the appropriate AI model you can optimize the content generation process according to your specific needs whether you’re looking for more Innovative and creative output or maybe a model focused on delivering precise and factual content this flexibility helps you tailor the tools performance to best suit your content strategy and goals okay next you have the ability to integrate an API key and for this account I haven’t set that up yet but you can add an API key here if you’d like this comes in handy if you’ve reached your generation limits you can either wait for them to reset in the next billing cycle or without waiting make use of unlimited Generations through your API but please know that this feature is only available to the professional plants and I should mention that SEO writing AI has a great article on the entire API setup process that you could check out here I’ll be sure to link to this in the video description below but again this is a great feature if you know that you’re going to be generating a large amount of blog posts with this tool next is the humanized text feature this is really cool because it allows you to adjust the generated content to sound more natural and less like it was written by an AI this setting tweaks the language tone and phrasing to make the text more readable engaging and authentic closely mimicking human writing styles it’s particularly useful when you want your content to resonate more with readers making it feel less automated and more personalized this feature helps ensure that the content maintains a natural flow and connection with your audience and I’m leaving it at the recommended setting which is 8th and 9th grade easily understood but feel free to experiment with different settings here if you’d like okay that’s it for the core settings moving on to details to include so this lets you specify particular elements or information that should be incorporated into the generated content this can include keywords topics subheadings or specific points that you want the AI to cover but if you do add details here be sure to input information that aligns with the keywords and title of your post moving on to the media hub and this is where you can manage and select multimedia elements like AI generated IM and YouTube videos that’ll be included in your blog post the setting streamlines the process of adding highquality visuals and videos helping to enhance the overall appeal and effectiveness of your blog post now for the sake of time I’m just leaving these settings as is but you could get really specific here with the amount and types of media used in your post as well as location style and size of images and videos it really is a phenomenal tool that can enhance engagement and break up the text within your post okay next are the SEO settings and this is where you can specify keywords that should be included in the text these keywords can help optimize the content for search engines improving its chances of ranking higher in the search results now if you don’t provide specific keywords SEO writing AI will automatically generate relevant keywords based on the main keyword that you’ve entered and used them throughout the article this ensures the content remains SEO friendly targeting the right terms to attract organic traffic even if you don’t manually input each keyword below that are the structure settings and I love this because you can easily craft the introductory hook as well as the overall structure of the post with a few clicks of the mouse so first the introductory hook brief here you could choose the type of introduction that you want for your blog post the types of hooks available are question statistical or fact quotation anecdotal or story personal or emotional and all you’ll do is click the type of hook that you want to include and for this example I’ll use the personal or emotional Hook and the AI generates the text or you can either use it or tailor it to your liking if needed below that are the various elements that allow you to define the format and organization of your blog post you can customize things like whether or not to include a conclusion FAQs subheadings Etc this ensures that the generated article follows a logical and cohesive structure making it easier to read and more aligned with your content goals okay next we have the internal and external linking settings first internal links this is really powerful because you can automatically index your site and add internal links relevant to your content and remember internal links are links to other Pages or posts within your own website however you’ll need to connect your site to SEO writing AI before you can implement this setting and for this example I’ll be connecting my fitness blog which we haven’t done yet but thankfully SEO writing AI has a plugin that handles all of the technical aspects of integrating your site to the oneclick blog post generator so if you have a site I recommend opening a new tab and logging into your WordPress dashboard then from here you’ll want to go to plugins and add new plugin and then the plugin we want is the SEO writing plugin so type that in the search field and it should be the first one listed there 20,000 plus active installations with the five star review that’s really good to see so let’s go ahead and install and activate this plugin and once that’s done within the sidebar of your dashboard hover your mouse over settings and click on SEO writing then all you’ll do here is click the connect button and in a few moments you’ll be redirected back to the integration section of your SEO writing account where you could see that my WordPress site has been successfully connected to my account where I can now set internal links as well as publish content directly to my blog from SEO writing AI so let’s head back to the one click blog post generator and if we refresh the page and then open the drop down there you’ll see that my domain is now listed under sites to use for internal links so I’ll select it and now I can configure the number of links used the placement of them the contextual enrichment status and Link attributes like the no follow or do follow below that is the external linking feature and these links can point to authoritative sources references or relevant content outside of your site and including external links helps to provide additional value to your readers by connecting them to useful resources and all you’ll do is click that drop down and this lets you set the link types from none custom or automatic and for this example I’ll choose automatic and then just like the internal link settings we can adjust the number of links placement contextual enrichment and Link attributes next is the connect to web feature and I feel like I say this a lot but this is a really powerful feature because it allows the tool to access and incorporate the most current information from the web into your content and by connecting to live web source sources the AI can pull in realtime data statistics and relevant news ensuring that your blog post is up to- dat and accurate this feature is particularly useful for writing about trending topics or when you need the latest information to make your content more relative and authoritative and to enable it if you click that drop- down you can select the type of information that you want to access from basic web to Deep Web and for this example we’ll be using Deep Web so I’ll select that one and what this does is it analyzes hundreds of the most relevant websites with statistical data to create factual accurate articles and incorporate automated citations which you could set below and the citations are currently off but turning them on will include a citation linked to the source of the factual data that was utilized in crafting the content at the end of the sentence within your blog post so I’m going to turn this on for this example then next you could set the source links and this is basically determining the format of how the sourced links will display on your site and I’m going to have them be the link name followed by the URL next you have the ability to set the search source and there are two to choose from realtime search results enables the immediate acquisition of search findings which are then utilized for the article writing and then realtime news search is similar to real-time search results but focuses specifically on retrieving results of current new news articles which are then used for writing your article and I’m going to leave it as realtime search but feel free to use the one that best fits your needs okay moving on to the outline editor and we won’t be using this in this tutorial because I like to do all of my editing within WordPress but this gives you the ability to craft your custom headings to guide the generation of your article ensuring that it aligns with your desired structure and focus just check that box next to where it says enable the outline Editor to turn it on and use it okay we’re almost done the last few settings are the document settings this allows you to save your generated content to different directories within your account helps you to manage and categorize your blog posts articles and other content by saving them in specific folders or directories now I haven’t created any folders so I’ll keep it set to home but this feature streamlines content management and ensures that your documents are organized and readily available when you need them okay then finally it’s time to configure the WordPress publishing settings so from that publication drop down select the domain that you want to publish this post to then if we scroll down this will open the additional settings where you can really tweak and configure the specifics of the post for when it’s published to WordPress starting with the categories so after connecting your site to SEO writing AI all of your categories will display here where you can assign the post to a specific category and since this is a low impact workout post I’ll check the box next to my low impact category essentially telling SEO WR wrting AI to assign this post to the low impact category when publishing to WordPress next is the post status and clicking on this drop down gives you the ability to set the post status to publish draft or schedule publish obviously publishes the post directly to your connected WordPress site making the post live draft will send it to your WordPress site but keep it in a draft status you’ll need to then manually publish it on WordPress whenever you’re ready for it to go live and then you can schedule the post for a further publish date but for this example I’m going to put it in draft status because I may need to make some edits in WordPress after I send it over so I’m going to select draft next you could set the author of the post you can even have it published to random authors if you need it to but you can set a specific author here in this dropdown for when the post is published on WordPress next are tags by default that box will be checked and SEO writing AI will automatically add relevant tags to the post but you can always manually add them in that text box Bo if needed next you have the ability to determine what the URL should be meaning what the peral link structure will be you can use the title or keywords but I’m going to keep it set as title then finally there are some additional settings you can use that first AI generated image as your featured image this is checked by default so if you have other images that you want to use for your blog’s featured image then just uncheck that box and then you could also have SEO writing AI add a meta description to the excerpt field field I recommend doing this because it not only saves you time but the excerpt is typically what is seen on your blog’s feed and the search engines so by having SEO writing AI do it for you you’ll know what will be optimized for SEO so I’m going to check that box and that’s going to do it the post is ready for WordPress so you can scroll up to the top of the screen or you could click that little arrow in the bottom right corner to jump to the top of the page and now that we’ve gone through the blog post generator and configured it to our liking it’s time to send it over over to WordPress so whenever you’re ready click the Run button and this will take you to the Builder section of your SEO writing AI account where you can manage and monitor your blog content and as you can see we can monitor the status here as the AI works on creating our blog post and my post took about 2 minutes to process but I’m not going to make you sit through that so let’s fast forward a little bit to when it’s done and once it’s finished you’ll get this green check mark under the status letting you know that the post is ready and has been sent to your WordPress site now one quick thing I want to show you is that you can preview the post here in the Builder by clicking on that check mark and this gives you a nice preview of what the AI created amazing I can already see some great features like the hook the internal linking image key takeaway list content Etc and then scrolling down you can get an idea of the complexity of the AI and how efficient it was with not only the content but the the overall structure of the post as well I don’t even want to guess how long it would have taken me to do the research outline write and then build this in WordPress however with the SEO writing AI oneclick blog post generator I get some great content that’s not only optimized for the search engines but it’s properly sourced as you can see here towards the bottom of the content the AI has sourced all of the deep web content that it referenced to create this post and using Source content from the Deep Web enhances the overall quality of your posts making them more informative and trustworthy to your readers and speaking of that if we go back to the top of the post you could see that throughout the content the AI has added these clickable citations that when clicked will take you to the sourced content usually an external link however towards the right of the preview you have the ability to turn these off and on simply flip that switch next to where it says citations and this removes the citations throughout the post but I want to keep them so I’m going to turn that back on the same thing goes for the source links if we scroll down to the bottom of the blog post where those are located all you’ll do is you’ll flip this switch off and on to disable or enable The Source links on your post also I want to point out that due to AI creating the images sometimes you may get some odd results like this woman sitting it looks a bit off so if you aren’t happy with the image simply hover your mouse over the image and click this Arrow icon in the lower right corner and this allows you to regenerate the image if you need to too you can also update it and swap it out in WordPress which is what I’m probably going to do okay then the last thing I want to show you here is that you have the ability to show The Meta tags if you’d like by checking that box you can also edit copy the text copy the HTML of the post and even publish the post here if you’d like however as I said earlier I want to publish this within WordPress so with that being said let’s head over to my WordPress site and then from here if we visit the posts by hovering your mouse over posts and then clicking on all posts you’ll see that our SEO writing AI post has been successfully sent to my WordPress blog and it’s in draft status awesome then let’s preview it really quick and see what it looks like on the front end of my blog and so far so good it’s using the correct category title and featured image and then scrolling down and taking a look at the rest of the content I’m loving how looks you can see that there are some subtle differences in things like the font style and color scheme due to the theme and the CSS being used but again overall I am really impressed with the structure and the quality of the content created by SEO writing Ai and then remember since this is in draft status I need to go into the WordPress editor and then from here manually publish it to make it officially live on my blog since we sent it over in the draft status but either way I was is very impressed with the end result it saved me a ton of time and effort okay so that’s the SEO AI oneclick blog post generator if you’re interested in harnessing all of the additional features that this amazing tool has to offer I recommend upgrading to either the starter or professional plan the starter plan is only $14 per month and then the professional plan is $59 per month with an annual subscription you can also get 25% off by using my coupon code B25 and I’ll put that in the video description below but that’ll save you some money and you’ll get all the features that come with the free plan plus a lot more articles 50 per month for the starter plan and 250 per month for the professional plan along with a ton of amazing AI enhanced features to help you become the best and most efficient blogger you can be so that’s going to do it for this video if you found it helpful I’d greatly appreciate if you would like comment share and subscribe to the blog withb YouTube channel also if you’re thinking about starting a blog you got to check out my stepbystep tutorials they’ll show you everything you need to know in order to build grow and monetize a professional WordPress blog and as always your support means a great deal to me and my family and for that I thank you so with that being said I’ll see you in the next video and thanks for watching

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Jue Oct 10 , 2024
Aprende a diseñar paso a paso imágenes con frases personalizadas. Podrás diseñar imagenes para facebook y todas tus redes … Pida la mejor ilustración al mejor precio para su negocio, su empresa, o para revenderlas en otros sitios que pagan el servicio a precios más caros, ganando la diferencia: ✔️Haga […]

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