How To Turn An Article or Blog Post Into a VIRAL Video in 10…

In this video I show you how Lumen5 can help you convert an article or blog post into a viral video for social media. My tool to help …

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in this video I will show you how you can turn your post into a video in less than 10 minutes hey guys welcome back to the channel my name is lance with es in this channel we talk about making money online affiliate marketing social media marketing and everything in between so if you’re new consider subscribing alright guys so today I’m going to talk about a tool that I’ve been using for the past year and it’s a tool that I’ve talked about my channel before it’s called Lumina 5 it allows you to basically just grab any text and turn it into a video really quickly they have some amazing features that I want to share with you and even though I have talked about this tool before in my channel I’ve never actually created a video going deeper into what the system actually provides how it works and how you can utilize this to make videos for social media now with this tool I’ve made hundreds of videos for my Facebook pages this tool has allowed me to generate content for my pages allowing me to grow my Facebook pages to hundreds of thousands of likes mainly because videos tend to work a lot better than pictures and text and any other form of content especially on Facebook this type of videos I’m going to show you work really well on Facebook because people tend to watch videos without the sound which is why you want to create videos that attract attention you want to create videos that people want to watch and simple little videos that you can use to grow your Facebook page which I’m going to show you how to do how you can create this type of videos in less than 10 minutes the tool I’m going to show you I’m not an affiliate of that tool I’m not promoting this tool in any way I’m simply showing you the tool because I’ve used it in the past successfully it has helped me a lot to go to my Facebook pages and hopefully if you use it it is not a free tool although they do have a free option where you can sign up and you can start testing out different videos alright so before we jump into the video if you want to learn how to build a full time income online using affiliate marketing how you can utilize something like YouTube Facebook to make money online then I would recommend to download my free affiliate marketing guide like I said it’s completely free you can download it it has a lot of information that you can use to grow your business to make money online if you want to do that so with that said let’s jump into my computer alright guys so before I show you how it works I want to talk about exactly the platform it’s called lumen five you can join for free you don’t necessarily need to pay for the platform in order to create video videos but it has some limited options if you do get the free account if you want to get a paid account which is what I have then you can create unlimited videos in HD you have access to a lot of pictures and audios and things like that that you can use with your videos without having to you know upload your own stuff if you want to do that so let me show you the the actual how the concept actually works which is really simple you take whatever text or link from the web and you can paste it in the system and then from there you can just create a video using that text it’s that simple so I’m gonna go to the pricing because you can see that I do have multiple pricing options right now you can go build monthly if you want to get your your videos simple little videos 720p resolution $20 per month if you want to get a higher resolution $79 per month you can have access to the library which like I said have a lot of videos and photos and things that you can use for your video so let me show you how that works exactly first of all you need to find a link you need to find the content if you have a blog if you already have a blog where which you can recycle that information the content that’s being published on your blog you can take that text you can take that link and you can use it to turn that into a video for your Facebook page for your Instagram page if you wanted to do that so in this case I found this article on wire comm and I’m just gonna copy the link and I’m gonna show you exactly how simple it is to use something like this to create a video so I’m gonna take that link and I’m gonna paste it right here and you can see you can start with some tax if you just wanted to create a video from a notepad or something like that you can just copy and paste that text and then you can just hit next but in this case for this example because I want to show you how simple it is to create a video using this platform I’m just gonna paste that link and I’m gonna click on go so now it’s gonna ask me what type of format do I want for my video what type of branding you know because they do have multiple brandings with animations and and things that you can utilize but in this case I’m just gonna click what test one a dummy one that I have whenever I want to see how a video is gonna look with a different branding and I’m gonna show you exactly how fast this platform actually works to create the videos for you automatically so what’s happening now is that the system is actually building the video for me it’s just reading that specific text that I pasted up from the link that I pasted it and it’s just taking all that text into a video so you can see right now the AI that they have built in into the system has already placed all the text from specific sections of that article into my video and even has some pictures and things that I can use now I have multiple options I can just remove this whole thing if I wanted to do that I could just clear that whole thing and and just clear the board so I’m gonna clear the board just to show you how when you add that information how would you include the pictures and audios and things like that but if you wanted to do that like I said you just paste a link and you already made a video for you in less than a minute basically you can see that it has a title you can edit this information if you wanted to do that you can put it in different spots and you can even you know change the animation if you want to do that you can trim it there’s a preview option here and once you decided to just start selecting the text for your video so let’s say that you want to not actually use the entire thing because we’ll make the video too long you would simply just select whatever section of that text you want to use if I click on it you can see that it’s picking the media for me it picked the media for me and not only that but it actually highlighted some of the text so I could just come here and I could just remove the highlight if I wanted to you know remove the highlight and and you can see how long the animation is going to last we also forgot of the media section you can see that there’s videos that can play in the background you can even search for free to use media from their huge library they have no millions of pictures and videos that you can use to create your videos we’re gonna search for robot we’re gonna see exactly what pops up so as you can see we have some videos here and some videos that basically you can just drag and drop I could just take this and I could just drag it here that would be the first slide of my video so if I click preview you can see how that looks you can just easily just create a video by dragging and dropping pictures and things that you can utilize for your video you can also upload you can also upload from within your computer you can upload your own stuff doesn’t have a tiff section where you can look up from specific things that you might want to use for your video I have a marketplace if you want to buy pictures and things like that you can upload your own pictures like I said but once you have your pictures your your your whole structure for the slides then you can move on to the music section and and this is the same concept as the video and media section which is our free audio tracks that you can use for your video meaning that you’re not gonna get hit with a copyright strike or anything like that because this is basically free me free audios that you can use with your video you know select a mood depending on what type of video you want to make and it tells you the time right here on the right hand side and I can preview that audio if I wanted to do that by just on the play but it let’s say that I pick something for my video I could just simply select here and it would just add it to my video automatically but if we just click on the preview here you can see how that turns into a really nice video and basically we’re just dragging dropping different images and videos that we can use with our text and that would look really cool on Facebook people like this type of videos people share this type of videos on Facebook and you can utilize this too basically like I said grow your Facebook page I’ve used this method to grow my Facebook pages to hundreds of thousands of likes because some of the videos have gone viral and I’ve been able to get thousands and thousands of people to my pages using little videos like this so guys I wanted to give you just a basic understanding of this tool which is lumen five like I said there’s no links or a further link for this actually I really like the tool and I wanted to share with you guys and utilize this if you’re looking to grow your Facebook pages if you want to grow your social media presence using videos this is one of the best tools that you can use to do that and once you learn how to use it you can build a video a really nice-looking video in less than 10 minutes alright guys so I’m gonna put a link for lumen 5 below if you guys want to check it out like I said is a really cool tool it’s it’s something that has it’s something that can allow you to pump videos every single day it takes less than 10 minutes and you can turn your post if you have a blog already here if you have a news blog that you can turn your post into actual videos and you can recycle that information and turn it into a video that allows you to grow your Facebook pages and make more money by growing your audience I really hope that you enjoyed this video if you did give me a thumbs up subscribe to my channel if you haven’t subscribed already because I post videos like this every single week thanks for watching and I’ll see you guys in my next video [Music]

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