How to Start Writing on Medium (2024) Medium Article Writer…

Writing on Medium is an excellent way to express yourself and share your ideas with the world. To start writing on Medium, first …

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how to get started with the medium in this step-by-step tutorial I’m going to be showing you how we can create some amazing articles starting from scratches so let’s stick to end to it so guys the very first thing you need to understand is that nobody really nobody knows how to actually write a thing you don’t have to worry about if you didn’t study this subject you don’t have to worry about if you don’t know any kind of topic um almost anyone in these days can create a blog a article so it’s really easy to get started the very first thing we want to do now is to go into and hearing to get started so what we want to do is to go and join medium signing up with a little account in Facebook or an email in my case I want to actually sign up with my email I’m going to import my email and hit me to continue once I have successfully added and verified my website my actual email is going to be asking of our full name so here what I want to do is to type let’s say Brian and crane and I’m going gonna leave like that and hit into create account so let’s dig it in here the very first thing that I want to show you about the medium is to actually start with your profile so as almost any platform is going to be asking about your interest so it’s going to be more easier to help you with getting the toes and the right block so you can start being influenced and inspired to add yourself so in our case let’s focus into griding let’s focus into the technology and let’s focus into this side after that hit it to continue then is going to be asking for the actual navigation I’m going to head into okay I got it and you can see that there is a for you page the following the dead side technology and writing so this one appears depending what is the subject you just choose in our case we choose there’s three of them and you can see the 4D following this one are going to be filled depending on what are the actual people that you are following you can connect your Twitter account if you wanted to but we are not going to be focusing on that if for example if I go with the let’s say for example Christina God speaking about this sign I’m going to look out for something else actually I’m going to scroll a little bit down let’s say the prince this one and if I like the content of this guys I’m gonna get into the follow section so now this one is going to be appearing into the photo page and the following as well I’m going to go back here in the medium section on the very first part and now you can see I have the full view section where there are people related into the one that I choose to subscribe it and the following it’s only with the person that I just follow which in our case is Master prints now in order to get started with writing you want to go into the very upper side and you want to choose the option that says right or if you want to actually let’s say that become a little bit more featured into you want to choose into your profile and you want to personalize your account for example the home section the about section and all of that after you finish that you can always go into great and we can get started while this rocket getting started as you can see it’s really easy to get started by creating a Blog creating a website creating an article it’s always the same deal we have here the title we have to tell your story and there’s a plus button that appears in here so speaking about your very first article you have to be worrying about that let’s say that I do want to talk about my own space in the 2022 my own space in the 2023 so tell your story this is just an example so uh once I do have let’s say that I just written something really really easy if I hit into the enter Mark you’d be seeing this plus button if I click this option is going to be appearing different tools it can be added into my actual article for example I have the gallery I do have the add an image from unsplash I have to add a video I can add a n-beam code a code blocked and lastly I can add a new part so if I want to add a new power is going to be cracked it with three dots and I can add something else some different time of else here now select text to title formatting add headers or create links if I choose next for example here it’s going to be appearing all the different tools that I can be using to actually customize my actual website or my article in this case once you are familiarized with all of these elements hit into the x marks and we can start to work and now let’s talk about the Icebreaker so if you’re just getting started with the article and you actually don’t know where to start you don’t have to worry about that let’s say that you just want to focus into just one subject for example let’s say I’m going to type here I’m going to go and look out for something really really easy talked about for example Apple versus Android there we go so I’m going to delete this I’m going to have actually let’s say iPhone versus Android and here I can start the subject so what I want to the focus is introduced three elements in order to actually just provide my arguments here into the article so I’m going to go and add those for example here have the article number one which is the introduction now into the introduction what I want to do is to focus into what is the main subject and why do I care about this article or of this subject now the number two is going to be the body of my article here into the body I want to say I want to just express my own opinion and if you want you can add more sources some more sources for example and lastly I had to have the conclusion so here into the conclusion I just want to add my last words and a few incentives and thoughts for the reader so with those three elements uh what I want to do is to use a tool that can be helping me to actually write more information about the iPhone versus the Android so I can Strong’s GS2 if you don’t know how to get started you can go into chat DBT chatty bit is going to be helping you to create whatever you wanted to so if I want to start um an article about iPhone versus Android here I want to go into Channel dpd create an account is really really easy so uh create an introduction I’m going to hit create an introduction article about iPhone versus Android and just like that chat DVD is going to be starting to write the introduction of our article so if you want to check it out how it’s going to be looking here for example the debate between iPhone and other has been going on for years with both sides that passionate and dedicate followers I from the world blah blah blah so as you can see there are really strong arguments what we want to do is to use this information paragraphs whatever you wanted to and then what you can do is use to add your own opinion of your actual element so I’m going to just copy this article for example this story let’s say that this is my actual introduction so I’m going to just click into the enter Mark I’m going to enter once again and I’m going to paste my information here so lastly what I just need to do is to edit my title for example let’s say I’m going to add something like this on here I do have the introduction I’m going to go into the x mark and instead of just adding the introduction let’s say now lastly I do have the feeling that I might need an image here so I’m going to type in the very end of the very first paragraph I’m going to type it enter I’m going to hit into the plus button go into add an image and here you can go into show all files if you don’t have an image I can always go once again back I’m going to go into add an image I’m going to choose from Iron splashed and type keyword to search from ounce plus let’s say that I want to look for Android and hitting to enter so I have vivid images let’s say for example that I want to add this one and there we go so really really easy to add this now I’m going to scroll a little bit down and here once you do exactly the same thing but instead by adding some Android phone I’m going to go and go into unsplash and I’m going to go for iPhone like this and now I have this element as well so as you can see now I have the elements and I have which one actually uh created the actual photo so once you have all of the information I can start by actually customizing my website after I finish that I can go into published and here into publish you have your story preview you have your name you have your elements you have the published too and you want to add a smudge topics as you can so people can find your post more faster with that being said we have just created something really really easy into medium but just in case you have any questions you can leave it down below in the comment section so this is just a really really stamp tutorial that you can how can create here into because you can doing endless listless possibilities and now with the charging Beauty we can do so much more than this so with that being said guys don’t forget to like And subscribe to the channel if you don’t want to see more amazing tools about the great and their tools on the creating articles thank you so much for watching the video once again guys and I’ll see you next time [Music]

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Jue Ago 8 , 2024
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