How To Post An Article on LinkedIn 2023

In this video, I talk about How To Post An Article on LinkedIn 2023.

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how to post an article on LinkedIn that’s what we’re gonna learn on this video so first of all we need to realize the difference between a article and a regular post so this is a regular post if I click C mode this will show the caption and a picture so this is a regular post and this is an article on the caption it says what the article is about and if I click on the article’s title it will take me to this page where I can read the details about the post and Etc so let’s see how we can make a post like make an article on LinkedIn first of all I’m gonna go to my home page and I’m gonna create click here I’m gonna click here write article and here I need to choose like my profile my personal profile business profile I’ll click on think big brands Which is my media agency so then I’ll see this layout here I can add a headline a picture and write the article here so let’s do the Hardline the importance potence of posting articles on LinkedIn let’s get an image for it I already have an image this is it and here I can write my article and Etc but I’m gonna cheat a little bit and I’m gonna get the time the full article from church GPT so I’m gonna post it here and that’s it I have my article ready if I want I can change the fonts I can like change the headings I can add more headings I can create something bold italic underlined and once that’s done I’ll click on next and here it tells tell your network what your article is about and use hashtags so this will be very short caption one and two sentences about what the article is about so let’s do don’t [Music] sleep on Linked In Articles it with this [Music] [Applause] [Music] articles to get more Rich more people [Music] so that’s it if I click publish it will publish My article on my page see and I can also change the target audience here and change who can comment on the post so go back back publish and it will be published on my business page so that’s how you post an article on LinkedIn I hope this video was helpful thanks for watching bye

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