How to Draft a Blog Article with AI

In this video, Sr. Product Marketing Manager Nanette George demonstrates using an AI writing tool (Copymatic) to draft a blog …

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foreign [Music] ette George I’m on the product marketing team at Anaconda where we make a data science platform and I want to share an article I’m writing about chat GPT so I want to show you how I can use an AI writer to create a blog article so I’ve already written this blog article um but I got some great ideas for writing about it from chat GPT as you can see here now I’ve already put that prompt in and I’ll show you if I scroll down here’s like a little preview of my article and under the line here you’ll see the prompt that I gave chat GPT and copy manic is right here I’ll copy this now because I’m going to show you how to do it in copymatic which is an AI writer but I want to show you first what chat gpt’s result was gave me 458 words and I of course I asked it for a Blog article with tips for Enterprise teams that want to add AI writers to their content production processes so this is what it gave me and now I’m going to show you how I’m going to do it with copymatic so copy Matic is one of the many AI writers that I write about in my blog article but I want to show you how you can turn an idea into a first draft so uh in this case I’m going to use the blog post writer and there as you can see there are a lot of tools you can choose from I’m going to give it a prompt the same one I gave it to to the uh to chat TPT and I already can see that it’s too long so let’s see pros and cons of using AI writers and the drawbacks great targeted keyword here I’m just going to say is chat BT because that’s kind of what we’re writing about um creativity I’m choosing regular High creativity isn’t as a little scary to product marketers like me but of course you can choose what you want then I go to next I’m going to let the AI generate the titles the post title rather so I say titles that’s going to give me a choice of all of these okay so I hmm I am going to choose the first one it feels most relevant then an introduction I’m going to let it generate that and again copymatic is one of many tools that are available this is a paid version that I use on my my very own it’s actually my personal account um here it’s given me several intros okay and as you can see you’ll see some interesting commonalities among these AI writers um you’ll see things you know sort of platitudes like in today’s digital age as the demand for Content continues to grow some of these sort of like common things in a world where content is King that is likely to be a uh a red flag in the future uh as um AI written content so something we want to look at here is avoiding that in in the ones that we choose to put in our our um our article so I’m going to choose this one Enterprise teams are always looking for ways to maximize that’s a good one now I’m going to have it generate an outline or subheadings for my post and so here I get to choose this the um the subheadings that it’s going to include in the in the blog article um let’s see pros and cons potential drawbacks as you can see it hits on the main things we’ve already covered in the earlier screens um I think I’m gonna use a relatively simple one and I kind of like the first one for being simple so I’m going to select that one I’m going to let it generate paragraphs now we can watch it go and as you can see I can choose to regenerate or write more and it gives me lots of good ideas right here so it’s almost like I’ve written an article or maybe a first draft of an article and then from here I can save it into my account of course I get a certain number of limit limit of um words that I can use based on my plan per month this is this is 950 words and I’m going to export this just by copying the content I’ll bring it into my article I’m going to do a paste and match style here and I think we said it was how many words 950 words okay so I got a few more words with that than I did with the um the chat GPT see got 458 with that one here we go 950 words and you can see this is going to be my title so great that’s what it looks like as you can see it’s pretty decent writing however um as you’ll see in my in my article you have to be aware of repetitive text uh you have to fact check every everything that that’s written um you have to have humans taking a look at this writing before you publish and that kind of thing I also obviously want to add in some links to your products and and the whole reason that you’re writing to begin with um to to point buyers in a meaningful uh a way to Along on their journey to learn more and more about your product and about the problem that your product solves for them anyway I hope this is helpful I’m Nanette George again with anacondas product marketing team thank you so much yeah foreign [Music]

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