Voice Over Jobs For Beginners 2024

Voice Over Jobs For Beginners 2024 Super excited to be releasing the new 2024 version of Voice Over Jobs For Beginners.

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hello welcome back to ao’s Journey my name is Anthony P today we are going to be talking about voice over jobs for beginners for 2024 I try to make one of these videos every year uh right to the beginning of the of the next year based off of what we’ve seen this year and last year you know we had our three different places that we talked about in the previous year um and I’m I’m excited to share with you this year and there’s some changes that I I have to this list so we’re going to go over three different places as a beginner uh you should be going to start to get work as a voice actor now just as a caveat as always make sure that you know that there are many different paths to success and voice over you can make money in all kinds of different ways and you know so this is a very limited uh 20,000 foot View of where you know the thousands of voice actors I’ve coached over the years I’ve seen and and even today with all the people in our are V Journey Elite Academy my mentor students Etc that we are making money consistently through and getting work consistently okay all right so with all that being said let’s go ahead and dive in today all right uh this is December um you know moving into 2024 it is still and I think it has become now the it’s taken gosh uh 12 13 years but it it has become more of a consensus now over the entire voiceover industry okay that one of the best places to start especially if you’re beginning and you don’t you know you don’t have a ton of money to sustain years of you you know uh you know moving to LA and doing all that kind of stuff you know what I mean Fiverr is still the number one place to get started today I still believe it I still earn uh you know I I still earn you know thousands and thousands of dollars a month from fiber doing voice over my students do uh my students and and the from the past and the present I mean they there it’s still working they’re still bringing in work and it is still such a low barrier of Entry okay now I will say with all that being said it is important to note that you even Fiverr you can’t go on there and just offer you know not not put your best foot forward which is why you know I’m redoing the the Fiverr course for 2024 um that needs to be upd you know it’s crazy because it’s five years it’s our 5ye anniversary of it and uh you know it’s it’s it’s wild how that site has still grown and is growing um and still picking up share especially with everything going on and how with AI they have managed to play the game because remember you know AI is great and all but the the heart of like Fiverr is all of the real people who are doing the work and I think what separates Fiverr from a lot of these other platforms right is that Fiverr is solely dependent on the people themselves not the software where someone like voices.com right after that which we know this year has been wild right for them David C cicarelli uh resigned uh they’ve been taken over and you know it’s it’s evident that they’re pushing more and more trying to uh further AI uh and that software so they can leverage that I think the reality is is that you know they as a platform see that the software is where they want to head whereas Fiverr right its whole platform revolves around around people doing the services and if people this is what I love about Fiverr if people want to offer AI Services you still have to hire the people in order to do the AI they’re not going around people to do AI that doesn’t mean they don’t offer little things here there but the reality is is it’s still the people you hire and if you want to do AI you still have to hire the person the engineer or whatever who’s doing the AI so again I just it it’s nice because it revolves around the people and still to this day they are the number one place I believe to go okay number two this is a shift last year we talked about upwork I have to tell you uh and and and if you’re make you know if people watch this and they’re not beginning you know and they’re just checking them to see where where we are with this you know uh upwork has been really good in the past and last year our second pick was upward but I had to tell you this year that is not my SEC that is not a pick and I’m going to tell you why because this year upwork doubled all right in some cases tripled the cost it uh it it takes for you to submit a proposal all right so upwork went from you know people posting on there to you submitting a proposal to do the work so people would come on up work and they they post jobs and your uh how you get work is that you submit a proposal that hey I’ll do this job for x amount of money it’ll take me this and if there’s an audition you submit the audition right that’s how upwork works the nwork says well I need you know we need to make some money extra money so we’re going to charge instead of just charging on a commission we’re still going to charge a commission right for when you take but we’re also going to charge you to submit proposals we’ll give you a couple so when they first started it was you know they gave you a couple and they’re called connects and basically you had enough of these where you could for free each month that you could still probably get some work right and then the the cost to buy more was so low at the time that you know you could reinvest that and and still have a pretty good you know situation there um even when they launched it originally but then but then they tried to launch a counter offensive against Fiverr right by adding gigs the gigs section bombed they called them projects the gig section bomb the project section mean like we all put them up there I was very excited about it I talked about it length you know years ago and and um and then and especially this year this past year especially moving from last to 2021 into 2022 and 2022 and 23 and and it’s bombed it’s not it just does not for voiceover at least it does really crappy no you know I don’t know very many people at all who get any work through that okay so I think personally to pay for all of that bomb and everything they had to F realize how they had to raise they had to make some money somehow so they have doubled and tripled the co the the connect price so basically in order to do a proposal you have to submit a connect they have double tripled that price and uh for how many connects you have to get not the price of how much they cost but how many connects so they’ve doubled and tripled the number of connects so they have you know double or tripled the cost because you need that much more but because of that it’s just I mean it’s it’s ridiculously expensive the connects they give you for free now only going to give you about four to six proposals and you know upwork is still a platform where you know we’re talking about entry level type work so you’re not talking high high paying jobs that that that hundreds and hundreds of people also are going after so you know it it’s I’m very saddened by by up work um and I know there’s an occasional job that that I see come through at least people that you know I’m coaching working but unfortunately that works not on there so this year okay going back to it and I see it a lot I think it’s a great place all right um and that is to you know Focus your efforts the on number two for us all right is ACX now that might be some contention and we know that they’re struggling with ACX when it comes to uh their ability to you know weed out rights holders and people who are not the rights holders okay however they’ve redone their platform it’s the first time and I don’t know how long Okay um could they have done more of course I think I would have loved ACX to do a lot more uh to address some back-end things right but they they rone the platform um and you know they have added some things KDP has added some things with AI that you know I I don’t particularly care for but the reality is is as a beginner it is a great place still to cut your teeth to learn how to get a voiceover job okay get offered a contract negotiate terms do the work submit the work build a portfolio so that you can then turn around and Market yourself to the um bigger institutions okay like P random you penguin Random House audio and shers and all these different places who want you to actively have a portfolio but you so that means you have to make it happen before you get in there and this is a great way again you’re not going to make a ton of money this is beginning stuff you’re not going to make a ton of money there but there is still work going through there an opportunity for you just go into it realizing that it’s not going to be a ton of money up front um through ACX okay um but I still believe that it is a great place for 2024 for you to cut your teeth on especially beginning to get work remember the whole focus of this is for you to get actual work not Pie in the Sky Theory okay actually get jobs that’s in your queue for you to do okay uh again this not going to make you rich on ACX but you can get work and it’s great practice all right it’s great practice for you and with the opportunity to get paid even if it’s just royalty share all right um but it’s a great place to start and to get you a portfolio and to get your name or pseudonym whatever you choose to do up on Amazon okay um and uh um um audible okay so let’s go into number three last year we talked about number three was LinkedIn all right using LinkedIn to uh Target you know or or post your work and things like that to get uh jobs so this year all right our number three pick pick is I I’m we’re we’re going to modify this some because I realized last year you know with that it is true and a lot of people took that advice and did a great job but I think the reality is is that with any of these platforms right we’re talking this is more of a direct approach us going away from platforms getting out into the the world of direct marketing ourselves right email marketing has always been kind of at the Forefront of this and it’s not dead email marketing Not Dead by long shot um and Linkedin is not dead from a marketing standpoint long shot but I I want to talk more instead of saying just you go on to LinkedIn that doesn’t help very much what helps is is where you’re going to Target so we have email marketing right where you find businesses you email them an offer okay and uh you know see if they’re interested or in LinkedIn right you find the people that you are trying to Target and Market to and then you send them an offer okay something like so so the idea here is the third thing we’re we’re and I believe this really important for 2024 is to find a niche and Market that Niche there another reason why I like Fiverr because Fiverr forces you to create gigs that are specific to a certain category or Niche okay which works really well because these day this day and AG people are searching so number three is to use a direct marketing approach through either email marketing or LinkedIn uh um YouTube Facebook places like this uh Tik Tok but the idea here is that you’re not just posting your stuff randomly and saying hey look here’s a video that I did a voiceover that I did in this video if you want to work with me hire me that’s I mean you’re never going no one is ever going to see that except other voice actors what you need to do all right is choose a category like let’s say you want to do voicemail okay voicemail and and and uh interactive voice recordings like ivr you all right and you want to work with um uh you want maybe you want to work with uh that would be fun um um Escape rooms right uh right the the those places where you go with your it’s a you can go with a business retreat your friends or anything like that and you have to there’s like a scenario and you go in there and you have to do all this stuff you know what I’m talking about they’re all over the country there’re a lot of fun but anyways maybe you want to Target Escape rooms and do voicemails for for their business okay so now we have a targeted audience of people we know that we can find we find these companies we craft an offer for them say Hey you know I’ll do your voicemail and you know I’m the only person who uh you know really is focusing my efforts on offering you know crazy voice styles for your voicemail you know what I mean like you you target a message very specifically to them you have your little unique selling proposition and you offer them a deal right money back guarantee and you are are emailing these people you’re selling to them we are entering the age where we as Studios CU we’re Studios so you’re a beginner understand you’re not just beginning as a voice actor you’re creating your own home studio it’s why we say it’s our home studio because it’s a studio and as a studio your job was also to Market and sell so remember marketing is a strategy we got to sell so number three is to direct Market yourself to specific Niche are as find those businesses come up with something you a unique way that you’re going to sell them all right and give them a great offer that they can’t refuse that is number three okay direct uh marketing we 2024 has to I I really believe that we’ve got to take that into our own hands because there’s no way we’re going to cut through the massive marketing and dollars of the huge platforms you know because we’re going to be on them utilizing it for ourselves but we’ve got to Market ourselves you can use LinkedIn but if your audience like would Escape rooms be on LinkedIn maybe if they’re targeting if if they’re targeting businesses you know like company Retreats but the likelihood is they’re probably not going to be on LinkedIn right I mean I’m just using that as an example right I mean there’s so many different ones you can use so the idea here is is that you’ve got to find where that audience is and if we’re going to use email you’ve got to craft a message an offer and so forth with that in order to get them interested and possibly working with you okay um now if you’ll notice so those are the top three we got Fiverr we’ve got ACX all right and we’ve got this direct marketing approach where you’re going to use a niche you’re going to find a specific area okay that you want to um do voiceovers for I love during Halloween and marching band season I do a lot of voiceovers for marching bands right they add them into their performances right I mean like you know and it’s it’s interesting because so many of us uh get into voice over and and all we can at first at first glance we think about these National spots with these commercials we see on TV you know the all the Hollywood all the GL glit and Glam of these big things but those aren’t the things that keep the lights on that’s not the majority of the work that you’re going to do the majority of the work are these you know again just like us everyday people who are trying to um you know live life and and they need our services and that’s you that that’s what’s going to help you grow and have a sustainable business over time you know not the ones or two once or two things in a lifetime and I’m not saying those things don’t help but I’m saying these things where you’re targeting this type of stuff can really help you get work especially as a beginner right um so that’s a great way to look at now if you notice I didn’t mention so let’s go into to talking about what I didn’t mention real quick so pay to plays right this is these are websites like voices which I did mention um but uh voice123 voice realm um things like these which you know I’m not going to say uh good or bad okay they have their uses um I get the most work from voice room uh and voice 123 voices has just they’re they’re they’re in a free fall um I’m not saying people aren’t still getting work there and things but you know that’s that’s kind of chaotic there but I didn’t put them on the list because you have to spend money to get on them and and it’s a catacol you have got to have your stuff together because they have been around the longest right voices and voice 123 were started early on in the early early 2000s right I think between 2002 2003 somewhere around there and uh you know they have built they have the majority of probably voice actors on those websites and you know they even you know long they started long time ago so a lot I mean there’s so many voice actors on those websites that are really really really really really pushing the metal to like the pedal to the metal right I mean so it is heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy competition and there’s not as much work going through there actually as there is through Fiverr okay so you have probably way more voice actors less work all right and it’s catacol meaning like it depends on how many auditions you can pump out okay so you know I I and cost they cost money and in order to get somewhere you got to spend a lot of money on there and and I I think that you know it’s one of those situations where when the time comes and you have money to reinvest you can get accounts but I would not venture to say that is the greatest place to start okay um they are they are probably next on your marketing plan um intermediary sites like uh voice jungle or um vent you know which I love vent um but a site like vent and amazing site I love it I love the owners uh the staff there great people work really hard for voice actors they support voice actors they’re very outspoken against you know AI um I I you know I really love them all there Vin however right they’ll be the first to tell you you’re not going to make a living working through Vin and this is why I always say right that Fiverr has become is is still number one and it’s because more people that I that I’ve worked with over the years make a incredible living just through Fiverr now of course as you know you work with me and for example you join a V’s Journey Elite Academy you know to to work and and grow your voiceover business which we’re a uh uh um an online school where you can join you know and we have live Zoom meetings every week we do community um um all kinds of things to help you learn and grow your business we understand that you don’t want to just limit yourself to one place in case something happens however sustainability wise Fiverr still produces enough business and enough money to make a lot of people a live a livable wage like like a full-time job wage whereas most of these other websites they do not they cannot um so I love voquent you should be on it but the reason why it’s not in the beginning stamp is because you know you need to be you need to have legitimate good quality thing I’m not saying you don’t need to on Fiverr an ACX um but you know on ACX you don’t never necessarily even need a demo right because you’re just you could start by just auditioning that’s why I like ACX so much all right Fiverr gives the opportunity for you to narrow your Niche down so it doesn’t have to be so intense about this broad range but I think the idea is and even with vcan because they they’ve pushed the level on trying to make sure it’s it’s niched down to specific tonal reads the idea here is that as you’ll notice as we go through and more and more people and the world just keeps getting smaller when it comes to our interconnectivity with communication and availability it’s important to really focus your efforts and your Niche areas that’s why I think for 2024 right between besides Fiverr and ACX that Niche offer offering Niche areas for your voiceover work will be the game Cher in your business okay um and instead of thinking of just on a mass scale because people are not looking at oh just a voice over they’re looking for very specific specialists in an area because you know if they want a you know if they want a voicemail for an escape room okay they’re going to be looking for a voice actor who does voicemails and probably does scary voices and maybe even has experience and then what could they offer me they might not and they might not even know they need a voice actor because they don’t even know right because they’ve never hired a voice actor before because that’s not even on their mind so we have to you you know what I mean so we have to Target these people individually and you can’t do that by just randomly posting so I hope that this video has helped uh getting you kicked off for 2024 and uh one last thing is do not fear AI it is a competitor nothing more nothing less and remember they have all of the problems of a business that we do okay and more so because so many of them took so much investment money that they’re going to have to pay it back and a lot of them are starting to fold they’re starting to go out of business you’re going to start there’s going to be regulations popping up everywh there it’s already starting it’s going to be very difficult for them and people are going to re the people realizing hey it’s just easy for me to hire a voice actor than it is to hire these things and I actually have to do 10 times less work when I hire a voice actor which is why I said make sure for 2024 you make it easy easy for people to buy from you because it’s not so much that people are want to buy an AI voice it’s about they like the way you can purchase that service right just like that’s why they love the way you could purchase that service on Fiverr because it’s like a product it’s like the Amazon we H we are all an Amazon Society or I mean like a purchasing online society we’re all comfortable with it we get instacart you know we got our groceries delivered we get our our clothes delivered we get our our our our our um anything we want you know it’s all delivered I mean yeah I still go to the store but not like I mean not like you used to I rather sit and order it online we are comfortable ordering online so we have to be the same way we we cannot overlook this don’t be the voice actor that is the most difficult to work with Okay be the one that’s the easiest and that can be your unique selling point one easy price that’s not necessarily popular among people but again that trend is happening more and more and the times are changing so as a beginner embrac that and you’re going to be ahead of the game all right guys thank you so much for watching make sure you hit the like And subscribe button share this video to as many people as you can who need to see it all right and and check out the link below to AO Journey Elite Academy if you want to kick off your business even more you need to get with a training with a community and and learning that is going to help you move faster uh further uh and and um have all the support you need so thank you guys for watching have a good one talk to you later uh best of luck 2024 bye-bye

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Mié Ago 21 , 2024
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