Setting up your voice over profile properly is key to make sure that you’re getting the most out of your Voices membership.
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hey guys Randy here from voices and welcome to our onboarding series now wondering how voices connects you with voiceover auditions you might be surprised to know that your profile does the work for you specifically the magic happens when our algorithm called voice match scans the skills and abilities in your profile and your demos and it matches you up with jobs that have the same criteria when there’s a good match between what a client needs and what you offer you’ll be sent an invitation to audition for that job being matched to jobs that are looking for someone with your skills is one of the best perks of voices you can say goodbye to scrolling through lists of auditions that are looking for a voice age you can’t perform or a language that you don’t speak instead you’re gonna get direct invitations to jobs that you’re qualified for and that you’ll have a better chance of booking because the clients looking for someone like you to begin with plus the client is also gonna see the best matched auditions at the top of their list what does this mean for you the higher the voice match score the higher the visibility knowing this tip will help you prioritize your audition time and zero in on those jobs with a high voice match score so let’s say you see a job with a hundred percent match but maybe ten or twenty other people have already auditioned you should still seriously consider auditioning to that job because your high voice match score will rank you above other talent who have a lower score than you and when the client logs in your audition will be bolded in their list once you understand how this matching process works it’s really easy to see how important your profile is you’ll want to take extra time when you’re setting your profile up that way you know you’re never missing out on an opportunity to audition alright let’s walk through setting up your profile starting with your bio after logging into voices hover over me and select edit profile then scroll down to the vocal skills section in voice gender just select which gender you’d like to receive auditions for just note that this doesn’t have to be your gender it just has to be the gender that you sound the most like next in languages you’ll notice that English and English North American are automatically populated when you create your profile if you’re an English speaker with the North American accent like mine shows here you want to keep these settings exactly the way they are add any other languages that you can fluently speak up to a total of ten from here in the accents field you can select up to 30 accents remember if you select an accent you’ll be expected to actually perform that accent so just make sure that you select accents that you either speak natively or can really authentically perform in the last field on your bio that interacts with your voice match score is the voice age field the default view on your profile is going to list all of the ages so you’ll just want to remove any ages from your bio that you don’t perform and that way you’ll receive more opportunities that are relevant for you and your authentic voice age for me I’m just gonna keep young-adult on here when you’re making these selections a good way to think of it is like this you may be able to perform these accents or voice ages for a 1520 second audition but let’s say you land the job and they need an hour of recording you want to make sure that you can successfully perform that if you choose to have this under profile from there the additional information on your bio is really great to fill out that way your voices profile is the best representation of you and your skills remember gender languages accent and age are the four most important categories because those four in form or voice match system little insider tip here the gender languages and ages they must match what the client has selected for you to be sent the invitation in the first place and of course we’ll want to click Submit whenever you make a change a great thing about voice match is that it’s actually really responsive so as soon as you make a change voice match will start sending you jobs meeting those criteria if you’d like more guidance on setting up your profile check out the profile wizard it’s on your home page it’s a step-by-step walkthrough of each section on your profile it has little excerpts beside as well that actually explain what needs to go there and why they should take the guesswork out of setting up an awesome profile here at voices in the next one we’re gonna cover how to upload and fill out your demos remember we are always happy to go over your profile with you so reach out and that way we can make sure you’re on the right track as always happy auditioning we’ll see in the next one you
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