Voice Acting – Practice Tips & Techniques


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i’m going to make this very simple for you the number one key skill that you can improve to better your voiceover abilities in all areas of the industry and get paid for is take a book open it a random page take your phone get on the recorder hit record [Music] and read aloud gall concluded that there were 27 different character traits these purported building blocks of personality actually turned out to be rather sophisticated features of the human mind [Laughter] god and religion steadfastness right so that was a roughly about a minute of text and what you’re going to do now is take that and listen back to it and make notes that there were 27 different character traits these purported building blocks of personality right so as i was reading it i didn’t know what was going to come next so what i my notes to myself are is to slow down take a time to read a little bit ahead before i read um i could do some pretty tighten up my articulations and that’ll do and i know that there’s a huge list of items that come up so i need to pronounce them in a way that makes sense that there’s more coming and yet try and keep it dynamic and interesting those are my notes to myself so if i were to do that again let’s have a listen gall concluded that there were 27 different character traits these purported building blocks of personality actually turned out to be rather sophisticated features mind goodness instinct faculty of imitating god and religion steadfastness so second time through what did i get from that well that took a little bit longer but roughly i’ve spent about two minutes doing this so you can do that again as many times as you like and make improvements as you go you can do it once a day twice a day ten times it’s really up to you but the point is that you do it every day allow me to explain why this could be useful if you were to practice one minute of reading twice a day that’s two minutes a day that’s 14 minutes per week that’s 60 minutes per month and over the course of a year you would have spent 12 hours practicing your sight reading now 12 hours is roughly about the size of a decent audio book and if you are getting paid per finished hour 250 dollars per audio book that would bring you about 3 thousand dollars extra in your bank account per year just for reading two minutes uh every day and improving your number one skill sight reading of course no one is going to pay you to practice but if you don’t practice then you’re never going to be good enough to get paid and for those of you that do want to get paid you

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