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hello hello thank you so much for watching the video’s Journey my name is Anthony Pica I was in the booth I’m doing um a podcast actually episode for a client and um you know I was just thinking about some information that hopefully could help you with your voiceover business as always I get asked a lot of questions hey Anthony where are the best places to start to get voice over work you know if I’ve got to start over or I’m starting from scratch or you know I just need to refresher where are the best places so I think the top three places to get started for free and voice over right now to get work that are giving a lot of work or getting a lot of work is Fiverr upwork and ACX use those three sites to get on for free to start getting work as soon as possible all right guys thank you so much for watching take it easy make sure you hit that subscribe button bye-bye
Make your content unforgettable with our expert voice-over services—reach out today!
✔️Here i show you a top rated artist: Click Here.
✔️And Here i show you more to choose.