How To Get A TOP Voice Over Agent!

VOICE ACTORS! Are you ready to play in the big leagues? I’ll be breaking down how to get the attention or secure a TOP Voice …

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now what the heck i’m gonna teach you all how to get a top voice over agent stick around well hello there beautiful world paul castro jr here and while i got your attention why don’t you give a like subscribe follow all that good stuff and i would greatly appreciate it so i know getting an agent can be one of the most daunting things to do everybody is trying to get one voiceover is one of the most competitive industries in the world there are so many people who want to do this and there’s really not that big of a pool of people who are doing this at the the biggest level you know uh uh the hollywood of voice acting is actually you know comprised of a lot smaller of a pool than the on camera world because most of those very famous voice actors like the rob paulson’s tara strong’s kari walgrens they do multiple voices so that’s why rosters for voice over agencies can be that much more competitive because the person who’s 75 years old uh you know the fred tata shores or the frank welkers they’re all of these amazing actors they’re playing people who are still in their 20s and 30s now not to scare you all away i’m going to be breaking down some top ways for you to be able to get on the radar of agents or agencies or managers and get your foot in the door so i’m going to start off this whole video with a quote that’s going to be the umbrella for this whole video and that is be so good that they can’t ignore you i think steve martin said that but it’s so true that if you have the talent if you are that good number one you should be that good to compete at this level like i said you’re going up against these celebrities for some of these parts as soon as you get an agent they’re gonna be throwing you in the mix you have to be amazing you have to be undeniably amazing at what you do you don’t have to do what everybody else does but whatever your brand is your style the thing that makes you unique you have to be amazing at that so starting this off you have to have your acting chops you’ve went to school you’ve taken classes whatever it is you are ready to get into the arena and show people hey i i i deserve uh my shot here so you’re telling me there’s a chance now ways you could be doing that is investing in yourself having your home studio prepared having gone to top level coaches studying with with known renowned acting schools or acting teachers as you know you’re you’ve you’ve done a meisner conservatory atlantic stella adler strasbourg you are a trained actor you’ve got chops you’ve worked with some of the best people you’ve done one-on-one coaching with you know uh charlie adler or bob burgin you’ve really made yourself competitive in this space and also the day you show up for that meeting with the agency presumably you know what your brand is you know the shows that you should be on you have a list of all the casting directors and producers and animation studios that you’ve worked with you’ve got a website a headshot you have your demo reels everything that you could possibly need you have an order the worst thing that an agent would want is to take on somebody brand new and have to wait for them to get all the things that they should have already so that they can start pitching you to prospective jobs great so now that we all have that in place you’re ready you’re prepared you’re an amazing actor let’s go into the top ways that you can get the attention of these agents first on the list here is getting in with that voice over department through another department so if you’ve been studying as an actor right you’ve gone to conservatory you’ve studied in new york or uh l.a or even you know atlanta chicago you know any of these big marketplaces it might be worth pursuing a commercial agent in any of those areas that you currently are so if you are able to pursue a commercial agent which they’re looking for a lot more people if you have a distinguished look if you are a model and you’re able to get into the commercial department start booking some work making some money showing this agency that you are punctual on time professional you know what you’re doing you create a good relationship with the commercial department you’re then able to ask your commercial agent hey would you guys mind sending over my stuff to the voice over department and the the biggest lesson from this that’s going to go into the next piece of advice i’m going to give is everybody wants to work with people who they know and trust and who is the voiceover department going to know and trust more than their co-workers in the commercial department this also goes for the theatrical department the print department it doesn’t really matter i present the commercial because it’s often the times they’ll have the biggest rosters so if the commercial department’s got your back or any of those other departments and they’ve referred you over they’ll more than likely at least be able to get you an answer whether it’s yes or no now this brings me to my second way to get an agent’s attention and this also has to do with that networking part is a friend referral they’re a professional working in the business doing what you’re doing and they aren’t necessarily your type so you know they’re doing just widely different characters than you would at face value then maybe ask them if they can put in a good word with you for the agent if they’re if they’re booking work and the agent trusts them they’re going to take that industry referral and and get you into the door if you don’t have it already sign up for imdb pro you can look at all your friends or your acquaintances your colleagues people you’ve worked with before you know you did a off-broadway show at some point off off-broadway show at some point and you can look at that person look at their representation and see who represents them and you can send that person a note hey uh you know i was interested in pursuing this agency they have an office where i’m living right now i noticed your agent doesn’t have many people that are like me i was curious if you would send my material along and that also goes for management companies a big suggestion that is going to help you not only in this entertainment business but in life is surrounding yourself with people who are better than you try to be the least talented person in the room if possible therefore you only have to go up people around you who are amazing at what they do are inspiring it’s encouraging and if they’re helpful they can be a mentor the more you can network with people who are doing what you want to do the better chances at life you will have at doing that thing so if you have the goods people are doing agents a favor by giving them people who are talented the worst thing again going to the first point i made was if you’re not ready and you’re asking for referrals you’re already kind of ruining that first impression and you know first impressions can be changed but it really does have an impact if you’re not a professional if your acting isn’t on par if you don’t have all of your material and you’re asking for a referral to this agency and you’re not ready it’s just gonna make it that much harder to pursue them again when you are because you’re gonna leave this somewhat image um not all agents and people are like this but it’s gonna have said oh that person wasn’t ready i hope they are now you’re much better coming at this you know strong to the best that you can do you’ve you’ve put all your you know your cards down and you’ve used all your resources and you feel you’re ready that’s the time you should uh uh pursue an agent not when you’re just like all right i you know i kind of want an agent now and you know that would be great if i could start making some money and you haven’t done you know uh student films or you know worked for for free on on uh these online uh um you know web dubs that people make on like uh voice casting hub or behind the voice actors casting you know people who are just trying to get their fan projects made if you haven’t put in your time then why is this agency going to take a risk and put their time in on somebody who doesn’t take their business seriously the third way you can get an agent’s attention is by getting a referral from a casting director or a notable voice director or an ad agency or a producer all of the people who are making the executive decisions and putting money into projects or are bringing talent to productions are going to be a valuable resource so whether that means taking a casting director workshop class there was a place you worked at with a notable uh producer or the voice director on the project had worked previously on something or know somebody and if you did a good job for these people whether in that class or on the project getting a referral from them is going to hold so much weight because they’re taking risks by plugging all these people into projects or or into an audition that when they go to an agency it’s like oh great you call them in that i know they’re doing their job that’s gonna be one of the best referrals you can have is being going like kind of direct to market the fourth way you can get an agent’s attention is by working with a very reputable demo producer these people who are doing the pros voiceover demos and they are um extremely impressed at your work their work these people who are making these demos there is no one better at knowing when you are ready to go to market than a producer now i’m not recommending you hound your uh demo producer to refer you and only working with them contingent upon them getting you a meeting or an interview but if they are impressed with your work i really don’t doubt they wouldn’t have a hard time putting that demo in the right hands they’re always getting the ears of agencies they’re sending their own clients to these people so they’re only going to give themselves more business with this agency by sending them good people who they think would be a right fit for the fifth way you can get an agent’s attention is by one of the most taboo things but i still say screw it let’s do it email a lot of these agencies and management companies they have forms or strict instructions on how you should contact them fill out their form or we’re only doing industry referral but like i said if you are somebody who is so convinced you’ve gotten industry feedback from uh coaches casting directors like man you’ve got your your don’t stink then it might be worth for you sending an email to these uh agencies who you know you would have a perfect fit for there’s nobody like you or shows that you know you would be on they have talent that’s on those shows so you know they have a good relationship with those studios so if you know you’re ready you are able to find their email address through imdb pro or their website oftentimes it’s just their name dot last name or first name at their website address so like paul would be an example um if you’re able to directly send to them and say hey listen um this is my name i’ve done this i’ve done this i won this award um i i’m gonna be on a new animated show that’s doing this i was just the voice for a huge uh geico campaign whatever it is the most you can present to them like hey listen i’m kind of doing uh your job uh by myself right now but i just want to give you a kind of a piece of pie and you can bring more to the mix they’re going to be like wow this is somebody who i want to take a risk meeting because they’re already booking work and if they’re making money it’s kind of like a freebie for them to just take that meeting but again you have to be in a position where you are ready you know that you’re just not kind of like no credits no experience it’s like you’ve done your diligence maybe you even have a manager and they’re able to send that email for you that would be even better management companies can be kind of like the gateway to agencies um for most people the same way getting referred through another department can be and make that email look and sound good and be sure and to the point list the stuff you’ve done list where you’re at right now your home studio is in place you’ve got source connect this is my gear i’ve got a scarlett a sennheiser 416 and i’m ready to go and last but not least on how to get a voiceover agent’s attention and this is something everybody should be having in place and and doing and you know tick tock’s about to go down so check out bite you know where is the attention going to be next social media if you’re producing content that’s not just voice over you’ve got a great following there’s no better way to show that you are somebody who’s hot and a commodity than by having a large social media following and if not large but a loyal social media following where you’re putting out content of the voices you do you’re doing sketches you’re doing your impersonations you know you don’t have to be meryl streep and you don’t have to be the person of a million voices you just have to be really good at being you and if you’re showcasing that on your social media and you’re getting attention and you’re able to create funny sketches and you can reach out to these um agencies with either a verified account or an account with a large following that’s going to catch their eye most of the big agencies have social media accounts so if you can dm them and say hey interested in representation um we’d love to get a meeting and they go to your page and they see you have this loyal following eventually down the line a huge component of making a living as a voice actor sometimes is conventions and if you’ve already got a loyal fan base all we got to do is plug you into a spot and then you’ll be making a a large amount of appearance fees and that’s very attractive for agencies to show other casting directors other production companies hey people like this person hire them so guys i hope that was helpful those are my top ways to approach getting a top agent you know this can be from you know the cesds the the icms whoever it is if you’re able to get in with one of those departments get a referral you have a friend you took a class with somebody whatever you can do to make yourself more credible and and and reduce that kind of um unknown entry or unknown approaching to these people the better now all you got to do is get in the room and show them why they need to sign you wherever you are be it new york la chicago toronto uh texas it doesn’t matter i hope you guys are out there kicking butt pursuing your dreams and i’ll be making another video real soon don’t forget to like subscribe and i’ll catch you guys on the next one [Music]

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