How to find jobs as a voice actor!

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one of the hardest things to do as a voice actor is actually getting jobs but there are dozens if not hundreds of voice acting websites set up for you to meet clients and get auditions so what’s up with that today we’re going to talk about it now keep in mind first things first there are two paths that you can realistically take you can be so low with this whole thing and do everything on your own that means finding clients making sure that you’re actually sending out yourself proper quotes to everybody it’s a stressful path but you end up keeping a little bit more money on that side path number two is you can get an agent now this you just do the gigs you get auditions you train practice rehearse for those auditions go out and do the auditions and yeah you still have to connect and communicate with that client but at the end of the day your agent takes care of the actual negotiations of your rate so let’s say you’ve fallen in that first category you don’t want you can’t get you don’t need any type of agent what do you do in order to get work there are really four steps that I did in order to get work and that I see working for the rest of Eternity step number one you gotta create some stuff if you’re a new voice actor you don’t have anything nobody knows if you’re any good nobody knows if you’re any bad you don’t even know if you’re good or bad at this actual thing so you gotta start just putting yourself out there and start creating samples so this is my advice to you you need to start listening to each category of voice acting yes maybe you want to be the next anime protagonist maybe you want to be a video game character that’s fantastic but it typically does not pay the bills by itself you need to start listening to commercials explainer videos um voicemails uh audio books video game animation you can listen to all of them together and you need to start creating samples for all of them so create samples for each one of those categories and in each of those categories you will find there is a subsect of styles that you can actually portray so maybe for the car commercial you’re trying to sell a sexy ride a Night on the town you’re trying to reach the heartstrings of somebody as they need to save puppies now are on the street so you need them to donate today these different styles all portray a different thing and you need to be able to capture them in order to get a client to come to you so show your variety create your own scripts and start recording number two you need to actually sign up for online websites I’m going to leave a list below of the ones that I have used and are using currently in order to get work because some of them are downright scams won’t list anything but some of them are just bad now fill in all of the information on every single one of these websites I know that it’s it’s challenging can be complicated it can be time consuming like I’m saying hours if not a day or two on each of these websites because you’ll need to fill in a lot of information but guess what when you fill in all of the information these websites typically index you as higher so if somebody searches voice actor and two people sign up on the same day but one person fills in all of the information and one person doesn’t that person will still go up higher even though they are created at the same time if that makes any sense so make sure you fill out all of the information on the website everything and now you’ve got a bunch of samples to put into that website so upload all of your samples all of the information and you should be good to go on those websites now on to number three number three I call the peu practice edit update what you need to do from here is start to go in depth in your practicing I mean I want you to get books I want you to get a teacher and or a mentor I want you to join Discord servers where you can actually host group sessions for pow wows where you can practice voice acting with friends or go to a Twitter spaces where you can communicate with people watch YouTube videos about acting acting techniques I’m not saying just go search how to voice act it’s it’s rather difficult there are a bunch of different people that come up myself included I’m saying search up acting techniques in order to see new things that you can incorporate into your acting pipeline do all of these things to practice and enhance yourself as a voice actor the E stands for edit I want you to go back and edit all of these websites you will find that some of your samples suck take them down because they’re not doing you any good take them down re-record them or record new samples and re-upload them when you do that you’re going to have nothing but high quality samples now that you know what something high quality actually sounds like and the U stands for upload or update upload update all those websites congratulations it’s been a couple weeks it’s been a couple months you got high quality samples you got a voice acting website sending you gigs left and right congratulations but what’s the last part that is connect it’s time for you to reach out and connect with people in your community with your peers with fellow voice actors casting directors animators people who can get you work I’m not saying to spam them do not spam anybody it will not get you anywhere if you sit there and spam people and say hey I’m a voice actor I really want work I really need to do this you’re not going to get anywhere if you do that so just speak to people like they’re actual humans when somebody posts something on Twitter respond when somebody posts a picture like the picture when somebody says I have a gig now send out your samples and it’s time for you to create a reel of sorts if you’re not an audio engineer listen to me quote closely if you’re not an audio engineer do not create your own demo reel there’s nothing worse than an amateur demo reel pay somebody to create a demo reel now I didn’t have to do this because I am an audio engineer so I can’t exactly give my demo producer or give samples or anything like that but just know pay somebody this is your job this is something you want to take seriously when you get that actual demo created you now have a calling card place that demo on every single website put a pin it on Twitter put it on Instagram in the form of a video now you can pin things on Instagram congratulations pin it on Instagram if you have a Reddit congratulations put it on your Reddit page literally put that demo everywhere and people will find you watch the demo and be like holy crap this is nothing but high quality stuff I have a gig that I want to provide or I want an audition for congratulations that’s how you start to connect with people once again do not just Spam your demos and samples places nobody will listen nobody cares everybody has other things to do and that’s not how this industry works so at the end of the day after you’ve done all of these things what do you have well my notebook you you have some voice acting sites with high quality samples and demos hours of training in the craft of voice acting both with your teacher your Mentor or with uh your Practice Group you have friends a mentor or a teacher to help you to train you and to guide you tons of samples showing a variety of different skills a variety of different accents a variety of different styles in general a social media to connect with other people and your social media is high quality and you have those demos and an audition Pipeline and with that congratulations that’s how to find work as a voice actor catch you in the next video

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Jue Ago 15 , 2024
ESPACIO PUBLICITARIO: Utiliza esta herramienta para generar cualquier voz que desees → … Haga que su contenido sea inolvidable con nuestros expertos servicios de voz en off: ¡póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy mismo: ✔️Clic aquí para crear tu voz perfecta. Si buscas en inglés o puedes usar el traductor, […]

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