How To Become A Voiceover Artist Today | No Experience…

Soo, you want to become a voiceover artist?! It is easier than you would think depending on what you would like to get out of it!

Bring your message to life—get professional voice-over services today!

✔️Here i show you a top rated service: Click Here.

✔️And Here i show you more voice over artists.

hello today we have a new mic can you hear me is this satisfying or is this gross today we’re going to get into how to become a voiceover artist what better way to show you with my new mic if you’re ready i’m ready let’s get into the video [Music] hello my name is kat theo and today we’re going to get into how you can become a voice-over artist or at least be doing voice-overs to make some extra income on the side or as a full-time job if that’s what you want to do i’m going to be going into exactly how i’ve done it in the past and how you can do it too i did make a video maybe about eight months ago you can check it out here if you haven’t about different websites you can use to become a voice voiceover artist in that video in particular i was talking about more long-term projects that have to do with like an audiobook so you’re going to be recording for like 20 hours or 40 hours something like this today i’m going to be going into more bite-sized side jobs you can do when getting into voice over work so you can do this to on the side but not like as a professional essentially a voiceover artist is the person voice behind a video or an audiobook something like that so if you’re doing an audio book you’re bringing a character to life you’re bringing the character’s personality to the book things like that you can do voiceover work for commercials for videos for ads really there’s so many things but essentially you’re using your voice that you know you’re born with to make money a lot of time it’s just pronunciation it’s emphasizing it’s articulating and mostly anybody can do it if you dedicate the time to learn how it’s done in my last video some of y’all are like well she didn’t tell you that you need a studio you need expensive equipment you have to spend like 100 hours just to film two minutes of audio i’m going to tell you right now you do not need expensive equipment you do not need a studio and all of that i have done it i’m going to be putting in a video that i did voiceover work for an organization after this that you can listen to that i filmed with my iphone my iphone i’m not suggesting you use your iphone if you’re going to be doing this as an actual professional gig however you do not need to be a swimmer to swim you do not need to be a runner to be able to run and you definitely do not need to be a professional the best voice over artist to be able to do voiceovers one website i’m going to be talking about that i’ve talked about a lot lately on my channel is fiverr fiverr is kind of like the beginning pier to get started on with a lot of different things you can use fiverr to get little gigs and this is exactly where i found my first voiceover gig when i did this so originally i got paid to do the explainer video it’s like animation explainer video and on top of that they said they didn’t want to pay an additional thousand dollars to get a voiceover artist and i was like well i’ll do it for like an additional 300 just like throw me some money my way and i’ll do it for you i don’t remember the exact amount they paid me but they paid me additional just to use my voice as the voice over i’m so serious when i say you do not need a studio you do not need anything crazy it is always advantageous to you to always try the best that you can to have the best product but not everybody out here is gonna be a national company trying to get like commercial grade voice over artists a lot of people they’re just small organizations it might be a small church it might be a startup it just might be a small business partner just like you and me who just need somebody’s voice and it doesn’t need to be this like crazy production and i’m telling you you do not need to have a crazy studio to do this you can sit inside your closet full of clothes that’s enough to dampen the echo or sit in your living room as long as there’s no echo you can get a nice mic if you can afford to and you can record voiceovers for people i’m telling you i’m going to show you a video that i did it myself all right let’s get into some of the websites that i like to use the first website you can use is fiverr i will have a link for you in the description as you can see there are thousands of people who are becoming voice-over artists on fiverr you do not need to feel overwhelmed with the amount of people on fiverr i’ll tell you why everyone’s voice is different i have a deeper more sultry voice someone might be looking for somebody with that kind of voice someone might be looking for a higher pitch more feminine voice someone might be looking for a stereotypical radio voice where you know it’s super deep and very sexy you know what i’m talking about everyone has a different voice that’s how you’re going to set yourself different from the next person everyone has a different voice if you can do imitations then you’ll have definitely advantages because you can change your voice stuff like that everyone is different so you don’t need to feel overwhelmed some people have a british accent some people have american a southern accent canadian australian all these different accents foreign accent you’d be surprised how many people are looking for that for something you can um see how there’s some people with lots of reviews or some people with no reviews i mean really the sky’s the limit another one if you want to do short-term projects is with upwork i’m not going to log into upwork but essentially it’s the same thing as fiverr but people are gonna request jobs you can put your profile up there as a voiceover artist and get different jobs you can also filter and let people know that you do small gigs under five minutes stuff like that to make sure it’s not gonna be like some crazy thing another one i talked about is acx in my last video so acx essentially becoming a voice over artist for people’s books so you’re turning it into an audiobook you’re going to be bringing a character to life you’re going to have a lot more personality than it may be like a standard voiceover so this one you might have a lot more personality much more influx in your voice than other things but this one is going to be a more long-term kind of job where you can get paid a lot more and i will say that i did misspeak in my last video where i said if you have like eight hours of recording that’s really probably only like 10 hours if you have eight hours of a book to read it’s probably gonna be more like 16 hours because you’re gonna see what things you don’t like you’re going to want to re-record you’re going to delete stuff you’re going to do it again and depending on if you’re a perfectionist or not it’s going to take probably double the time that it takes you know you have to also edit it stuff like that acx is great because it’s connected to amazon it goes on amazon it goes on itunes i’ve used acx to find my voiceover artist for my personal children’s book i really like them and another website is i’m gonna log in real quick you’re inside and you’re going to click jobs and you can see right off the bat there are jobs for a thousand dollars 500 150 250 to 500 here’s another one for a thousand they’re actively you know hiring and essentially you’re just gonna reply to the job and apply essentially you can send them your past work how you sound things like that your capabilities there’s just tons of of work on here and they have all kinds of things from more professional organizations and companies to like i said people just starting off a church a coffee shop a school things like that where you do not need to be like the most professional and then once you get started and you you know you get your reviews you’ve done a few under your belt so you know what you’re kind of doing and then you can use the money to get a microphone that is much better that’s going to improve your quality of course with any job you’re going to always want to be improving yourself to become the best version of you that you can be because once you do that you can charge more once you’re investing in actual technology for your business you can you know charge more when you’re just using your iphone you can charge a little bit less because the only thing you’re out is your time right i mean if you use your iphone like i said i’m not recommending it but i’m saying i did that before and you can it’s possible people do it all the time you know but you’re not gonna be charging a thousand dollars to do that you’re probably gonna be you know under but once you have your reviews you have your gigs you can invest into a microphone this one in particular is the blue snowball hopefully you like it i will put a link in the description uh for amazon it was i think 60 bucks maybe around there 60 to 80 bucks i will write it down here for you this is all you need you do not need a studio and be doing the most like you do not you can you can do the most but you don’t need to do the most okay yeah there you go hopefully between all of these different resources you can find something that works for you and you can start doing voiceovers today like i said i’m gonna leave this with your in your thought process you do not need to be a chef to be able to cook you do not need to be a karate expert to karate chop someone in the face and you do not need to be a professional voice-over artist to do voiceovers for people alright i’m gonna show you right now the video that i did i will tell you it’s not a perfect video it was from three years ago in 2018. there’s lots of things that i wish i would have fixed and re-recorded and did over i was using my iphone if you are a professional voice over you can tell it was filmed on an iphone but it’s possible and they paid me hundreds of dollars to do this voiceover it’s possible believe in yourself don’t let people discourage you just because you have some people that are professional of course you take pride in what you do and you know you might get offended by somebody using their iphone to make money to being a voice over artist but you know this channel is we’re not knocking people’s hustle this is just a side hustle for you get out there you are doing a service to a company you’re helping them out so with no further ado let’s get into that video meet jeremiason he grew up in san diego he didn’t know he was experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition until it was almost too late but jeremiason was never alone actually 1 out of 10 young people experienced a period of major depression that is over 40 million americans as youth depression rates rise at staggering numbers sufficient mental health treatments decrease before we can grow we must first understand that depression is very serious depression is the number one cause of suicide anywhere actually teen depression is quite common over 20 percent of teens develop depression before adulthood but there is hope there is treatment and a brighter future with our team team millennials and your help adolescents just like jefferson can get the mental health needed to a happy recovery with your help we will raise five million dollars to go towards getting mental health care and education for teens all over the silicon valley area happy people have happy brains i’m glad you asked our project recycle for recovery has come to kick mental illness in the butt just by collecting and donating plastic bottles and cans it’s that simple but with that alone will make a huge difference these plastic bottles will then be recycled for money that will be donated directly to the mental health awareness cause get even more involved by joining us on september 22nd for the national alliance on mental illness walk in san jose california the funds will go to nami santa clara and nami san mateo where it will be used for mental health awareness mental health education true stories and educating all the middle schools in high school throughout the silicon valley all you have to do is one gather your recyclables two contact us through email facebook or instagram three we pick it up take a picture with you and you’ll be on our website for your contribution make a difference in a team’s life and donate a bottle today so what team are you on team millennials [Music] all right well there you go that’s the video i did for an organization locally here in the united states of america they were super happy i was happy the way it turned out and it was filmed in a closet with some clothes with an iphone don’t tell them that you can do this too get started and then once you have some money saved up if you can’t afford to get a mic get a mic after you get some you know gigs under your belt things like that if you’re gonna be working on fiverr i do recommend you check out this video which is how to make your first sale on fiverr so you’re actually ranking on the algorithm so you’re actually being put on the first couple of pages instead of like all the way on the 50th page stuff like that if you sign up with all of these websites acx voices upwork fiverr there is no way that you will never get any kind of gig in voiceover because there are so many options for you and if you find some more options out there put them in the comments below and let’s just help everyone out all right i will see you guys in the next video bye oh it works all right we have 4k we have an audio i’m excited all right so today we’re going to be getting oh rambling i sound like a crazy person if you’re bringing the character uh i should have freaking scripted this [Music] hmm i am so serious oh it’s this thing okay i am sorry gosh oh no come on right now really so oh is this thing working that’s the video i did where oh [Music] jeez

Make your content unforgettable with our expert voice-over services—reach out today!

✔️Here i show you a top rated artist: Click Here.

✔️And Here i show you more to choose.

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