In this video I give 4 easy steps to getting started in the world of voice over. I’m a completely self-made voice actor, and I started …
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hey guys my name is Nastasia I am a self-made voice actor I work from home I make money using my voice and I was able to quit my day job and do this as my full-time career so if you’re sitting at home and you’re thinking to yourself gee I want to work from home I want to be a voice actor and make money just using my voice but I don’t know where to get started I was never in theatre I don’t know how to use recording software I don’t even know where to find voiceover jobs well you’re in luck because I was in your exact position just a few years ago and I’m gonna give you four tips and tricks to get started and get your business rolling so let’s get going okay so the first topic that we’re gonna focus on is equipment and this little baby can be your first microphone this is an audio technica at2020 it’s about $79 on Amazon right now this is a great starter mic I wouldn’t suggest going any cheaper than this because you want something that you’re gonna have some room to grow in so you don’t have to reinvest in your equipment so quickly but this is a great basic mic you want to make sure that you’re in a totally soundproof area because you don’t have a lot of control in terms of directionality you probably don’t even know what that means I still hardly know what that means but this is a great microphone to get started so audio technica at2020 i’ll leave the links below in the description the next thing that you’re gonna want to do is completely avoid using a USB mic you don’t want to use a mic that’s gonna plug straight into your computer it’s just not really a good idea you don’t have a lot of control over the quality and a good idea would be to get an interface this was the very first interface I ever started with it’s called an alpha lexicon I think I got it for like $50 online at a time where I didn’t even know what an interface was I didn’t even know how to use this thing I just knew that I was supposed to have it so basically you control your game you control how much gain your microphone is going to absorb from the sounds in your little box and it’s going to filter through here and then go into your computer so you can control a lot more than if you just used a USB and then in the back you can see that you can plug in your microphone if you have some speakers plug in your speakers however all that works it’s going to come with structions but this is a great thing to start with and it’s only $50 the next thing you’re gonna want is a microphone cable and these are relatively cheap you can find them at any Music & Arts store guitar Center or whatever it is this is going to plug from your microphone into your interface then your interface plugs into your computer and you’re also going to want something to check the quality of your product so I originally started with a cheap set of beats by dre they were alright you don’t want to get anything that’s gonna plug into your ears you know like the ear plugs or anything like that you want something that’s going to give you a more surround sound type of feel so you can hear the details in the quality that you’re producing so whenever you send it to a client you’re confident in what you just delivered and you can hear everything that you’re they’re hearing for sure and finally the last thing that you’re going to be thinking about is soundproofing in this is going to be your biggest hurdle soundproofing has driven me crazy from the time that I got started there’s a reason why you have audio engineers and people who go to school to understand this stuff because it’s very complicated but no need to fear you can handle it I’m just gonna give you a couple tips you probably will go on Amazon and look up the cheapest soundproofing foam that you can get and you’re gonna see these little things you know twelve by twelve squares for a 12-pack relatively cheap it sounds affordable don’t do it not a good idea this is basically just serving as decoration on top of my little tables that I have set up in here I thought I was going to be able to get away with this I was not able to get away with this instead I ended up going with this much more expensive foam that I got at Guitar Center it’s much larger but it’s only two pieces for fifty dollars which is a pretty big investment if you’re not even at that level yet if you want to minimize your investment investment even more then you’re gonna find a lot of people who talk about makeshift studios that you can do with blankets and foam bedding and things like that that’s exactly what I did and I will tell you I have gone through many studio setups and for an initial set up probably the best one that I had was I looked up a professional traveling soundproof box that was about this big and it had professional film on the inside I used that box and then I put a cardboard box on top of it so the booth box itself was meant for sound absorption and then the cardboard box served for soundproofing which didn’t allow the sounds to leave the box and then bounce off the wall and come back in I also had my studio set up inside a closet with all of the clothes in there and it worked perfectly the quality was perfect I was sweating my butt off in there and it wasn’t the most comfortable setting but if you’re just getting started you know you take what you can get and you do what you can do and there’s one more so software I still use audacity it’s a free recording software that you can get online and I haven’t outgrown it and at times where I thought I was about to outgrow it and need to invest in something that I pay for I was able to just download plugins to use on the software it’s fairly easy to use but for a voice actor you’re going to be needing very minimal usage of a you know it’s really just your voice you’re not trying to regulate a bunch of music or anything like that you’re really just using one mono track and that’s all you need on to topic number two and we’re going to talk about must-haves and the first must-haves that you need is a demo that’s like your calling card that is exactly what you show people just like you need a resume whenever you’re applying for a job you need a demo if you’re gonna be a voice actor and you can look all over online and people have very different opinions as to how to go about this so I’m just gonna tell you what I did which worked for me and it was very little investment upfront I made my own as cringy as that sounds too many professional voice actors I made my own I worked very hard on it you know I tried to balance the music and the sounds and all of that and try to emulate professional demos that I had heard I looked for scripts that I was interested in that I felt suited my voice well but also that would show how dynamic my range could be and this worked well for me for the first several years I actually went through two temos that I had made for myself and you have to bear in mind I was not looking for an agent I was not pitching myself to production companies I wasn’t trying to work above the quality that I could produce I was looking for very small time businesses on freelancing websites just to get the hang of it just to start building experience I was charging very little for my voiceovers because I was just starting and I couldn’t produce the quality that you would get from a professional voice-over so that’s something to keep in mind and it worked fine for me and I was able to start building my little snowball from that now I have a professionally produced demo I went to the best of the best in LA Chuck Duran and I have an amazing demo that landed me two agents within my first week everybody loves my nuna my new demo and I’m pitching myself to production companies and things like that so whenever you get started you have to be conscious of the size that you’re at you’re in a small pond you’re a small fish in a small pond and you have to let yourself grow before you start trying to be competitive in the industry next you’re going to want a website it doesn’t have to be anything fancy it doesn’t have to be the top quality that you might be envisioning in your head from other professionals you really just need a link to send someone to for them to go hear your demo see a little bit about you maybe learn a little bit about your studio set up and book clients through use it as you know a business card if you will a lot of people are worried about downloading files that you’re sending to them these days and they would much prefer a link where they can go and listen to your demos and it’s great because if you happen to update your demos and things like that you don’t have to send them around all over again people will continue to just go to your website and they can see everything in real time that’s updated and new okay it’s topic number three is the big question of where do I find the work and over the years from what I’ve gathered voiceover is a changing industry and everybody’s trying to keep up which is great news for you to jump on board because everyone is sort of confused but I’m gonna tell you what I’ve learned along the way where I started and all of that stuff Fiverr is a great resource I’m sure you’ve heard of it it’s a freelancing website online you don’t need to get approval to be on there there’s some websites where they’ll do a quality check and things like that like voice funny you might not be approved by them to sell on their website but Fiverr you don’t need anybody’s approval so that’s a great place to start a great place to get experience great place to understand how to work with clients and you control your own rates and it has served me very well I know a lot of people that are professional in the industry they scoff at Fiverr and they try to lump it in with the other pay to plays I think Fiverr is a great place to be and and if you know how to use it well then you can you know I went full time just from being on Fiverr another thing that you can do is use the ACX audiobooks website it’s Amazon’s platform it’s Amazon’s platform for audiobook narrators and authors to find audiobook narrators this is where I landed my very first job ever I was so excited I made $700 on a terrible book it was terribly written I didn’t do the greatest job it was my first job ever but it was a lot of fun and it really gave me the confidence that I needed to move forward and it gave me a lot of experience because it was a massive book that I worked on and it gave me a sense of how much time you should be expecting to invest per hour of recording so you’re gonna learn a lot on that website some of the things that you want to stay away from I am NOT a fan of paid to play you’re gonna find that a lot of people are not fans of pay to play except advertising agencies and the people who use it to find talent it is not great for the talent on that end one you have to pay a membership just to be on there which is a very high cost especially if you’re just getting started – you’re limited to the amount of auditions that you can submit because the platform is trying to please the clients who are looking for talent and they don’t want to overwhelm them with hundreds of auditions so you’re limited in the opportunities that you get in three you have a lot of bigger companies going to these play two plays which means that you’re attracting a lot of bigger voiceover talent and it’s extremely competitive for less than industry standard rates so if you’re just getting started chances are you’re gonna fall into the trap that I fell into where you pay money upfront you realize that you don’t get to audition as much as you want and the competition is just much larger than you are at the moment because you’re just starting to learn so I steer clear from that I don’t really believe in it I prefer to go the routes of having agents and things like that but to each his own okay and the final topic that we’re gonna focus on because I’m starting to ramble is number four education so you have your gear you have your demo you figured out where your fishing holes to get started from are now how do you start to grow and build on that momentum and you want to invest in your education you want to look for acting classes you want to look for a dialect coach you want to learn how to grow business wise because being a businessperson is just as important as being an artist especially today so here are some avenues that I went one is you can look up build weeds he’s here on YouTube and he also has big training programs that he has put together over the years I squeezed his YouTube channel for as much information as I could and then I invested in his training programs and it was a really great place to start he has such a great attitude he has a lot of good information and he really tells you step-by-step exactly how he goes about finding work and building up his business a website that you can use for more information is called I want to be a voice actor calm I use this website sometimes there’s a lot of information but some of it can be a little outdated or you might not know how to apply it in real life but if you ever have a question that’s specific something like that it’s just a wealth of information whenever I was looking for my first agents I went there just to double-check to see if he had any extra information that I was able to get some little tips and tricks from that as well the final great resource that I have to suggest you guys is voiceover buzz weekly Chuck Duran is the host on there it’s here on YouTube and he brings in professionals from the industry to interview for an hour at a time and it gave me so much information when I was just going full-time and it really gave me some confidence and comfort to know where I was starting from where I wanted my goals to be in what was expected of me in the industry okay so I’ll cut it off there thank you guys for watching subscribe like comment ask me any questions that you have and I will see you next time [Music]
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