How to become a voice actor in one year or less

I’m here to help you become a full-time actor, so I put together some resources for you to check out! From Hobby to Full Time: …

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today’s video is about voice acting but before we can really talk about it we need to understand what we’re really chatting about here you can’t go a day without hearing voice acting whether you’re sitting in your car listening to the radio on the way to work you’re chilling watching your favorite anime or you hear that annoying YouTube pre-roll ad yes I get it Spectrum doesn’t do nonsense Dear God just like that one but you can’t go a day without hearing voice over and that requires a voice actor like myself now I know what you’re saying Javon that’s great happy for you but how do I do this let’s talk about it first things first why why exactly do you want to do this because I don’t know if you know this or anything but there are a lot easier jobs out there I mean have you ever poured Your Heart and Soul Your Blood Sweat and Tears into a project only to hear nothing back and I mean radio silence that’s unfortunately what this gig is a lot of the time if you don’t have a solid reason for why you actually want to do this you will quit like I’ve almost done multiple times here figure out why you want to do this write it down in the comments leave why do you want to be a voice actor why did you want to become who inspired you or what inspired you to become a voice actor and if it’s for a private reason which it might be write it down in your phone on a sheet of paper just somewhere where you can look at it daily step two is knowing what one thing you’ve got to understand is that this is not a magical land this is not some magical thing that only the lucky few get to do this is a business and just like any business there are certain things that you can do to make life easier for yourself so what exactly is it what is voice acting well let’s the concept of bringing a character or script or copied a life with just your voice it’s pretty obvious yeah but um what do you do oh I’m a voice actor oh my God so you can do like Impressions like um what about Mickey Mouse no no no um Scooby-Doo Scooby-Doo ready it’s not that 95 of my job is simply using my regular voice just pitch up or down slightly depending on the context that I’m using it in the whole point of voice acting and this is the tip that actually changed my trajectory of voice acting believe it or not is you are trying to make an imaginary situation feel as real and authentic as possible you’re trying to find authenticity in a sheet of paper and bring it to life and that is the thing that’s going to separate you from so many other people just reading off the page you’re trying to bring a situation to life and that is what voice acting is this is the part that probably everybody’s been waiting for this is the how these are the steps that I did every day to get to the point where I am now and for transparency sake that looks like about a thousand to 2500 a month here we go I woke up and read out loud for 20 to 30 minutes daily did a vocal warm-up wrote and or practice demos for one hour recorded demos to practice technique and editing for an hour audition for an hour and a half finish client work or practice scripts for an hour finish the day unless I had a singing lesson that was my routine every day for a year with that I started creating demos and with those demos that were polished over the course of a year I started updating online platforms and that led me to getting work no this is not cut and dry and results May Vary but this routine has led me to be able to work in animation video games with the Canadian government Spotify Quaker Oats Eminem Bridgestone and a whole slew of other amazing clients that I’ve worked with look at the end of the day you got this there are a couple of things that you just need to know you need to know why you’re actually doing this if you don’t know why like I said before you will probably quit when the going starts to get tough you need to understand what this is this isn’t a magical fairy land that only a select few people get into it’s a business and just knowing that will help you actually put your best foot forward knowing that it’s a business and actually knowing what voice acting really is and making an actionable plan something that you can follow and steps that you can take every day to actually get here and only leave you with one more piece of advice this is a very very small industry everybody knows everybody when it comes to actually being in the realm of voice acting so always put your best foot forward and always try your hardest there are people who are here to catch you if you fall and then there are going to be jerks who are here to make fun of you that’s just life but if you ever have any questions please reach out to me and if I’m not going through an existential crisis I would love to help catch you guys in the next video damn it’s good to be back

Make your content unforgettable with our expert voice-over services—reach out today!

✔️Here i show you a top rated artist: Click Here.

✔️And Here i show you more to choose.

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Mar Ago 27 , 2024
LOCUCIÓN ARTÍSTICA 🎙️ Voz en OFF VERSIÓN DOS Para FM LOCAL 103.7 MHZ PROGRAMA TODO PASA ! Haga que su contenido sea inolvidable con nuestros expertos servicios de voz en off: ¡póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy mismo: ✔️Clic aquí para crear tu voz perfecta. Si buscas en inglés o […]

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