How do I get into Voice Acting? Where to start and how to…

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so how does one become a voice actor hi it’s me Stefan so you guys know me for the food stuff but today is going to be something a little different my DMs my comments sections every fathom of my online being is littered with the question how do I get into voice acting so every year or so I like to kind of just pop in and just kind of touch on the basics and also have an excuse to kind of show off my new lights I got new lights and kind of new camera here so we’re gonna just see how this all turns out again if you’re new here my name is Stefan Johnson I’m a full-time voice actor along with my content creation I have been doing voiceover for about 12 years seven or eight of those years really taking it seriously and I’m entering my third year doing it full time a lot of this is basic stuff too you don’t have to you don’t even have to be a pro to really get the majority of this down um so let’s just get started and we’re going to try and make this a fast short quick and concise video aside from the point of me saying small three or four four different ways right there for absolutely no reason and I’m just freestyling this too I don’t have anything written down I’m just going to go vaguely off a list I already made number one I want you to research the business a lot of people think that voice acting is just making funny voices for cartoons and getting paid for it there’s a lot more to the business than just making funny voices you really want to kind of get a sense of other people’s Journeys as far as becoming a voice actor you kind of want to get a sense of the fact that it’s not really an instantaneous grab bag of money and opportunity people are often grinding for Gears before they book their real job there’s so much that goes into it when it comes to investing and training which we’ll talk about in the next few points but it’s not instant you don’t just buy a microphone and then get an agent or buy a microphone and just you know get into the industry there’s a lot of facets to it it’s like a big ass stinky ass onion full of layers number two you want to look into coaching not like any kind of skill trade any kind of job if you’re coming into it fresh you need some kind of training right you can’t just expect to be a brick layer um with no type of experience that building will come down faster than your mama’s pants when I walk through the door voiceover is kind of a similar monster because you have to know what you’re doing before you start trying to compete for jobs because you’re going to make a terrible first impression with who knows you may stumble upon an opportunity and then if you suck if you don’t know what you’re doing guess what that person is never going to look at you again so you really want to get into either specific voice acting coaching which I do um kind of put at the priority but you can also get into um traditional acting classes like Meisner or improv or something like that I kind of suggest one-on-one coaching if you can group classes and workshops are okay but I think working one-on-one with a coach weekly monthly probably up to a full year would be the most beneficial to make sure your individual questions and needs are met but again just get get in where you fit in if you can only afford a Class A month or a session a month or you can only afford a group session or something like that get it in where you can and there are tons of resources online free resources that can help you um you know just train and kind of get the craft up like sample scripts and like online tutorials um videos like these that can kind of just get your feet wet into it you can start anywhere but you just have to start number three you want to invest in your equipment you want to begin to build some capacity of a home studio um 98 of voice over work especially post covet is recorded from home Studios the only thing I think people are like regularly going in for nowadays to like student other Studios is maybe like the big box like the pixel SARS and Nickelodeon stuff um but my friends who are actually in the industry recording the Pixar’s the Nickelodeon stuff they’re telling me that more and more often they’re allowing you to stay at home and record your gigs even for practicing you want a way to record yourself and just listen back and hear the nuances of what you’re doing you want to get used to editing your own audio we don’t have most of us we don’t have separate editors to send stuff off to and a lot of the times you don’t have the time to try and send your stuff off to have it edited because you’ll get an audition once you start actually competing for jobs you’ll get auditions and you’ll need to have them in within two hours sometimes like 30 minutes if it’s like a rush so you need a home studio and so you need to start kind of taking that seriously as soon as you decide you’re going to take voice over as a whole seriously in my opinion after that you want to look into your demo reel now your demo is going to be basically your calling card it’s going to be what anyone in the power of hiring as far as voice Talent goes they’re going to look at your demo listen to your demo now look like you’re not going to look at the audio they’re not going to look at the audio like some kind of some kind of psychic monster they’re going to listen to your demo to see if they want to give you a chance to um either audition or sometimes you’ll get hired on the spot off of your demo so your demo needs to be pristine please please if you are new to voice acting if you are new to audio at all do not attempt to make your own demo even if you have like a ample experience in voice acting but you don’t have ample experience in audio editing or the other way around if you have apple experience and audio editing but you don’t know about voice acting do not attempt to make your own demo because you will you’ll watch it you’re gonna watch it you’re either gonna make something super cringy um of a demo that’s too long you’re going to make a demo that sounds copy and pasted from things you found found online you need to hire a professional demo producer a professional demo producer is going to be someone who is very entrenched in the voiceover world who has a proven history as a voice of a producer voice over talent audio producer and you want them to after you’ve already coached with someone to train you in your acting your voice acting or whatever it is you want a demo coach may end up being the same person you want someone who will guide you who will coach you through a good demo because again a lot of people a lot of people who are getting into our industry decide they are they are going to take it upon themselves to make their own demo do not do that because you only get to make one first impression so if you go ahead and you mail out your shitty demo to 500 casting agencies and you let that shitty demo be the first impression they get of you guess what when you’re actually trained up when you actually decide to get a good demo made and you go out to send those demos out to those same casting directors those same agents guess what they’re going to remember your name they’re going to remember how shitty that first impression was and they’re not even going to open that email do it right the first time it’s gonna take time it’s gonna take money but it will be worth it in the long run finally once you have all of that done you shouldn’t be ready to start competing for work start finding the work and there’s a lot of avenues to this um My Method and I’ve always used primarily is self marketing whether it’s email campaigns whether it’s social media marketing whether it’s just being super visible everywhere so people just know you exist and people know that you do voiceovers I even have buddies who swear by cold calling like literally just reaching out to production companies and you know asking to speak to the person in charge of hiring voice Talent the creative director the head producer or something like that and just making that touch any way they can I would always say lean heavily on social media again me being the social media guy I am social media is very free very easy very connected and very fun marketing promotions and networking slide into some DMS go on LinkedIn and find the people in power and you know shoot them a quick little message pitching yourself don’t be pushy and just be a good person be interactive be engaging and if you’re talented and you’re engaging people will reach out but there are other ways people find work as well of course we all know Talent agents and talent managers now talent agencies and managers they help procure work for you or no I take that back they procure opportunity you still have to win those jobs an agency will get you these opportunities and they’ll funnel you auditions because agencies are still kind of Gatekeepers for a lot of the bigger work we want to do like again if you want to work for Pixar Dream works Nickelodeon Disney Channel a lot of that work is going to be coming through agents and managers if you want to be a movie trailer voice actor that’s going to come through an agency now there’s a lot of work that you can get self marketing to um again like a lot of video production a lot of um audio book stuff a lot of um ivr phone messages um a lot of radio and a lot of local TV that can all still be obtained yourself via your self marketing but you also do want to consider again down the line if you want to get those bigger jobs you do want to get to a point where you’re looking at agents and managers but the most of the time those managers and agents only want you if you have already been booking work they don’t most of them again I’m going to say most of the times because there are agents and managers who have like Talent Development programs who are willing to take new talent that they see um potential in but the vast majority of the time they want to see that you’ve been booking work consistently on your own they’ll even sometimes interview you and ask you about your history and how do you go about marketing and you know how often are you working how often are you booking um so again either way it goes I think you do want to get a handle on self marketing before you reach out to any other aspect I’m parched I need some water huh and there are casting websites yeah my lisp I have a lisp to you guys I have a list you guys probably noticed the list but I am I fight it every day I fight it like a raggedy I um what was I saying it’s right here it’s right here oh okay so there are casting websites there are what’s called pay to plays where basically you pay a monthly premium to get access to auditions there are a few big box websites that um a lot of the industry as far as like video production and casting know of and they get a lot of the auditions that are out there specifically sent to these websites so you may pay like three four hundred dollars a year to get access to these auditions now the thing is with these it’s kind of the slang for that in like the industry is called cattle call Auditions because what happens is is an audition becomes available and that notification gets sent to let’s say 500 other voice actors at the exact same time so literally you could be upstairs in your living room and you get a notification notification on your phone oh hey this audition became available I’m going to go downstairs and record it right and by the time it takes you to get downstairs record that five minute audition you go to submit it and you will see 250 people have already submitted that audition so what is the likelihood of you booking that audition being the 251st person to submit that audition what’s the likelihood they’re going to listen to that audition now again it happened again I have colleagues and friends who are doing very well on these types of websites um but again I’m just me personally I’m just letting you know what’s out here and I’m letting you know what I like personally why am I holding my titties like that I’m just letting you know what’s out here personally and what my opinion is personally I would say the self Mark the self marketing is going to be key because oftentimes with the self marketing You’re Building relationships and you won’t even have to audition you’re just going to have a rapport with this casting director this producer where they’re just going to say oh Stuart sounds good for will sound good on this so he’s going to just call you up you don’t have to audition for it opposed to doing these Cattle Calls where you’re you’ll always have to audition and most of most of the time there’ll be a hundred other people who recorded that audition before you and lastly there are also um freelance websites like upwork and Fiverr um I’m not gonna go too deep into that that’s a very heated topic and my comments section will get very toxic I’ll personally say that there are I’m kind of listing these options as far as finding work in order from my most suggested all the way to my least suggest tested so I’ll I’ll leave it at that do what you will with that information do your own research but I I will fairly say that I have done both of those websites and I when I was very early on in my career it did help me build a rapport get my skills up and it did help me pay for a lot of my beginning equipment that said if I would have got into the self marketing as hard as I hit those um freelance websites I probably would have gotten to where I am now maybe about two years earlier just make sure you have a good marketing material whether it be a kick-ass website whether it’s several Kick-Ass social media pages that very clearly paint you in the the heat kicked on so we’re gonna wrap this video up soon some kind of page that has your demos your work your history so people can see and hear you um because again this social media it’s free marketing free branding free networking uh make it easy for people to find you oh good it went off thank God so that is pretty much the bear but why did they go off why didn’t I hit go off I might be dealing with a crisis it is like nine degrees outside but we’ll see what happens so anyway that was pretty much the Bare Bones Basics as far as what I feel like you need to do to become a voice actor a voice actor I said a voice actor um so again you’re always free to kind of Blaze your own path but I feel like if you cover these few points kind of in this order you will be on the right track again it’s not going to be instant you’re not gonna wake up um even following these steps you’re not gonna um get a coach build a studio start marketing and get start booking gigs you may go a whole year without booking a single gig you may go multiple years without booking a single gig that coach may work with you for three months and say you’re not quite ready yet to cut a demo um because again we all have different paths and this is a very competitive market that said there is enough work out here for everyone every voice every background every ethnicity every type of vocal style even if you don’t like your again me I’m out here working with a lisp I have been a full-time voice actor I’ve bought this house I bought this house from my voice acting Revenue with a lisp you know what I mean so there is literally a market out here for everybody you just gotta find your place and it’s not gonna be easy you’re gonna have to grind for this and that could be the the deciding factor as far as whether or not you’re in to this for real if you started this video thinking it was going to be all sunshine and peaches and now you’re at the end of the video and realizing that it’s not going to be as easy as you thought it was going to be and that it kind of discourages you from pursuing it fair that may be for the best but if you got to the end of this video and are still invigorate with the Vigor of a vigorous vigorer basically if you got to the end of the video and you realize how hard it could potentially be and you’re still balls to the wall ready to do this you’re gonna do well you’re gonna be just freaking fine all right so folks again this is not my normal video but again I just like to put these out every once in a while because folks ask the question if you want to see some of my usual content on here I’ll put some foodie stuff right here and I’ll put some comedy stuff right here go out there and kick some ass and I will see you soon

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