Minimalist Logo Design Full Process – Adobe Illustrator…

Minimalist Logo Design Full Process Adobe Illustrator cc. In today’s tutorial, You’ll see how to design Gorilla minimalist logo …

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foreign [Music] welcome back to my new video today in this video you will see that how to make minimalist logo by using an image so let’s start I have downloaded this image from Google if you want to download then check Link in description align it to Center and go to transparency and set opacity to around 70 percent go to object and log this uh no press Ctrl R to show rulers and add guides guides make easy to trace in any image [Music] so we are going to trace this gorilla and for that go to pen tool remove the fill and add stroke I’m adding red color so it will be more visible to us I want to make it simple as much as I can so I am trying to add less anchor points there is a no place in gorilla image in back is to just get an idea how it it really looks like [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] and select pen tool and make these two legs you don’t need to make exactly like this just make it your own uh like like if you want to trace any image image then don’t test exactly it will look very bad so test out your own and try to make it simple because Simplicity looks good [Music] [Music] okay after tracing select all the shapes and go to shape Builder tool or you can also press shift plus M from your keyboard to select share Builder tool by dragging Mouse you can make a shape now select this and press Ctrl X to cut unlock this image delete from your keyboard and hide the guides press Ctrl V to paste make it smaller by pressing shift plus Alt key add darker color in Back 2 legs [Music] and select all the shape remove the stroke no select upper shape and go to object but offset path and set offset path to around 7 pixels keep it selected this shape and select back to legs go to share Builder tool [Music] and by pressing Alt key and dragging most delete this part now go to direct selection tool and make its Corner more smooth [Music] it’s looking good to me but I think this gorilla legs are very large so select lower the lower part of legs and by pressing up key from your keyboard make it smaller something like this now go to delete Anchor Point tool and delete some anchor points to make it more smooth [Music] it’s looking good to me now now select this shape and add black color in it now go to Pathfinder and make a unit to make one shape I want to add the shapes in the bottom of gorilla to make it look more minimalistic so go to pen tool and make a shape add white color in this so it will be visible make one shape here also now select all the shapes and go to shape Builder tool by pressing ALT key delete this part uh I think these legs are very far from gorilla so I want to make it closer select direct section tool and make it closer [Music] foreign [Music] so go to type tool and add name uh I am just adding random name because I am not doing this for any client and just for video make it bigger by pressing shift plus ALT key and go to character increase tracking ID to 50. by the way I am using telegraphical font if you want to download then you can search it on Google now go to object and expand the text select both shape and align it to Center place an end little bit closer and make it small now select both and make a group finally you just successfully graded if you have any question then don’t hesitate to comment below I will reply to you as soon as possible I can thank you for watching have a nice day [Music]

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