I Made Minimal App Icons Skeuomorphic

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it feels like app icons are so boring these days Bland colors simple shapes and nothing with creativity well in this video I’m fixing all that by turning three popular minimal desktop icons into ultra realistic masterpieces cuz somebody needs to save Humanity from this oversimplified world we live in this video is sponsored by Logitech first up is Safari everybody’s absolute favorite web browser okay well maybe not everybody’s favorite but I do think it has the potential to be a really cool realistic icon this Compass though is way too clean and shiny I mean it’s like it’s never even been taken out on an actual Safari in the wilderness of Africa or something luckily my new version will remedy that starting with a super sturdy metal case that sure to stand up to even the harshest of environments but iuc to want a nice classic look the sun beating Down On It from the upper right hand corner of course a sharper Shadow around the Rings will help them feel more rounded aided by some highlights on the opposite side I’m thinking this inner ring needs to be raised above the outer one so I’m going to get a big Shadow across the entire back part of that ring now this is supposed to be metal but right now it just looks like clay so to remedy that we need a scratchy metal texture but as you can probably see a simple straight brushed one just kind of makes the image look way too flat luckily through the magic of a radial brush texture we can get something with more of that rounded feel now unlike the old icon this Compass has been put through its Paces so a big chunky layer of grunge will show off all that wear and tear now we’ll need somewhere to hold all the important Compass parts so I’ll construct an inner shell to do just that now Logitech who graciously sponsored this video sent me their brand new MX creative console to use on this project it’s a two-piece set half of which is this cool little panel here where all the buttons are full color LCD screens they can trigger keyboard shortcuts change tools open apps and a host of other things I switch tools all the time in Photoshop so being able to just press a button and change the lasso tool so I can move around some of my painting is super handy or I can just zoom in here and switch right back to the brush tool to quickly paint some Shadows along this Rim let’s get that same radio metal texture in here along with that sweet layer of grunge ACH also has the options Plus app that let you customize what every button does for any app that you want so in Photoshop I want this button to be assigned to the ellipse tool and with a quick press I can create a small Gap splitting that shell into two pieces just so it doesn’t feel so plain of course that’ll be catching a beautiful streak of light the really neat part is you can customize each button’s icons or color or you can even upload your own images so all the realistic icons I’m going to be making today are going right on that keypad so I’ll have quick access to them now we’re going to need a directional key printed onto our paper here which seems like a lot of trouble to make myself so I’m just going to go find one made by somebody else of which I have found this really nice Vector file of one what’s really cool is that the keypad displays different actions based on the app that you have opened here in illustrator I’ve set up a copy button and then quickly paste that into Photoshop get that sized up to scale and then come in with a spotty brush to wear away some of this graphic to match the old paper it’s printed on finally a big Dark Shadow being cast from the shell onto the paper now I want a little mystery in this scene so what if this Compass is just laying around on like a dirt path or something as if somebody dropped it during a long journey or maybe they were attacked by a ravenous baboon and this is all that’s left of them either way before we put in the actual compass needle we’re going to need some glass to protect it now obviously glass is transparent so how how do you paint it well even though you can’t see glass you can see the light bouncing off of it like this soft blanket overlaying everything some of which will be blocked by the middle Rim around it and then we might also get a sharper more prominent shine up in the same Corner that follows the Dome to shape of the glass slowly fading out towards the center now many times when glass is shaped like this it’ll produce a really intense shine on the side opposite of the main light source kind of similar to how a magnifying glass can focus sunlight into a beam which means our paper is going to really brighten up in that area and we’ll even get some CTIC light coming from from that hitting the ground then is a slightly unrealistic but artistic decision let’s darken up this whole side beneath the glass just to give the entire shape more contrast and dimension a few Reflections from nearby objects for a little extra detail and man if this thing is literally laying in the dirt I think a decent amount of dust is in order just remember that the dust is mainly visible in the lighter areas as the light is hitting it and it’ll be pretty subtle in the dark spots I also imagine hitting the hard course ground we’ll probably put a sizable crack in this glass and one more little cool feature about the keypad is that it’s got multiple pages of actions so I can easily choose the liquefy tool for example if I wanted to slightly tweak the way some of these cracks are shaped now even though regular glass doesn’t cast Shadows anytime it cracks though that definitely will cause a shadow looking at this I think our metal needs a little more shine so I’ll just come in here and add a few streaks for good measure and then why don’t we even have the case be scratched and damaged like the glass cuz you know it’s definitely going to get its fair share of damage get some nice highlights on those to help them really pop out from a far finishing up with a little boun sliding coming off of the ground finally we arguably need the most important part of the compass the needle half of which will be red to match the original Safari icon along with a shadow down the middle to show off its bent shape unlike the original though this one is going to have a metal pin in the center to hold that needle up so it can freely spin above the paper surface just getting some similar texture and all that shading that’s going to make it look real now a thin metal object like this should have a sharp little Edge catching some nice Rim light and an equally sharp shadow on the other side now since our cracked glass is going to basically let in all the elements I’m kind of thinking the paint over that needle is going to be cracking and chipping away and duplicating a light version of that texture makes all these cracks feel a lot more 3D lastly of course a healthy amount of grunge a soft drop shadow from the needle and a tiny Touch of Bloom to finish this off and with that we have turned our plain old Safari icon into a rustic compass that has seen its fair share of excitement and Adventure so our first icon is done and it can go into its slot here on the keypad and up next we have telegram one of the most popular messaging apps in the world and man I just love their little paper airplane logo just like back in the day when you throw these things to your friends across the classroom to send them some type of message or if you like me you just throw them to yourself so our first step in turning this into a realistic airplane is to get down some basic shapes everybody knows roughly what the structure should look like with the big main fold right down the middle which the front pieces tuck into and if you believe the rumors bending up the corners to create these little flaps in the back supposedly helps it Fly straighter though I’m not entirely convinced now at this point all the pieces kind of run together but through the power of shading we will fix that whenever I’m painting shading like this that second piece of the creative console the dial pad comes in super handy with a large dial a smooth vertical roller and four buttons all of which are fully customizable the control you have with this thing is really great I use the options Plus app to set my dial to control my brush size that way I can come into a variety of places like this small little flap and shade it easily I set the vertical roller to control my brush’s opacity so I can get lighter or darker whenever I want of course these two buttons up here are set to undo and redo cuz boy do I need those a lot we’ll need some sharper shadows in these areas where the paper folds over itself and you know making airplanes is a messy business so we’re going to get a few dents and dings along the way speaking of which this paper is going to be extra thick so this Edge has at least a small chance of being seen when this icon is really really tiny now of course paper only looks like paper if it has a paper texture I’ll press this button on the dial pad which brings up the action ring then I can click on any of these customizable actions to directly apply them or I can hover over something like contrast and use the dial to control the intensity of that effect which is just super cool now my paper can be a bit more punchier before I apply it just warp it a little bit to fit the perspective but for even more authenticity I’ll throw in a second layer to give it a harsher more wrinkled look kind of like it was made by a kid who hasn’t quite mastered their fine motor skills yet let’s touch up some of the lighting here like getting this flap shadow in then these sharp edges are going to catch a nice Rim light and I would be sure to vary that in thickness cuz this Edge definitely isn’t a perfect crease maybe I’ll even make a few of these wrinkles stand out a tad more now of course airplanes live in the big bright blue sky which I want a really defined light direction for so it matches the lighting on the plane of course it’ll be flying amongst the puffy clouds which I’ll attempt to arrange in some type of pleasing manner now if you want a little tip to blend the clouds in better with the sky just make the darkest part of the clouds the same color as the background and now it looks much more natural but now I am kind of afraid that the white plane Blends in too much with the white clouds now so what if we went with a more Brown yellow tone for the paper to complement the blue sky behind it I think that looks a lot better but at this point you still might be thinking something fills off here cuz this kind of looks a lot more like cardboard than it does paper and that is because paper is supposed to be transparent which means that light should actually hit the paper and some of it passes through and hits the surfaces on the other side so we’ll see light Gathering inside this flap for example but also coming through that and lightening up this Shadow the same thing happens with this tip over here and this middle area is going to be especially bright because not only do we have the light coming in from behind the paper the Rays that shoot into this Gap are going to bounce back and forth in between these two surfaces brightening up the entire thing the underside here is going to get a little bit of that environmental light as well now I think it’s a universal truth that every piece of paper a kid owns has at least something doodled on it like a little Stickman kicking a ball or a chili ice cream cone melting in the sun I mean that it’s even pretty common for skull papers to even have stickers on them and a basketball one seems fitting enough just want to get this end peeling up away from the paper like it’s been there a while and it’s starting to lose some of its stickiness maybe a tiny wrinkle over here to show it wasn’t even put on perfectly in the first place lastly a little shading to make it feel like it’s actually on the paper and with that our simple telegram icon has been transformed into a realistic paper airplane soaring through the sky to deliver whatever message is written on the inside that’ll also fill up our second slot in the keypad quite nicely finally we have the good old terminal the app that lets you completely wreck your computer with only a few simple commands but for real this is obviously necessary if you’re a developer or something like that and it simple design makes it seem like it’d be an interesting challenge to make realistic so I’m thinking we ditch the Slick modern look and go for something super Antiquated cuz we all remember those ancient chunky tan monitors that were around when the only way to interact with your computer was through the terminal well keep it simple with a two-part casing with the Deep decorative Groove running between them all of which will Encompass a giant dark screen let’s have the outer part of the case spinning away from the screen catching some light in the upper part but being largely in Shadow on the lower part the inner ring is going to be bending towards the screen though giving the exact opposite reaction to the light might have to darken up old trenchy here too I think we’ll probably want some visible edges along these rims just so they don’t look razor sharp same thing for the panel in the center and now I’m thinking of going with a really rundown corroded metal frame kind of like something you’d see out of the Fallout video game series you definitely have to be careful with texture like this cuz it’s very easy to overdo it but if you want to stay safe just make sure you distribute it kind of sporadically I don’t just have a giant area full of it make some spots with heavy grunge and others with just a Sprinkle we’ve got to have at least one really rusty texture in here and then my friends we’ve got the Big Boy gouges getting rid of those yellow parts will leave just the darker ones behind making it look like this tan paint is chipping off the metal frame and you’ll notice I’m focusing more around the edges of the computer cuz that’s where it’s most likely to be handled and thusly damaged and maybe even the screen gives off a lot of heat and chips the paint that’s close to it too now for the screen itself I’ll start with some shading to give the glass more of a bulous look because we definitely don’t want it to feel too flat it maybe a little shine up top along with a touch of Bounce light from below now to really get things going we’ve got some fuzzy vintage screen lines and a lot of these older screens tended to have a a really dark ring right along the edges it also seemed like a lot of them could only really produce a green color so why not get a nice big green glow coming out of this panel now I definitely want to replicate these two characters that were on the original icon I just want to do it with a very pixelit approach so we get a nice level of authenticity with this resolution though it’s hard to say this screen would be useful for anything more than a game of pong but sometimes pong is enough get those lines over top to match and of course all that green light is going to Splash onto the case around it the rim especially catching that nice colorful Sheen a healthy amount of scratches are in order cuz clearly nobody bothered to take care of this poor little machine and you better believe it’s going to have its share of dust as well lastly I just want to come in here and kind of roughen up some of these edges cuz after all this thing’s been through there’s no way these are going to be perfectly straight anymore and I just can’t help myself so I’m going to put one more layer of grunge over this entire thing so just like that we’ve gone from a fancy minimal modern console to an absolute Beast that has survived more than one nuclear winner and of course we have now filled our last spot in the keypad I honestly really recommend you guys go and check out the Logitech creative console every purchase comes with three free months of Adobe Creative cloud and I mean these things work with basically any app so whatever your workflow is I think these will definitely improve it when there’s even a marketplace with plugins and action profiles icons and all sorts of other goodies so I mean just go check it out right now with the link down in the description if you like this video and want to watch me do a super fun timed packaging design challenge then click on this right here

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