Tips For Drawing Fashion: Masc vs Femme Figures. #pidgindoll…

Part of a series of drawing tutorials. Let me know what you’d like to see next! #art #artandcraft #pidgin #drawing #lgbtart …

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tips for drawing fashion mask versus fem for a more feminine silhouette I usually start with an hourglass-shaped torso in curved tapered limbs that convey Grace and delicacy when I’m drawing a more masculine silhouette I emphasize broad shoulders with a v-shaped torso and thick angular limbs that convey breadth and strength but remember these guidelines aren’t set in stone and gender isn’t a binary it’s a spectrum you can be muscular and feminine or thin and masculine or feminine and masculine all at the same time mix it up

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AI Blogging Prompts That Will BOOST Your Next Blog Post

Mié Ene 22 , 2025
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