Hunter S. Thompson pioneered Gonzo journalism — but there would be no Gonzo without the artist Ralph Steadman, his longtime …
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I’m making an attempt to draw um Kurt here the hair I see the hair well it’s beginning okay oh you’ve got some hair though you have got good hair that’s what they say listen this is really something only one other person has ever drawn me as I’m watching you do now on this program and that was Tony Bennett so there you really Tony Bennett did yeah well I I sing too well there you go yeah what I like about this one it’s absolutely nothing like because it’s this this is not fair in a studio Sound Studio being a visual visual sound as it were oh look at it oh boy You’ got one of those excuse me I look like a pig now yeah I know it’s unfortunate but thanks yeah that’s right so you’re not like a flattering court painter I guess well only if I’m paid you look very English as you’re drawing by the way I know you’re Welsh but you you you your face takes on a sort of yeah imperious English all I and and by the way listeners he’s using a a pen that he actually dips in ink as they did centuries ago yes now that’s another thing yes now don’t be sniffy about people who dip I’m not being sniffy I think you are you got a nose for it no sorry oh dear you looking a little what yeah that’s good cuz you’ve got you see you’ve got those in your forehead you I do have furrows in my forehead which are nice it’s very interesting very distinguished uh I should should have I stomped the Botox and I got did [Laughter] you I look like I’ve taken drugs you see this is why people think your your your work is is is hallucinogenic because it looks like people think they look when they have taken powerful drugs they’ taken something yeah perhaps so oh dear yes it’s interesting that one thinks oh he must do these fast and sketchily but no you’re actually very precisely the details yeah doing a bit you’ve got to bear in mind you know that I’m in a foreign country barely speak the language yeah I know it’s so a diping b we say you know what that means that’s Welsh I assumed as much it’s Welsh Welsh dipping b p is Welsh for a little bit of everything that’s nice for you my mother was really Welsh she was from near reum Rose Ros log gwenny Rogers now is nothing more else than gwenny Rogers that’s pretty great yeah and she better sounds like a name in a in an old folk song but gentle and always used to say I don’t want to be a b oh well that’s that’s that’s an incredible uh blue shirt you got there yes my wife has made me start buying colors wow I think that that well she’s got taste I’ll tell you cuz that a lovely shirt isn’t that I do say I do like the finger of authority coming up there like that cuzz the other finger goes down [Music] [Music] there beautiful beautiful with the final flourish of splatter yeah oh God oh God thank you sir I I I’m so pleased really just but such a thing makes you such simple things make you yes it’s not that simple and and this is the well this is uh yeah I’m sorry it smudged a bit there no it’s more authentic yes probably so [Music]
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