‘I want everything I do to look spontaneous. It’s not that I think illustration should necessarily be like that, but this is what I can do,’ …
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[Music] I want everything I do to look spontaneous it’s not that I think illustration should necessarily be like that but this is what I can [Music] do I do draw it quite fast or I draw bits of it quite fast and then I stop and I walk around here and I look at it again and see if that’s right if it’s going wrong I I just throw that away start again the speed of the lines and whether they’re fast or slow or whether they’re rugged or smooth kind of suggests the gesture in [Music] it I think I am what is happening on the page I have had once or twice friends who come into this room and said you were making the faces you know um inside you you’re doing the gestures even if you’re a mother swimming about underwater you are doing that and they’re not drawn from life at all they’re invented but they’re invented from what you can remember of Life classes of looking at people and and so on and so on so I want them to be spontaneous like [Music] that the book is called beyond the page and I called it that because what I did was to get ready to exhibitions and then what was completely new for me was to do a lot of work in museums and in hospitals and they are all Illustrated in the [Music] book it’s important to remember it’s a drawing as well as being something which appears on allall and that can happen because of contemporary digital printing which is amazing they’re not murals they’re done here they’re done they there in fact you know so every nothing is drawn bigger than something like that it’s an extraordinary technological development a lot of artists Now work on the screen you know and produ do things you know on the computer and so or so bring things together I can’t do that I like drawing things with a scratchy you know so you can feel them you know I’ve got all kinds of reads and quilts and heaven knows what here you know but they’re all things that where you can actually feel the shape of the body that you’re drawing the gesture that you’re drawing I was thinking about this book and Tate publishing they said yes that was a wonderful experience for me because they understood what it was about perfectly this book is really exactly the sort of book I wanted it to be [Music]
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