Katsukawa Shunshō (Japanese Images) Public Domain

One of my favorite genres of images is Asian artwork and in this video I am happy to showcase Katsukawa Shunshō, who is a …

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I love Asian artwork and in this video I’m going to be showcasing a Japanese artist katsakawa shun show and this is around 1780 1770 that sort of era and we’re going to be showcasing Kabuki Asian theater pieces and I just absolutely love these drawings they’re great for fine art prints they’re public domain they’re great for t-shirts stickers what have you so in this video join me as we jump into some really cool historical artwork so common question that I get is are we really allowed to use these illustrations they’re beautiful are they really legal to use and the answer is yes on the Mets website metmuseum.org there’s a thing here called open access at the Met and Open Access means that things are basically public domain and that’s what Creative Commons zero means so I’m going to click on this little thing here Creative Commons zero and I’m going to open that up and creative common zero means it’s public domain there’s no copyright and it means that anyone can use this design for any reason and for commercial purposes personal reasons doesn’t matter and you don’t need to ask for permission so I highly recommend going to the med and looking up Open Access images pretty easy to search so what you do is on the search bar for the mat and I’ll put this the link in the video description below you’re going to type in shun show and then make sure that this Open Access is selected and when you do that you’re going to get back about 275 results and these are really really cool so for example here is an image this is woman in a block kimono and you can see there’s the actual photograph of the actual item that’s on display in the museum and then they have a high-res scan as well so you can use either one now there’s a couple ways you can download this over on the right hand side there’s a download button so when I click download it’s going to give me a high-res scan when I click on it it will show me absolutely beautiful it looks like the tapestry it’s not just a scan but it’s an actual physical item that sits in a museum so this is a high quality picture and then from here I can simply right click and then I can save as you can zoom in you can zoom out there’s also some Japanese lettering here down at the bottom as well so I highly recommend saving this and then you can use this for a fine art print or for a t-shirt designed a coffee mug what have you here’s another illustration that’s four Kabuki theater Samurai and I love this because you can cut these out using Photoshop or Affinity photo or inkscape you could basically take screenshots and cut and paste this and you can move this around so you could make a four wide image or you could just have one individually as well again you’ll click the image here on the bottom right to download by simply doing that it gives you a very high res scan and then here you can right click and you can click save as so it opens it up in a new window that’s a nice feature this is seen from a drama I you know these are from 1778 and and how cool is that you can click on the image as well and you can see it’ll give you a screenshot and then you can zoom in using the plus button you can really zoom in as well I mean these are absolutely beautiful high quality scans how far in can we scan I mean my goodness that is a big time zoom right there click the little X on the bottom right to close out and then again I can click the bottom right hand side to download this image right on the page it says public domain right at the bottom so you can rest assure that what you’re using is legal this isn’t even on view at the Museum so we’re getting a nice Peak here into some history that maybe the public wouldn’t be able to see easily in addition to Samurai and Kabuki there’s also nature escapes as well so here’s a great picture of a bird I’m going to click the little plus button here so we can see it a bit easier now some of these scans are not going to be as high res as others so you can see this is starting to get blurry so you may want to just use this as say a background or you would just move on to another image there’s over 207 the images here so you could pick something that would satisfy your artistic needs so a common question I get is how do I actually use these designs so I’ve got a couple strategies the first one is just to use it as is simply download this and then digitally clean it up so I would remove the outer piece of this picture and maybe replace it with a frame or replace it with a different mat or I would actually have the artist name underneath it with the year and that way you’re changing the image enough that if you were to upload it onto Redbubble or T public or wherever you’re not uploading an identical copy as someone else another option is to have some sort of a Japanese quote underneath so for example Samurai there’s lots of like Warrior quotes and honor quotes and that kind of thing they’re not directly related to this artist but because it’s a Asian piece of art with a samurai you could use that similar genre I really hope you found this video helpful I absolutely love scrolling through the Met Museum they’re open access is amazing 275 images here all sorts of different genres and they’re absolutely gorgeous images I’d highly recommend clicking on them zooming in and celebrating some great history here by a very very talented and beautiful artist thanks a lot for watching here’s another video if you’re interested in public domain images and I really hope you have fun creating thanks a lot for watching

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