ILLUSTRATIONS & IMAGES – How to Self-Publish A…

In this NEW series of videos, I will be running through some of the key elements you need to consider when Self-Publishing a …

Order the best illustration at the best price for your business, your company, or to resell them on other sites that pay for the service at more expensive prices, earning the difference:

✔️Click Here to Quick and economical illustration.

hello and welcome to another video as part of my children’s book series now in this video I’m actually going to cover illustrations and I was actually incorrect in the previous video I said it was going to be about the book launch but I skipped a part and I want to make sure that we cover illustrations uh when you’re creating your book because there are a number of different options that you can choose from now for me personally I go down the track or the route of choosing an illustrator because for me choosing an illustrator is conducive to the kinds of books that I’m creating so in my series of books which is called Archie the bear I have an illustrator called Svetlana and she does some incredible work and I’ve been engaging with safetlana for all of my books because the kinds of books that I’m creating are about experiences and I want a bit of an old school look about those illustrations now if you haven’t looked at my or watch my previous lessons as part of this series we look at the book that I created Archie the bear then we also looked at niches keywords the storyline and now we’re up to the illustrations so what I’m going to do right now is show you a couple of the illustrations that I had completed by fit Lana in my book and they’re hand drawn illustration so they’re very very unique so in my book Archie the bear I’m just going to open up to one of the pages so if I go to this page right here you can see the Exquisite work that is going into these illustrations so you can see those right there and that obviously takes a fair bit of time to get those illustrations right but what I’m going to also do is provide a number of different options that you can consider when you’re looking to either engage in illustrator or even do those illustrations yourself so let me bring up a few of the different options and I’ll allow you to go and explore those different options but I just want to provide you with a number of them and how they could potentially help you with your illustrations and probably the pros and cons against each of these options that you could choose so let me show you them right now so some of the sites that you could consider using and I’ll quickly visit a few of these we’ve got um and Microsoft Bing have actually brought out a new AI creation tool like mid Journey I’m going to credit video in the future about that but for today I just wanted to talk about those commercial use image opportunities so let’s go to those a few of these websites right now but you can also Outsource your images using upwork and freelancer and Fiverr but I’ll cover that in a moment so let’s go to some of these um commercial use images that you can use so to begin with we’ve got pixabay and the main thing is to ensure that you can use the images for commercial use it’s the main thing so if we were doing a search uh let’s just say it is a search for uh child at a beach or illustration of child child at the beach let’s see what it comes up with so you’ve got different illustrations that you could potentially look over and have a look at sometimes you might find that these different websites have crossovers so you could have some images that have a crossover between say pixabay and if we go to this one right here let’s do the same and we’re going to explore click that one you can also see that we’ve got different images right here that we can choose from again you’ll just need to spend some time looking through if you can find illustrations let’s have a look at these ones so you can go images and this one’s called vect and we’ll do the same to find out what we can actually find so if we scroll down here let’s get rid of this you can find all these different illustrations that you might like to use but remember you want consistency within the illustrations that you’re doing so at the moment we’ve got pixabay there is we’ve got and when you’re again looking at these sort of things you need to make sure that you’ve got the commercial use of these images so if we were to click on this one right here then what you need to do is to check out whether you can if you need a pro license or if there’s a way that you can determine if there’s a way that you can find out if you need the pro license and what that includes so the free license you can get uh you can get the use of images but with the pro there are obviously a number of different advantages there so the attribution is your work and allows you to provide free content grow the community so you can have a look at those now let’s have a look at the other option here which is to use canva now I’ve got canva Pro if we were to go to design and will do a similar thing um child page I’ll find out what they’ve got here so you can find out if there’s any images that you might like to use from canva you can also go to this one and have a look at different Graphics that you might be able to choose and go the graphics right here and you can find a lot of these different images that you could potentially use if you wanted to use these in your story again when you’re using canva you can use the images for commercial use as long as you are not just using the Straight Up template so you couldn’t just use that by itself you might need to delete some things change things around so that you aren’t just copying the exact images that are on canva but you can use the images for commercial use and if you want to look into that further make sure you do a Google search of commercial use images for canva and the use of those images so they’re the different options if you’re choosing to do the illustrations or designs yourself but if you wanted to use other sites like Fiverr or like freelancer or upwork then it’s important that you do your homework to find out what illustrators might be reasonable and what they’re going to provide in regards to the work that they can do so I’m going to show you some illustrations that I had done by someone on upwork and I thought these were really good and these are the illustrations that I had completed when I was doing a book of back down to the beach and that’s as part of the course that I show you this process as well uh but you can see the quality images is great the only difference that I’ll probably make is make the change of the hat to a different color it Blends in with the sand too much so in hindsight I would have probably got the illustrator to change that but when you go to websites like freelancer you can hire a freelancer and you can create different challenges and you can choose your illustrator that way but I just wanted to provide you with all of these different options that are available for you because choosing an illustrator is just critically important one of the other areas that you need to consider if you were to engage in illustrator is the way that you convey what is required for each of the illustrations you need to be very descriptive of what you want you need to get what’s up in your mind and allow them to be creative with that information now if you’re using AI technology such as mid-journey just carefully check that you have the commercial use of those images you don’t want to be pulled up later and have a legal fire in your hands because if you used images that have been created by AI that have a the ability to have dual commercial use from mid-journey and you being the author so this is a subject to be wary of and aware of as well when you’re creating your illustrations you just want them to be as best as you can for your children’s book because they do really bring it to life and in my course I provide the templates for what I’ve used to bring the descriptions together for my illustrator to create the illustrations and having a great relationship with your illustrator if you were to engage someone just really helps because they become part of that process part of that story and they’re they’re really wanting their work to be seen as well beyond what they’re doing for you if you can help promote their work then that’s even more beneficial for them later down the track as well so hopefully that information does help now the next video we will be doing will be about the book launch and how I’ve been able to get my books to either a bestseller or a number one new release now you may find it challenging to get a best seller in some categories which are highly competitive but at least if you can get that number one new release tag that will definitely help with the sales but we’ll cover that in the next video that I’ll create so anyway thanks for watching hopefully you’ve enjoyed this you’ve got some tips and I’ll see you in the next video foreign [Music]

Order the best illustration at the best price for your business, your company, or to resell them on other sites that pay for the service at more expensive prices, earning the difference:

Quick and economical illustration – Click Here.

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