How-To Draw A Fashion Figure (Croquis). “Fashion Art School”…


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welcome to fashion art school where i teach you how to draw in my style in 60 seconds or less today’s lesson is on the figure when the figure is walking the shoulders and hips tilt in opposite directions so that’s exactly where i start i draw circles to indicate joints in this case shoulder hips and knees i add a curved line that’s about three quarters of the way between shoulders and hips for the waist and then a quarter of the way down i add the chest area and then i begin to fill in volume for the torso from here it’s all about connecting the dots so adding space from hip to knee and then adding in volume for tissue and muscle in a walking pose the back leg will always be tucked behind the leading leg to make it look like they’re walking the arms can really be in any position but here i’m just drawing a relaxed arm one is more forward and again one is tucked behind check out the tutorial i already did for faces if you’d like to see that part i then erase my lines and markings not necessary but sometimes i do and then i dress her

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