How To Cartoon With Mouse in Adobe Illustrator •…

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what’s good YouTube it’s your boy she world back at y’all again with another art video man if you’re new to this channel go ahead and hit that like button comment subscribe as you click post notifications so you will be notified every time you go Johnson heat in today’s video I will be teaching you guys how to make a cartoon head using your mouse only so without further Ado let’s jump right into this video okay first thing you want to do is drag and drop the picture you’re gonna be using so when you do that just hold shift and grab the corners so we can bring the size up okay and you want to make it pretty big too because it’s hard to control your mouse so the bigger your your picture you’re tracing it’ll make your job a lot more easy okay shot opacity down song about right there let’s lock that layer create us a new layer right above it now you want to come over here to the polygon tool make sure the bottom color is locked and your top color is black okay whole shift to make it even okay after you do that you want to um let me see I think it’s yeah oh hold out now and grab this little corner okay move it up something about right there now we gonna drag this down just put it on down right by right there okay this line we just created is going to be our brush so what you want to do you want to highlight it let’s go to new brush then you wanna go to art brush and you want to hit OK when I hit okay again and then go right there in our brush layers now we can come over here that’s why I paint brush that’s the brush we just created Evie me let’s go to brish size the stroke size let’s bring it down some okay that’s pretty good now what you want to do you want to come over here and move your smoothness up right there zoom in and the method we gonna use to pull this off is overshooting our lines foreign I want to make it smaller than that let’s go a little smaller let’s go to a 0.25 okay and also let me try to move this smoothness all the way up let’s try to see if we get okay try this line one more time that’s pretty good and we’re just gonna go through hold Ctrl and the minus button to zoom out you’re just gonna overshoot these lines I’m using my mouse too guys I promise you you’re overshooting these lines foreign decent with this mouse [Music] foreign [Music] let’s clean up some of these lines man so let’s highlight everything we just created let’s go to object expand appearance and then we’re gonna go to our Pathfinder that’s in your windows tab and on your Pathfinder you want to hit divide after you hit divide you want to come to this white selection tool and we’re going to delete the lines that’s crossing over by tapping delete twice okay delete that and every line that we that’s crossing the line that we don’t want gonna get rid of it so it’s gonna look like we just got some smooth looking Line work you’re feeding me all right delete all this zoom in you know what I’m gonna delete this too I don’t need that let me zoom in closer I was so dope about that um that divide two on your Pathfinder because it really made these lines look like they was created with a digital art tablet if you just a method let me see how it’s looking so far okay it’s coming together it’s a little time consuming but it’s worth it I need this so oh yeah I almost forgot this line let’s see what we looking like not pretty much y’all should get the concept how are we gonna make this picture look like a masterpiece I mean um go back to my brush too and it’s at a one point we might make that line a little smaller but we don’t see let’s do the outline of the face let’s try to bring this over hopefully we can make it go into that next line smooth I think we did it just like that look at it real quick all right zoom into this ear you’re going on let’s try to do it Steady Hand Steady Hand gotta have a steady hand we’re gonna always shoot this line all right there okay perfect this um gonna start the line right here right there the eyebrows Ryan is mine bring it on through stop it right there see what we looking like I like to step back a lot when I’m drawing all right it’s looking clean it’s coming together all right let’s go and finish this in the head uh [Music] [Music] all right um make my brush smaller 0.25 again go get the teeth like that and there’s wait wait okay right this over now we got this one come on all right okay cool so do the inner detail of this ear coming up bringing this over there [Music] bringing this line over like this but like I said y’all it’s time consuming but if you ain’t got no digital art tablet it’s all worth it trust me Circle two I’m tripping bring it this way this um made the size of it a little bigger this whole out so we can make it 3D all right now let’s go back through and clean these lines up so what we’re gonna do we’re gonna highlight everything we’re gonna go to object expand the pins we’re gonna go back to object and do it again because when we made this circle tube we use the symbol so to turn that symbol into the line where you got to do it twice you got to go back to object and then you gotta hit expand and hit ok now I just turned that symbol into a regular line then you hit divide go to your white selection tool gone clean them lines up we always shot delete twice okay delete that delete that that one control look delete this line all right we’re gonna keep that keep that line song delete this draw these eyebrows okay may God brush as small as we can get it I don’t know why my job’s still going big hold up let me go to okay there we go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] highlight all this right here go to object expand click divide go to my white selection to we’re going to delete these lines we all right here okay foreign [Music] [Music] start right here bring it on across all right there now we’re gonna select that line let’s bring it down some to a 0.75 just so that Top Line would be I’m gonna move it up so probably right there 0.25 yeah foreign [Music] make sure your settings on your pencil tool look exactly like you see here and this mood is smoothness all the way up hit okay make sure your color black is on top and your bottom when it’s locked let’s go ahead and fill this in y’all see I got a steady hand with my mouse oh I need to move that smoothness down so I’m gonna hit Ctrl Z to delete that because it’s correcting it too much I want to correct it too much all right cool color this in that like you have deal come on this side about this in see all right foreign [Music] do this I’m overshooting my line right y’all notice how I overshot my line I’m gonna highlight these foreign [Music] [Music] bring it like that Oh shot my line again select all this go to object expand hit divide on your Pathfinder and we’re gonna delete this get the white selection tool soon so let me zoom in real quick got everything licking from nice oh this little area heard that like that kind of this side do the same thing all right there’s a little crease right here a little lower also make these eyelashes drip down a little lower so they can have a little thickness tool same thing on this side all right we in the game let me go back one one more time hold all this together for the object click merge on my pathfinder let’s make a copy of the line word lock the top copy make sure you got the second copy selected and I’m gonna go to my swatches let’s import the key World skin tones if you would like to buy this skin tone pack the link will be in the description below so let me go find it on my desktop and this is how you import it for those who’s going to buy this skin tone pack of Mines what you want to do you want to come to swatches right and then you want to go to Swatch Library menu then you want to go to the other library and wherever you got it saved on your desktop you just want to go look for let me go find it on my desktop real quick and it’s right here two World skin tones and you just double click it and it’s gonna pop up in your your Adobe Illustrator so now let’s start coloring this character man let’s go to the rectangle tool make sure your color is at the top and the bottom one is locked drag that color over the entire picture you want to right click the color go to arrange send to back then you want to highlight it all again and click merge so the color can become one with the line work after you do that you want to right click the color go to isolate selected group and we’re going to delete this outer color then let’s hold shift select this inner eye area and then we’re going to split White made that white if you don’t once again make this way inside a lip color these I’m telling you man the skin tone pack gonna come in handy make you move faster too see how quick I’m finding these colors oh these right guys [Music] to make these earrings yeah white make this part go boom and let’s do this Let’s uh hit this drop down menu on the color layer we just created you want to stroll down to your last black line work and we just gonna lock the black lines keep the top two unlocked and close it create a copy of the color layer lock the bottom copy and turn the eye off go to the one in the middle go to your white selection tube and we only gonna delete the skin tone out of this layer keep everything else just delete the skin tone like that it is okay boom now that we got that deleted we’re gonna bring this bottom layer back turn the eye back on and we’re going to create a new layer in between these two and there’s gonna be our shadow layer so now let’s go back to uh pencil tool and let’s draw some Shadows okay I mean um we’ll start right here and there’s my face y’all already know it’s my favorite part Steady Hand s First Shadow not down they go let go foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] almost too dark we’ll just leave it right now for now let’s create a new layer right underneath that one go a little lighter with our tones [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there you have it you guys how to make a cartoon head using your mouse only if you like this video go ahead and give me that thumbs up on the bottom of this video make sure y’all leave in the comment section some video requests that y’all would like to see next make sure you stay tuned while he coming soon and I might this thing

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