How Much I Earned Selling AI Art on Adobe Stock | July 2024…

Hello friends! Today, I’ll be sharing my earnings from Adobe Stock where I sell AI-generated art. We’ll go over how much I made …

Order the best illustration at the best price for your business, your company, or to resell them on other sites that pay for the service at more expensive prices, earning the difference:

✔️Click Here to Quick and economical illustration.

hello my friends today I want to go over my earnings in Adobe stock where I sell AI art and make some money so first I want to show you this month how much I made so far uh today is the 26 of July 2024 so we’re approaching the end of the month just so you get an idea this is how much which I made so far uh but the month isn’t over and let’s see here for this year this is the amount of money that I made and how many downloads I’ve gotten so moving on we could see the in the week also the earnings this week then now we can see uh lifetime how much I made and how many downloads I’ve had so I’ve been on ad for more than a year so maybe a year and a half or so and it’s been pretty good I made some money and I can use that money to buy other things or get into other businesses so let’s see here my top sellers this year you may also be interested in learning about here my portfolio here so I have 14,000 357 items as far as illustrations I have 4,275 that I’ve tagged as illustrations and sometimes when I upload the illustrations I forget to select illustrations and leave them as photos but it says I have 4,26 photos here in total and then vectors I have 3,451 uh vectors and when I started um uploading to a OB stock I started uh uploading vectors creating vectors uh by generating AI images and using tools to generate vectors then I have videos uh videos I have 2,425 uh videos and uh some of them I basically basically taken a still image from mid Journey something that I liked and then I animated some Movement Like Rain uh started using masks using a video editor then I learned about Leonardo Ai and other tools that can animate images so I started uploading those I’ve also used a tool called Kyer to generate animations which is really cool so I basically made money selling some animations without actually drawing and animating in the uh traditional sense so there’s some money to be made with basically images and then using those images uh that you generate using an AI tool like mid Journey basically you take that image and you can create PNG files you can create vectors and you can create videos and make some money so let’s take a look at uh some of my uh best sellers I’m going to put in the dates for the year here so since the beginning of the year and this is sorted by top sellers so we have this this video here going to show you here this is usually my top seller this title here with the rain with the masking as so it kind of looks like the rain is only behind the window so it looks nice and then I’m I’m showing you this to inspire you you know I’m not afraid if you try to copy me but it’s better if you do your own use your own creativity and then that way your product is going to be unique and you’re also going to make some sales so I have here my top sellers having videos the first three of them and then I have a vector image across some my abstract colors I have some more videos so even though it looks like my top sellers are videos on an every day today life I make uh I sell more images than videos it’s just that when I sell a video I make it P paid $8 or $20 for a video whereas an image might be a few cents or a dollar but then I I sell more of the of the images I’m going to show you that so you understand what I’m saying so I have some videos here this was a anime animation that I did using uh Domo AI which basically you take a real life video and then and um the AI tool will convert it to uh to an anime style video so that’s how that one that one was done so more videos and then I have some illustrations basically on a white background some more illustrations and photos and videos some more videos so let me show you um so that uh even though it looks like oh um you know you’re selling videos let me start selling videos just so you get the right idea I’m going to change this from top sellers to activities so you see on a day-to-day basis like today you see that I sold this um this illustration here t-shirts or sweaters so I have this here but then you see the royalty 99 Cents 99 Cents so I’m selling images most of the time most of the times are images and um I think this is an image too me see here yeah that’s a JPEG okay so you can see on a a daytoday basis a lot of the times are images sometimes I do uh animate um the like something like this I could try to animate like put some particles so it looks like the snow is falling um but everything is going to be still or just going to be some zooming in and zooming out so see here so I can also kind of tell from uh the royalty here let me see nope this is also jpeg so you can see basically this for I know for a fact was a video so $844 okay so this this is basically uh how I did this one um I basically generated with the same prompt in mid journey and I took all those images and I added them as frames uh on the video using the Vinci resolve and basically um I had some of those videos rejected but this one was accepted and for some reason this has sold uh for me um this year um so this was a few days ago this was sold for that amount so you can see from this video on an everyday life everyday basis I sell more images but what happens is when I do sell a video it sells for more than the images and for example I may sell this image now and because there’s so many images out there on Adobe stock it uh this image may not sell for a long time again so then it’s not going to show up that this is a good seller but in general um we can see that images sell more than videos but when a video is sold like this one um I get some good amount of money and this was generated I believe uh using Leonardo AI motion so so basically you may want to try different tools you may want to use mid Journey Leonardo AI kyber some of the tools there so another way you can find uh what’s selling on Adobe stock is to go to stock. and just click here for search or just put your cursor there and hit enter so you basically have a blank uh a blank search and you can click on the filter here uh select generative AI only hide the filters and sort by downloads so then you can see on images what is selling the most so you um you can click like on this one is it’s a PNG you can see the transparent background so this was created using using AI so if we took this prompt right here I copied it I’m going to go to Mid Journey right now going to do um imagine right I enter this thing here I’m not going to say uh PNG but I’m going to say isolated on a white background and so that’s um that’s important so if I wanted to change the aspect ratio to uh 16 by 9 and then we should be uh generating this and I could have taken the time to um to update the prompt right and uh change a few things um so the way you do the way you could do that is by going back to Adobe stock and as you’re searching for things kind of take a look at what are the things that are selling and then generate similar things and you can change the prompt so you get the idea uh this did not come out the same way as the other one uh there’s many ways to get it closer to what you uh what you saw previously uh we’re not going to go over that right now but uh you you can also try changing the prompt uh being more descriptive um to get exactly what you want and then upload to Adobe stock um saying that this is uh something on a white background uh you can also use uh some other tools to remove the background and sell it as a PNG and um you can make some money doing that as you can see a lot of the if you search for for for that topic you can also see some other ones that you can try and uh recreate in mid Journey so you can sell there on Adobe stock going to go back so if you remembered uh we click I can click on this here and then select generative AI only select downloads click here to hide the filters and then find out what kinds of images are selling get their descriptions and create something similar uh not exactly the same but something similar and uh you should be able to uh make money on Adobe stock selling AI Arts I hope this video was useful to you to show you uh my earnings uh to to show you that uh there’s some money to be made selling on Adobe stock also if you been subscribe to this channel to see um how much money I’ve been making so far you can put in the comments uh if you want how have you been doing selling on Adobe stock you can also go and join my Discord server and uh we can talk in there more with others to compare what we’re making and basically uh the most important thing is not to compare yourself against me or others but to compare against yourself to see if you’re improving if you’re having sales what kinds of things are selling and basically so that you can be more efficient uh when you create your images using mid Journey or some other AI tool and then you can sell those on Adobe stock I will see you on the next video please uh subscribe like And subscribe and let me know if you have any questions thanks for watching

Order the best illustration at the best price for your business, your company, or to resell them on other sites that pay for the service at more expensive prices, earning the difference:

Quick and economical illustration – Click Here.

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