Hello there! Sorry for my absence, it’s kind of a struggle to find the time to record and edit when there’s a construction site right …

Order the best illustration at the best price for your business, your company, or to resell them on other sites that pay for the service at more expensive prices, earning the difference:

✔️Click Here to Quick and economical illustration.

Yhello beautiful people! I’ve been away from all social media for a while and during this time I haven’t worked on any personal project. However, my commissions page was still active. So today I thought I would share with you all a work I’ve completed recently for a customer while talking a little bit about my experience with commissions. So let’s get started shall we? Back when I started taking drawing more seriously, I didn’t think about the possibility of doing commissions, until one day my partner requested a cover art. Thanks to that I found out that I love creating pieces of art that bring other people’s ideas to life. After that first experience I decided to set up a Fiverr account. I was so excited to start working on multiple projects but I had no idea how I should have priced my services. Keep in mind that I’m still learning to draw to this day so naturally back then I didn’t even have half the knowledge I have now about art, so I made a more fair price for the customers only without considering the amount of time it would have taken me to finish the work. The first few commissions came in and after taking multiple days to finish the job, I’ve realized that the price I established was not what I was going to get in the end. Now this may not be a surprise for most people but younger me had no idea of the existence of Fiverr fees. That was quite a painful realization after working for so long on a project. So yeah if you’re an artist and you want to set up a commission page on a specific website my first tip would be to always check the fees. I’ve actually recently switched to Artistree for this very reason (alongside many others). The prices I establish equal what I end up receiving in the end. Something I also had to deal with and that I for some reason didn’t expect were unrealistic or inappropriate requests and scams. If you use any social media to promote your art and you also take commissions my advice would be to have the commissions page linked directly in your bio and make it very obvious. This way if you get get contacted by someone through DMs and they ask for a commission you will already know that there is a high chance that they didn’t even look at your profile in the first place which I would say it’s something that a serious customer would probably do. There’s obviously also the remote possibility that they somehow missed the link so I would still kindly point it out anyways and encourage them to contact me through the commissions page for any clarification and requests. If they still message you via DMs you pretty much have the confirmation of it being a scam. Now back to another point I’ve already mentioned, aka unrealistic or inappropriate requests. I would say that these will depend on your TOS (or terms of service) and your pricing. There are multiple factors to consider when pricing your commissions and those include the time you spend drawing each piece, your experience level and if you’re doing it as a hobby to get some extra money in or if you want it to be your only source of income. From my experience it really doesn’t matter how low or high you will set your price, there’s always always going to be a customer complaining and bargaining for a better price. My advice would be to gently decline these people’s offers and move on. At the end of the day everyone has their own reasoning behind each price which the customers may simply not be aware of and that’s it. Another great tool to set up before taking commissions is your TOS list. On Artistree you can actually set this up very easily and it will perfectly show it on your profile and that’s another reason as to why I switched from Fiverr. I cannot stress enough how important it is to have such list! The customer will know exactly how they can and cannot use the commission and what they can request you. From my experience this will already minimize the amount of inappropriate requests you receive and it will discourage the misuse of the finished product. The first question I would usually ask a customer is about the commercial usage. If a commission requires a commercial use it simply means that the customer intends to earn money from it, however they cannot do that unless you give them permission to do so by either coming to an agreement where you all will split the earnings or by allowing the customer to pay extra for the rights for commercial usage. If you end up not using any website to take commissions my last tip would be to get paid early or at least split the payment and get paid half before you start working and half after a certain stage. I have personally never done this (mainly because I have trust issues) but it’s certainly a possibility. I’ve forgot to mention that on Artistree you immediately get paid at the start which is absolutely great. I swear I didn’t get sponsored to say this I just love the platform. And that’s it… that’s all I can think of at least. Let me know if you got any questions, I’ll try to answer them as best as I can. And yeah… Thanks for watching and listening to my yapping session xD Peace 🙂

Order the best illustration at the best price for your business, your company, or to resell them on other sites that pay for the service at more expensive prices, earning the difference:

Quick and economical illustration – Click Here.

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Sáb Oct 12 , 2024
Si ya te has quedado sin ideas para tus contenidos, en este video quiero mostrarte 2 plataformas gratuitas que te ayudan a … ¿Quieres cautivar a tu audiencia? Déjame elaborar tu próximo artículo o post. ✔️Pide tus posts al mejor precio aquí. O quieres despegar tus redes sociales: ✔️Pide tus […]

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