7 Digital Products You Can Make Using AI ($34,901/Month)

Here are 7 digital products that you can make and sell online with the help of AI. #ai Enjoy! ⌲ TRY PRINTIFY: …

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today I’m sharing with you seven digital products that you can create using AI tools now some of these products can make over thirty four thousand dollars a month and there’s a lot of variety here so there should be something for everyone I’m gonna cover some of these ideas rather quickly but that’s because I’m making full-length tutorials in the coming weeks so make sure that you’re subscribed because you don’t want to miss those videos now with digital products it means you’re keeping a roughly 91 profit margin and they’re almost completely passive since the masses haven’t really caught on to these digital products it means the niches are relatively untapped so without further Ado let’s get into idea number one which is definitely the strangest one on the list which is generating patterns I just came across this shop called Sweet Shop design and they’re selling digital download patterns their seamless patterns are commonly used for making printable papers but you could really use the patterns for whatever you wanted to now granted they only have about 35 000 sales and they only sell their packs for about 1.95 each but that still has to bring their total up to around seventy thousand dollars the shop papers by Helen she only has about 5 500 sales but that’s still about fourteen thousand dollars in passive income and not to mention she only has 37 listings now I understand that the profit potential isn’t quite as high as some of the following ideas but just look at how easy it is to generate these patterns terms we can get AI to do all of the work for us see mid-journey is an image generation AI which I’m sure you’re familiar with by now you just give it a prompt and it’ll generate an image based on that prompt right before your eyes but there is a little trick that not a lot of people know about see I came across this awesome video by Stack and profit on YouTube and he lays out how to create seamless pattern designs using mid-journey AI so I gave it a prompt like this now the first half is the type of pattern that we want and the things we want included in it and the second half is just AI keywords to make a pretty image these are some example images that I got by using this prompt which in my opinion isn’t too bad the cool thing is mid-journey almost always prints a seamless pattern design so if we just bring our pattern into a website like photopet which is a free Photoshop alternative we can select the image and Define it as a new pattern this allows us to replicate the pattern and make it larger make it smaller or really do anything with with it that we want we could just save this file and offer it as a digital download on Etsy using the prompt from earlier I was able to create patterns like these in just a matter of minutes with hardly any work at all again I know I’m covering this quickly but I should have full tutorials up in the coming weeks I’m also using Etsy a lot as a reference throughout this video but that’s because we can see the actual sales history for these types of products but that brings us to idea number two which targets the Etsy demographic almost perfectly and this idea is selling wedding resources for this example shop called a wild Bloom principles they’ve likely already made close to 1.6 million dollars already from selling these digital download wedding resources items like their wedding invitation templates get hundreds of reviews and they’re extremely simple designs other shops like twist stationery have very similar designs and as you can see they’re in very high demand this shop even made it into the top 100 sellers of the last 30 days with 13 964 sales which would likely amount close to thirty four thousand nine hundred and ten dollars based on their average price of two dollars and fifty cents just from the last Thirty days now all of that is great but how can we use AI to break into this market and automate as much as possible I would use a combination of mid-journey and canva to achieve this for example we could go into mid-journey and ask it to generate us a minimalist wedding invitation template I generated the same prompt a few times to get more options and then upscaled the images that I liked now this is where it gets a little bit more technical what I did was bring the image into a website called photo P so that I could use the content aware fill tool to remove these alien-like scribbles from across the front then I just took the image and put it into canva and added back in the text boxes so that my customers could use this as a template now admittedly I didn’t know what text boxes needed to be there so I used chat GPT to help me figure that out and it was happy to do so for this idea AI does all of the design work and even gives you an ID idea of where to place the text boxes in canva but there’s still some manual work here so I’d say AI is only really taking care of about 65 percent of the work because you still have to remove the alien text and turn it into a template you’ll spend thirty dollars a month on mid-journey and 13 a month on canva which comes out to about a dollar forty three a day to run this business the difficulty score is a 7 out of 10 because learning to use tools like Photoshop or photo P there is a learning curve but that’s really the only difficult part this next product is what I first started selling on Etsy years ago and if I had AI to help me I would have been successful way sooner idea number three is generating guides my first ever sale on Etsy was for some real estate buyer and seller guides it’s like a walkthrough of the home buying or selling process that real estate agents can give to their prospective clients I was making these several years ago and actually had some decent income before I ultimately switched niches but had I kept posting in this Niche I could have seen success like this shop real estate templates company where they’ve done over 40 000 sales those sales have likely brought in around 244 thousand dollars based on their average price of 5.99 but it could be a lot higher than that considering some of their hottest products cost between 20 and even thirty dollars but this idea isn’t just real estate packets the stores shop our shop has posted all kinds of products from Airbnb cleaning checklists photography welcome guides to cookbooks and recipe templates almost all of their resources are just some kind of text in a creative font so how could we use AI to automate this kind of product I used chat TPT for this one since there’s a few components of one of these real estate packets I just asked chat GPT what I should put in my real estate buyer guide it gave me a breakdown of what I should include and then I asked it to start writing me portions of text to go in each section now I know from being in real estate that this is the exact kind of information that buyers or sellers need before they go through the process of listing or buying a home but we could also get it to generate us useful information for Airbnb welcome guides or what to include on our cleaning checklists you really have an advantage if you’re able to create resources for an industry that you’re familiar with so for example it’s going to be a lot easier to create Airbnb resources if you run an Airbnb but you don’t necessarily have to now I know what you’re thinking and you’re right AI is only completing about 70 percent of the work here since you still have to take all of that text and put it into canva Pages or word and make it look nice plus you’d spend up to thirteen dollars a month depending on whether or not you needed canva otherwise this one’s a pretty cheap one to start difficulty is an 8 out of 10 because if you’re not familiar with the industry you’re creating guides for it can be challenging to include the correct information but with this product chatgpt is essentially generating all of the information and you just have to go make it look nice idea number four is one of my favorites and also one of the most profitable and it’s opening a logo design shop shops like this one are charging ten dollars per logo pack here on Etsy and with their 52 000 sales that’s over half a million dollars see a lot of their logo packs are good but they’re also very simple so you can find a lot of these elements like the watercolor marks on canva already the shop logo Lane targets a more premium audience with their logo packages that range from 39 up to 130 even with their lower 13 000 sales that’s still between 520 and 1.6 million dollars in profit so there’s a lot of money to be made selling logos just on Etsy and that doesn’t even include websites like Fiverr and creative market and nowadays you don’t even have to be a graphic designer to make this work mid Journey can create logos for almost anything I used chat GPT to come up with a list of some businesses that I could make cool logos for and here’s what it came up with now I went back to Mid journey and input my own prompt which was for a black crow standing upon a bag of coffee beans and honestly I was shocked I’ve been using mid-journey for a while now and it honestly just keeps getting better and better now to make this business work you’d obviously have to get good at prompt crafting and using mid-journey it’s taken me some time to learn how to speak AI but it’s clearly much faster than trying to recreate a logo like this from scratch and for everyone who’s going to comment why would someone pay for this when they can just go generate it in mid-journey themselves well a lot of people just don’t know that you can do this and it does take time to learn how to craft great prompts that get you the type of images that you’re looking for so like with anything there’s value in speed and a lot of people just don’t know that this is an option but sadly it’s not perfect see mid Journey makes these logos with this alien language printed on them most of the time so to remove it you’d have to learn how to use Photo P or photoshop to erase the old text and put in something new but with a little bit of time you could go from something that looks like this with the alien text to something more like this again a little bit of time and skill can go a long way if you’re willing to learn how to use these tools and create great logos with them AI can probably handle about 80 to 91 percent of the work here and you’ll only spend about thirty dollars a month on the subscriptions that you need to make this work the difficulty score is a 7 out of 10 because crafting these prompts can be challenging and you’ll need to learn how to remove any alien text that the AI creates and if you wanted to you could add this next idea to the exact same store because these two ideas go hand in hand and that’s creating business cards so if this one sounds more boring it’s probably because it is but sometimes boring can still make you really good money see back to the shop that we just looked at called logo Lan they charge an additional twenty dollars for a simple business card design there’s also shops like trendy Fox Studio which sells a lot of different templates that’s selling just business card designs for five dollars and sixty cents a piece it’s hard to tell what percentage of the sales are just from the business cards but when you see that some of their best sellers are these business card packs it’s clear that business cards are driving a lot of sales so whether it’s an upsell to a logo design or it’s a standalone business card there’s a lot of money to be made here the cool thing is how easy it is to come up with great designs using AI so we can just ask mid Journey for whatever kind of business card we’re thinking of Designing and get some great inspiration for it it’ll create images just like normal and this is what I use to create business card templates now it isn’t just that easy see what I had to do was take the image that I generated a mid-journey into canva where I essentially had to replace all of the areas that there was supposed to be text with text boxes so that when I sold the business card they could use it as a template and I had to add any extra elements like lines or Graphics so basically I had to recreate the entire business card in canva after I had mid-journey AI come up with the design now while this isn’t the fastest thing to do is still only took a few minutes and because we recreated the business cards in canva when someone buys it we can just share it as a template to our customers just like we did with the wedding resources now as for a rating the AI only handles about 60 of the work here and your monthly costs are around 43 dollars because you have to pay for mid-journey and canva the difficulty though is only a 4 out of 10 because these templates are ridiculously easy to make likely the most boring idea that we’ll talk about today is idea number six which is creating resume templates now I know I’ve already talked about this in other videos but I just have to mention it again because of how profitable and passive this product is this shop that I’ve already beaten to death called get landed offers very basic looking resume templates now since I mentioned this shop in a different video about two weeks ago they’ve already made an additional 770 a sales that’s roughly 6 613 dollars just over the last two weeks and that’s passive income because they haven’t posted any new products to their store since then for lifetime sales they’ve done around 723 thousand dollars and other shops like co-resume and resume Studio group have tens of thousands of sales which means they’re making tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars now the thing to keep in mind here that could end up being your biggest Advantage is that these shops don’t have that many listings Etsy is a volume game so the more listings that you post the more chances you have of getting sales and with what I’m about to show you you’ll have unlimited creativity so here’s the process I used chat gbt to generate useful sections for the resume that will guide the customer to build an awesome resume that can help get them hired I also use chat GPT to generate some sections of text for my resumes that make them ATS friendly things like Graphics can throw off the applicant tracking system or the ATS so we’ll have to keep that in mind when we’re building out templates I would Target people who are looking for an ATS friendly resume with simple text designs like these and people who just want the best looking resume templates with designs like these I used midgeny to generate a ton of resume template designs that honestly have the potential of looking really nice and by doing it this way I don’t have to worry about copying someone else’s resume design using this method with chat GPT and mid-journey you have essentially infinite creativity and to write this product idea I’d say that the AI is completing around 70 percent of the work from the creativity to the filler text but you’ll still have to build out the resume templates just like you do with the business cards and wedding resources your costs would be 30 a month if you’re using mid-journey and for difficulty I would give this a 5 out of 10. now I think I’ve definitely saved the most interesting for last because idea number seven which is selling product mock-ups we’ve looked at a lot of digital products already but they all have something in common to get their items to sell the shop owners are using something called a mock-up to display lay their item there are shops like this with 32 000 sales selling these simple frame mock-ups and I’ve estimated they’ve done around ninety eight thousand dollars in profit there are tons of shops like this like ratty tank with 88 000 sales which is likely brought in around three hundred and thirty three thousand dollars they sell all kinds of mock-ups but some of their hottest items are these mug mock-ups and so here’s how we can create almost the same exact thing using AI if we come back into mid-journey we can simply ask it to imagine a mug on a specific type of background then what I did was just save it to my computer and I’ll have to go back to that website called photop which is a free Photoshop alternative and then I fill in any of the areas that look weird from the AI use the exact same process on this poster mock-up and I was able to turn these kind of mock-ups into this after about five minutes of work these are just a few of the many ideas that you could get started with and I’ve already posted a few videos on my Channel with different ways to make money using Ai and let me know which tutorial you’d like to see first from the ideas that we just talked about it always helps me when you like comment and subscribe and as always I’ll see you soon

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