SEO vs Google Ads – which is better?

This video breaks down SEO as well as Google Ads. In this video I talk about why it is better to start online marketing through …

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in this video I’m going to talk about Google ads versus SEO as the owner of an agency that runs ads I talk to clients small business owners large business owners all the time about SEO versus Google ads I think it’s important we know the difference between the two and surprisingly I still talk to some business owners that don’t actually know the difference so let me show you I’ve Googled mechanic near me this is a Google ad because it says sponsored this is the Google Maps that’s a different thing and then here we have all the organic quote unquote SEO results so if I click this I just cost Canadian Tire anywhere from $3 to $10 and if I click this I didn’t they didn’t pay anything because that was an organic result so Google intentionally makes them look pretty similar the only difference is this little sponsored word up at the top left and another difference is that the sponsored results always show up on top of before the organic results let’s say you own a business should you start with Google ads or should you start with SEO and all you know is you want more clients more customers more business coming in from online now a lot of business owners by default think they should start with SEO because in their mind SEO feels safer it feels safer because you don’t have to pay Google for every single click it feels safer because it’s a long-term asset that once you build it up it doesn’t just go away as soon as you stop paying Google for the ads so a lot of business owners think all right let’s start with some SEO we’ll see how it goes and then maybe we’ll add on the paid Google ads down the road and what I’m going to tell you in this video is that is the worst way to approach it and there’s a few reasons for that the first reason is that paid ads is very measured predictable and you can turn them on and off in very small increments for example you could set a budget of $100 a week run the ads for two weeks and then review the results pause them start them any time whereas with SEO until you’re on the first page of Google you’re getting zero results let’s just say right now you’re on page three and you hire an SEO agency they’re probably going to charge you 1 2 3$ 4,000 000 a month to do their SEO and after a couple of months you still might not be on the first page of Google let’s just say you went from the bottom of page three to the top of page two guess what you’re still getting zero clicks and zero traffic because you’re on page two so you’ve invested all this money and you’ve gotten zero results that actually is a bigger risk the next thing to think about is you might never get on page one of Google Google gets smarter and smarter every year and they update their algorithm there’s usually a couple of major algorithm updates every year and all these SEO companies that are selling you their strategies are essentially trying to hack the system or to artificially trick Google into thinking your business is more reputable more important and more relevant than it actually is every time an algorithm update happens a lot of the SEO work that has been done on your business for the past 6 months might just get completely wiped out the only true way to have good long-term SEO is to actually be a big successful profitable well-known business that other companies naturally refer people to people actually want to come on your website read through it Etc when you hire an SEO agency they’re often trying to trick Google into thinking that your business is better than it is they do this by building out sub Pages by creating a lot of backlinks so they will post your website on other databases and generate links from blogs back to your website in an artificial way and the problem is that as Google gets smarter and smarter those strategies work less well now there are some Basics that SEO agencies will do that are important like setting up your page structure properly but there’s no guarantees in SEO however there are guarantees in paid ads you turn it on you see the results the next day and you evaluate what happens so this is what I would recommend to a business who’s looking to get into online marketing start with paid ads allocate $500 $11,000 to running Google ads either learn how to do it yourself or hire a reputable agency to run it for you and what you’re going to learn really quickly what your return on investment is so it’s very important to set up separate landing pages to send the Google ads traffic to how much new business is coming in from the ads compared to your regular website site and your regular customers or clients now if you spend let’s just say you spend $1,000 let’s just say you generate 100 clicks 10 leads and three conversions and each of those conversions are worth $22,000 to okay you’ve spent $1,000 you’ve made $6,000 back that was a good investment and what’s more is that you now know that based on that many clicks and leads you can expect three conversions now with that data you can build a business case and decide if it makes sense for you to invest in SEO because then for sure that if you hire an SEO agency and you work with them for 3 to 4 months maybe after 4 months you’re starting to rank on page one you now know that if you do get to page one organically and you do generate clicks that will result in business and new revenue for you whereas if you start blindly with SEO without first testing paid ads and you get to a point where you’re getting traffic coming in you don’t actually know for sure that this traffic is going to convert very well because something else that a lot of business owners don’t realize until they get into digital marketing is that a lead that comes in from the Internet is very different than a lead that comes in from a referral and a lot of businesses are used to only dealing with referrals referrals are ready to go they already trust you they’re warm and they’re ready to buy lead from the internet regardless of whether it’s SEO or Google ads takes a lot more convincing to turn into a customer and often times they’re not going to be as good as a customer compared to people that come in from referrals before you make a big investment in long-term SEO you need to know that getting new customers online is viable for your business as a digital marketing agency owner it’s in my best interest for all businesses to believe that digital marketing is the answer but I’m I’m going to be honest with you and say digital marketing is not the answer for every single business some businesses are more relationship driven and built on relationships and it it’ be better off investing that money into boots on the ground networking rather than digital marketing so in conclusion if you’re a business that hasn’t started online marketing and you want to get into it start with a lean effective test using paid ads prove that you can profitably get clients from the internet and then and only then think about investing in SEO and furthermore rather than focusing on an SEO agency that’s going to do a lot of hacks and generate tons of artificial backlinks focus on actually being a bigger better more reputable business and then Google’s going to pick up on that and your SEO will naturally grow thank you guys for watching this video in a bit of a rant let me know what you think in the comments below until next time I’ll see you later

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