Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Travel Agencies

Our Vice President of Sales and Marketing Tom MacLean speaks about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and how it affects your …

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hello everybody this is Tom McClean VP of Sales and Marketing for Travel Agency Tribes you’ve probably seen you know if you’ve gotten to this video you’ve probably seen some of the other videos about pulling customers in with content lead generation calls to action newsletters social media channels all of these different types of things so how it takes me to to SEO search engine optimization ok a lot of you have probably got emails from different SEO firms and you know an SEO SEO is really something that anyone is that has put together a website that is essentially it’s it’s really a part of a part of a whole package it’s you know it’s gonna be it’s really table stakes so SEO optimized sites that is pretty much standard in the industry however it’s it’s really not as important as a lot of people might let you think that it is okay really the most important thing is content 10% of it might be little tricks and of the trade that SEO companies can can do to help you out however 90% of it is going to be is gonna be content right and if you followed some of the previous videos that I talked about about pulling customers in with content if you have a lot of very good relevant content devoted to your audience if you’re adding that content content consistently you know for example if you’re writing a particular blog you know or there’s an article that you’re that you’re posting how engaging is that is the headline of it you know anything of thumb is any anything that you’re writing any article that you have it should really be summarized in in the title itself okay so when they look at it should be something attention-grabbing and then when they read the article you know it should obviously be it’s exactly about what tell what the title was as well I’m going to detail on everything you know speak to your audience don’t don’t make it too long because a lot of customers now are looking at content on their on their smartphones and people’s attention span is less and less so try to keep it as short as possible and as concise as possible that you can obviously write you know how to an interest related content in your blog so things that are going to be that are going to be interesting for for travelers that you have that are in your that are on your website that are looking at your ten what’s going to be something it’s gonna be of interest to them okay are there yet airline regulations that would affect them you know things like that you want to be writing that or also you know different you know new new products that are out there right something that is unique and different that that could be could be an interest as well so always think of it from the customers perspective what’s going to be something that you think they would enjoy reading and also think of it from from your perspective as a travel consultant you know what what grabs your attention right what is it that that makes you interested in reading something I you know I think for the most part you know when when it’s related to travel there’s not going to be too much difference in terms of what’s going to interest you and then what’s also going to interest your customers so those are really the key things you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to be able to you know work with SEO firms to optimize your website you really don’t need that the key things are content lots of great content consistently doing that and if you can do that consistently then you know it’s 90 percent of the battle so so that’s it for this my next video is just going to be able to just summarize everything that I’ve talked about in the previous videos and and how we can help you in your business

Unlock your website’s potential with top-notch SEO—contact us now!

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