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Here’s everything you need to know about, a tool designed from the ground up to mimic Google and provide search …

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hello and welcome my name is eric lanches and i want to introduce to you on so i want to go over frequently asked questions i want to get you up to speed if you are you’re not up to speed um i know we have a whole bunch of members that are already using it day in day out however if you’re not and you’re kind of curious about you know well what is it and how it fits into the whole ecosystem this video is for you i want to start with the kind of like mission statement why i created it and why i do seo and you know where i’m coming from so as you know traffic research and then now with i want people to be able to rank online even if they don’t have a multi-billion dollar budget um if you run a local business ecommerce store or an affiliate website i want you to be heard and i want your business to thrive online that’s why i created traffic research and i’ve been helping members for over a decade and that that’s also why i created um it’s essentially designed from the ground up to mimic google as closely as possible mimic search engines as closely as possible in order to provide you with the intelligence required to rank for some of the toughest keywords in the world so uh from breaking down pages into sections exactly like google does to using advanced natural language processing exactly like google does to measuring relevance of your links exactly like google does we’re delivering a new level of insights in that can help you rank online so our main thing is we’re we’re crawling the web and crawling your pages exactly like google and giving you the closest insights that reflect what google thinks of your site and google thinks of your pages and so forth so that you could get the best you know ranking info now um ultimately i believe that every single search engine and ranking algorithm can be broken down and explained and exploited so as search slowly moves from being link focused to more artificial intelligence focus we could actually use our own our differential intelligence to know what they’re thinking and provide actionable insights that you could use to rank higher so essentially we’re we’re fighting fire with fire here now um if you’re ready to fight back against a billion-dollar corporations that are getting unfair advantage online then and page ai is a tool that you want by your side to help you rank so i’ve designed this not for best buys of the world or amazons of the world essentially i designed this for my friends and entrepreneurial friends that are trying to rank each day and they’re up against huge huge corporate websites this is to give you the uh back uh on an edge so you can compete with them and even surpass them and rank on the top of search engines this is the whole point is to rank for tough terms all right so let me explain the making google because i’ve mentioned that a whole bunch and this is kind of one of the things that makes it different i built it from the ground up to mimic google as closely as possible to get the information that google really thinks about your website so when you enter a keyword in one of our on in our on-page tool which is one of our main features we scan the top ranking pages to discover what’s currently being rewarded for your keyword in your specific industry so the way we mimic google in that instance is we break down the page into different sections so the header the footer the sidebar the advertisement the main content supplemental content and what it essentially looks like is we ignore things like the advertisement because there’s a lot of misleading information in the sidebar so you know whatever you term here it doesn’t matter like if there’s a sidebar advertisement for i don’t know coco puffs or something but you’re trying to rank for a vitamin c one doesn’t have anything to do with the other so that’s why uh competitors often return very misleading information such as adding 42 sub-headlines i’ve actually seen this and adding 68 images or suggesting words like privacy policy so i’ve had recommendations from other tools that are like hey you need to add 68 more images which makes no sense but the reason they’re doing that is because they found a whole bunch of images in the sidebar because every single link had a thumbnail right so that has nothing to do with the main content and what we focus on is exactly how google looks at it where they identify the main content and supplemental content and then once we do that we could actually provide you with much more accurate uh results so that’s kind of my approach and i everything i do will be to be as accurate as possible as close as possible to how google does it so that you could gain access to the same data that they’re looking at and have a competit a competitive advantage uh over your competition um so as search engines move more towards understanding queries on a page google’s actually evolving their ai so that they could understand the relationships between words content and links and this is where on-page shines so we provide on-page um content categorization so we’re using and we’re breaking it down the same co in the same categories as google uses to categorize things so i could look at the number one result and say okay this one is in business and industrial business services that means that my page which i’m comparing right here should also be in that same category if i want to have the best chances of ranking because if you’re in uh you know home and garden here and then here is business and industrial that means you’re in the wrong category you’re in the wrong bucket google is probably never going to rank you so you you’re giving you insights to basically uh narrow down and fit exactly into the category that google wants to rank um so onpage will tell you the content which content category you should be in and where you currently stand and this is special we’re gonna tell you the exact words that you need to do need to add to get into that uh desired category so this is a bit of feature right now with the full rollout of all categories coming soon and we’re still we’re already doing a whole bunch of categories there’s just a there’s a lot of categories and a lot of data to accumulate but what we’re doing is essentially telling you okay you want to land into business and industrial slash business services here are the words you need to add to your page so that is going beyond just normal page optimization but also category optimization so you’re getting uh the double benefits now uh in terms of content as i just mentioned we also want to build better content in general so your whole website will have better content and on features within will allow you to build better topical websites topical websites essentially are uh com websites that focus on a specific category of content and they kind of branch out like you’re seeing right here so if you have a home and garden website you’re going to want to have stuff within the home and garden categories and of course you want to have things with their you know home garden general and then home and garden appliance and you could you could go below that and kind of divide this allows you to build a highly uh topical website which are being rewarded um heavily rewarded these days and this this is actually one of the best ways to start a website if you want to go up against the mega conglomerates or whatever the benga mega sites you want to be uh you want to have higher relevance than them and also leads to higher rankings so there’s a whole bunch of features and tools and i have training inside the on page that helps you laser focus your efforts for the most profitable terms so not only can you have a super relevant website but if you want you could also focus by having supporting articles that are on the exact same categories as your main keyword and then you could have ultra relevant links and show you how to get ultra relevance links as well so it gives you the ultimate advantage to rank for the most difficult keywords in the most difficult niches so this is how you essentially fight back against the big big giant billion dollar websites that are dominating the industry you could be there too and the exceptions which you know the people that are ranking are using techniques like this so um inside you could also even have we have a link relevancy feature which allows you to troubleshoot rankings build your ideal link profile and even steal competitor your competitors best links so there’s different ways you could use the tool um there’s just so many options so i built the tools but if people come up with different use cases and different flows and so forth and they’re doing amazing stuff with with the with a set of tools um anyways so if you’re a solar entrepreneur or an agency that relies on search engine rankings then it could help you fight back against billion dollar corporations which are unfairly ranking in the search results so essentially i’m giving you i want to provide people with the intelligence data that you need to create predictable rankings now i want to go over a few questions i’ve had a lot of questions i’m going to go over the main ones and if you have any additional questions feel free to email us or email me or anything we’ll get back to you explain everything i’m trying to be as transparent as possible with all of this so what are the features or key features included on page it’s an all-in-one tool so it’s the on page is kind of like a yeah it’s an all-in-one tool where you have the the main on-page tool you have predictive guest post you have link relevancy link relevancy turbo content editor and we have a secret link feature coming soon i can’t disclose it right now because i don’t want people uh stealing it then like kind of like trying to preempt us we’re we’re ahead of the industry in many many respects and i have a this link feature is going to blow people’s minds i just i i’m going to present it and then you you’ll like it um there’s also a secret keyword feature coming soon and that’s also going to be really cool but for now we also we have essentially uh the on-page tool predictive yes both link relevancy uh link relevancy turbo and content editor and all of these are um they’re tools that i use every single day they’re they’re leading tools all right cool now let’s move on i’m gonna just these are this is what they all look like um what else what kind of data is returned from the on-page show look on-page tool uses nlp for every single scan so if ever you see uh competitors talk about that or you’re looking into it it uses natural language processing for every single scan that we do natural language processing and it returns a list essentially of the most important entities to add to a page we also return keyword variations relevant categories our category keywords ideal topical categories internal link recommendations we return to metrics such as you know things like word count h1 h2 and so forth uh image count entity frequency entity density and there’s a whole bunch more coming soon as well now um what else will i be other ad adding more ranking signals and more things yes we’re definitely we’re going to be adding more stuff um and the one thing i do want to mention is we’re probably not going to be adding the things that a lot of people expect because um my goal with on page and hopefully you’ll appreciate this is to deliver the most accurate and useful data for ranking websites online one of my criticisms and one of the things that i one of the reasons i decided to create on-page in the first place is because some tools or some places competitors were adding a whole bunch of filler data or just adding data for the sake of adding data and it clouded um the reports and it just made things misleading and you couldn’t focus on what really mattered so my mission you know i want to provide mission critical data that’s going to help you rank so my objective is to help you rank as high as possible so if something is not going to help you rank i don’t want to include it right so that’s that said i’m always adding we’re always adding data and there’s more data uh planned and i’m gonna be adding special data i feel like don’t think that anyone else has returned before that could actually help you rank a lot and if there’s anything else you want to see just let me know right so i’m an open book and you can always talk to me and let me know what you want to see however i don’t want to add data just for the sake of adding data it’s really easy to do but it basically dilutes the important stuff so how do you know you know how do you know what’s really important when you get 15 16 pages of data where’s the important things i don’t want you have to search for the needle in the haystack i just want to give you all the gold right away so that’s that’s my approach i just want all the stuff that i give you to be excellent and good all right um which languages are supported so on page has kind of like two portions so the on-page portion supports english french german spanish italian like japanese russian portuguese chinese and korean so that’s the on-page portion a lot of people are using that um every single day and now we have the categorization portion which is used in the categories link relevancy and predictive guest post and this portion of the tool only you support english so if ever you put something that’s in japanese it just won’t return any results it’ll be like all right well you know we looked and we didn’t find anything um so you could still use them if you want you still try but like it’s it’s main only for english however we’re expanding we’re adding like additional languages uh as you know when when they’re available and um on-page portion if let’s say you you’re doing things in italian and that’s owned that’s your only market and you don’t do any english whatsoever then get we have a special plan that’s just on page so we accommodate those if you just want to have the on page get that but if you do anything in english i highly recommend you get the full set of sweet uh features anything in english at all even if it’s only part of your portfolio you do some stuff in english i highly recommend you get the the full package all right now which regions are supported uh this is what i mean by what i mean by regions is where like which google data centers are we crawling so you know the and so forth we crawl essentially canada uk um australia us obviously um spain germany italy south africa and ireland and uh if you have more just let me know we’re actually we’ve added a whole bunch of uh places recently based on cust uh customer requests so we added italy south africa and uh ireland in the past few days because someone asked me about to do it um and so if you have anything let me know and link relevancy and predictive guest posts work in all regions of the world as long as the data’s in english it’ll work so uh you covered there now does it work with x type of site and the answer is is yes so on-page works with all kinds of websites so wordpress e-commerce platforms such as shopify bigcommerce and more if it’s online it could be optimized now um is there a trial got this one a lot uh there are no trials uh every scan cost us money and i decided it’s better not well i decided to not have any trials you could register for free and look around and experience on-page features before using them so go to the website click on put your email and then you’ll be inside like it’s super easy and you’ll be able to see every single uh feature in use with sample data you’ll be able to get a real good feel for on page before jumping in there’s even videos so you get like you’ll basically know exactly where you’re getting into when you get into on page i want to make it as transparent as possible there are no trials now is there a discount well yes and no this is a so yes you are currently experiencing a discount there is currently a discount and the prices are the lowest they will ever be so substantial price increases our schedule as we introduce new features i was actually going to launch with higher prices considerably higher prices and at the last second i was like no i’m just going to give um i’m going to give the first people a huge discount and these are the current discounted prices which are uh substantially lower than when we have the price increase and the price of increase is coming as we introduce new features so putting it out there now how safe is optimizing pages we have no control over search engines i think that’s my general disclaimer we never know what they’re going to do however what we’re doing when optimizing pages is we’re not trying to trick anyone we’re actually helping users build the most relevant page for their query so instead of going against the current which is always risky we’re actually going with the current and we’re giving search engines what they want and in turn the pages are rewarded so i believe we’re doing good and if ever the search engine landscape were to change we scan every uh pa the results every time you enter um you use the tool so we scan the top results all the time each time you use the tool so the results would be updated so you’re kind of always up to date and we’re doing good instead of trying to trick us someone so i believe it’s fairly safe um to do optimization there you go so do i need to be an expert to use this tool so on-page was designed to be as simple as possible to use and has next to no learning curve um experience seos could you kind of just jump right in and start using it and for uh business owners that are new to seo or maybe you have a staff that’s not that that’s never done seo in their life we have training videos that they can watch and get up to speed really quickly so i’m trying to cover everyone it’s very very very simple to use can i have multiple logins for my teams so uh currently we’re offering only one login per user with the plans but we plan on expanding that to allow multiple team members to work at once within on page that’ll just be um yeah we work we’re expanding on that but for now it’s one login so you know that’s it can i add x feature and the azure is probably yes so we’re currently in the process of adding a whole bunch of features every single week and we’ve already added a whole bunch of community requested features i we’re just adding stuff all the time um of course i am there curating to make sure that we we are always mission critical right so if it helps the bigger mission of helping business rank uh helping business owners rank online i’ll be happy to include it and one of the advantages of being part of onpage is that we’re building the tool around your needs and usage so whenever we see a whole bunch of people doing a specific thing we can just go and help you do that better so that’s kind of where we’re focused my mission and the mission of on-page is to make you rank better so if you ask me for a feature that doesn’t include or doesn’t help that i probably won’t do it but if it if it’s aimed towards that and i i suspect that it is then let me know just just let me know all right so now getting started visit and register for free you’ll be able to see everything inside and once you’re on inside on the left-hand side you’ll see that there’s a activate your account and you could activate your account start using it with any plan and you can cancel at any time within the control panel and never talk to support so you just click click and you’re done like if if you decided you don’t want it anymore it’s it’s like a few i think it’s like two clicks or sorry two or three clicks um unless you want to talk to our support in which case we have a team that’s ready to help you so that’s it for i hope you see you on the inside and if you have any questions feel free to let me know and we’ll be happy to get back to you alright take care

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