How to Offer Low Cost SEO Services ($300/month)

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what’s up Matt this is in response to your question about going after yoga studios for SEO services so you are right most will probably have three hundred five hundred dollars at most to spend I actually don’t think it’s conceivable that they would spend more on SEO regardless of the results that you’ve got and they would probably then be willing to spend on something more like Facebook ads or Google paid search but I think the SEO spend is gonna cap out there so I’m not sure about your statement here about rev local to do 350 to drive traffic to a landing page I can’t imagine that that’s what organic traffic it has to be paid traffic so I can’t really speak on that you also then drop another package here and you want to know how you should format your package so I’m actually going through something like this very similar for my agency I’m getting ready to relaunch my own agency and I have to figure out the type of service that I can offer so there’s literally a few things I mean number one is just in a spreadsheet just going through the service that I can offer how I’m gonna deliver that how much it cost my business and then how much I can charge for that so for example I’m literally using all the deliverables within the blueprint the website quality audit keyword research things along that nature but what we’re really looking to do right now to get started is to just offer the deliverables that we think are going to drive an impact and turn around traffic as fast as possible because we want to get them results and then once they get results they’ll be happy and we don’t have to spend as much time with them so as opposed to you know sending a bunch of deliverables and billing for a bunch of stuff and doing all this work we just want to do the stuff that’s gonna drive traffic and collect our checks and that’s it so that’s our approach to it but it’s important that you identify that up front right so you really kind of have to ask yourself what it is that you can do what you want to get out of this and then really what this becomes if you’re selling for something that cheap it’s gonna have to just be a game of scale you’re just gonna have to get a lot of clients it’s gonna be a customer acquisition based agency if you want to do good revenue off of this you’re gonna have to sell a lot of clients but that’s also why you pick a niche because it makes it easier to sell and acquire clients and get referrals so in regards to the package that you should offer again basically I would actually reverse engineer it I would start with a 300 400 and package and then map the services that you can do for that and still be profitable and then that will also tell you if you want to do offshoring it will tell you you know if you can offer content writing services link building services but at a minimum I would say that you especially for something like this I would say really really strip it down so no technical SEO audits these are gonna be small 1012 page websites so you’re lucky that there’s not a lot of technical skill that goes into it really the way that you get these things to rank is through local SEO so getting them to ranks in the Mac PAP map spec so I’ll definitely have something in your service about GMB optimizations so doing a review outreach adding photos adding posts things like that like on a monthly basis to keep that active keep that loud you’ve really got to get that to rank and then it would basically be like architecture page development to build landing pages of the local Denny pages on the website and then you don’t even really need new content marketing for them because it’s not really that important you know like they’re they’re gonna make money and you’re gonna only be profitable if they’re making money they’re gonna be make money from breaking the maps pack right yoga stood you’re near me content marketing is not gonna do a whole lot for that but you still will need links so the things that you’re gonna need to do to budget for are gonna be GMB optimizations some sort of like website layout keyword research structuring things like that and then link building so you don’t have a lot of money to do to work with those things so I’ll probably start link building in a later month around like month four month five because you’re gonna want to push a lot of that budget to getting links and honestly I would just probably use a link vendor and just buy a couple links a month whatever you can get and then over a six to twelve month period you should see results for them but what you don’t want to do is try and do too much stuff because then you’re gonna be underwater you’re gonna be doing way too much work and your services gonna be profitable this really need to be stripped down to the nuts and bolts of the only things that you need to do to get results for this client not because like myself you want to automate things more and spend less time with that client but because you just don’t have that wiggle room to just do that much work for that much of a retainment budget so you really want to trip it down and focus on things that are only gonna drive traffic so again it’s gonna be like a architecture acuity research like page development page building type service and then it would be some sort of GMB package on top of that and then building and I would structure that into a 12-month contract I would make them sign a 12 month contract nothing less because you need time to get results but also for that lova let that low of a retainer you got to get paid man you got to be guaranteed that you’re gonna pay it otherwise it’s not gonna be worth it no month-to-month no six months twelve months only so that’s my advice on that if you have any questions man as always hit me in the slack Channel and I’ll get back to you

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