How to improve your SEO and increase your Search Engine…

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[Music] thanks gentlemen probably no I’m giving the filters this is what he does he’s actually sitting outside breathe [Music] supposed to be joining us every one of these days he’ll get success Bhd [Music] [Music] putting the laces as possible well Jason what’s a good question for these job and the worlds in the real estate world we also have I think is is any one of you gentlemen could explain quickly what is SEO that’s what is it taking that that’s a softball I think it’ll Lawrence photo management Elizabeth SEO is search engine optimization so you’re optimizing for the search engines meaning if somebody was to go to Google and they were to do a search for a particular keyword or a particular brand or a local area any word or set of workers what we show up are the results and you’re compromising to be one of those results so whether you’re optimizing for your name like Marie Olivia she’s highly optimized for her name or you’re optimizing for a local area like she’s optimized for Old Westbury real estate she shows up on page one or two that or maybe you’re optimized for a set of keywords so it’s really showing up on the search engines so I have a question what happens when you have a lot of people in this audience know about this issue of MLS listings right if you have a lot of duplicate content multiple sites maybe build you they talk about how you get your site to rank if others are also using the same content sure so interesting concept so basically if we have let’s say four or five different different real estate real estate sites and you know you’re all competing and you’re basically pulling those listings from from the MLS it really is kind of an arms race you know the first one that first page of that first listing whoever has that listing to get indexed in Google so Google’s crawlers are crawling in all the web path you know over and they’re calling all you know every web page on the Internet the first one to do that in a listing MLS listing crawled by Google they’re going to typically be the ones that’ll show up show up towards the top so a lot of this SEO is looking at your particular website making it as asked load as fast as possible it’s Google really like really fast loading web pages we’re always trying to essentially uh you know optimize our site so that it so that basically Google can crawl every single page and get those listings quickly that’s it comes down to a lot of tech lot of technical things in the end but that’s essentially what it is and that usually tell mr. Google what are some ways really to to have to buy their websites yeah this is link building is a console what really optimizes great questions of all phenomena for sense that was a very an answer that’s literally when you throw lots of people taking them out there we will take the first one the most authoritative and really elicit some of these you know Lincoln content is yeah it’s from the previous question it’s literally you know one use that I get speed the st. list thing is duplicated across the board it’s the same all the same information to Google treats a duplicate content and this accounts a right away just to have your question just had a couple quick sense to what you’re saying on top of being obviously the first and all that a little bit of a crapshoot and definitely important but it’s always taught what I tell the realest agents we work with is a woman with having to IDX peed on your website everyone’s information your own listings I haven’t list themselves on their website so they have digestif for their own listings at the ballista themselves with their own creation the titles metas picture description everything will be different from what IBM scientists in IDX spell always ranked hired for the demography obviously and another thing globalist things you can only do for your own but that’s definitely something I recommend again a website and you’re purely relying on the ID XP the other thing I guess much traffic as if you were manually posting your listings on there as well that makes your work but so take away different audiences that you guys need to pay attention to what’s on your site right everybody say we talked about this earlier many of you don’t even have I’m gonna say it but you will answer this so what do you put it on your website what content you’re using if this agent and this agent and the one in the back all has the same listing you’ve got to figure out what you’re talking about is how you listen on your site how you reference it right couple of you don’t have I want to say you’re loading the bottom that’s right kind of basic website somewhere growth you kind of basic one or everything’s automated a don’t do any work on at all and then I think the next level is your creativity contact you’re posting your own listing separately from ideas you’re doing some of the video stuff ever vertically spoke about I think there’s different stuff that requires more commitment more time just keep in mind before you the one that is not only is reflecting into the real estate industry this is anybody who has some websites so duplicate content and just obviously being penalized by Google that’ll like duplicate content they want original content right so this doesn’t only apply to the real estate industry but it applies to anybody who’s running web service as to navigate your site optimize something with the properties so that’s a very common question we get how come I just listed this property but I Google the primary address and I don’t show up Colbert shows shows up behind a listing agent why isn’t it showing them for me and unfortunately what you’re dealing with there’s a lot of competition you know companies like Zillow that have huge domain Authority they’re gonna get listed first so I almost tell my clients give up on that game because that’s a very competitive game and it’ll start what can you optimize yourself for that’s slightly unique maybe it’s an entire building you can get optimized for a building a lot easier than for a specific property then you could show over the for the listings in that building or find an immunity that you want to go after that’s ways to go deeper than the said logos so is very on the surface and your local expert so you can go really deep and the deeper your site is I find that you get higher ranking results someone that’s true because I have some type of mughals parcels holes were set up forrestal’s real estate for sale and I see a company called Madeline Regency first second or third I’m thinking this company would not do much SEO then coming up there I get some sort of so how are you bringing that you building are you putting original contents what do you do it’s like really it’s about consistency so it has to follow up on the homepage to the landing page all the metadata has to be consistent you mess up just a little something it’s like the architecture the foundation of a home you need the foundation of the structure to be solid and then you can look on that if you create more depth or depth of content and what we do is we continue to make sites deeper and deeper and deeper for a specific area or set of keywords and then that works so let’s take a step back how many in this room know what a website builder is and you’re going to let go dad okay so would you buy it to me and then you use your registrar to get a website weeks it’s a couple companies do this you’re gonna have a pattern that’s gonna tell you how to create your content of what you do with these gentlemen are talking about these what you put in the certain feels even those sections it when you use website owner it’s very different than we have website that is built so I think the audience also needs to understand the distinction of what you do when you just log in to go to edit by in throw away the age of what we’re kind of talking about how to deal with that in both scenarios so someone can someone speak to them Billy sure so basically there’s you know the really difference is is when you get going to create a if you create your own your own website through website builder you’re using essentially a template and sometimes you know some stock images that they provides you and templates and themes and so forth you’re responsible typically for putting in the name of the headings and you know the content the text about what presentation when you know so there could definitely be a a basic real estate website that would happen once you get into a situation where you’re wanting to pull the MLS listings and you wanting to pull data from other other sources that’s kind of the distinction that are paved they’re not really any website builders typically you would need something custom and so we’re talking about been doing in having something more customized like using WordPress and even some more higher-end fight with soil that will pull in you know pull in it’s like the MLS was named automatically and populate with those discussions about how people Indians Realtors how many of them are really running their own websites opposed to you know hiring gentlemen yourselves to to do the SEO to do the designing to adding the contents so bill what are some common mistakes that people that do and if they’re gonna steal themselves or anything that you didn’t there’s one of the at one of the services that you know that I specialize in initially of about nine hundred ninety percent of my business is doing artists of websites very highly technical honest so if you’ll come to me and say okay well you know I’m not doing long search engines what am I doing wrong and some of the comp know there’s a lot of common mistakes you know that people make you know one of the common mistakes I would say is you know removing a website from maybe a website builder – you know another enough the solution sort of upgrading your website so when you change your pages you’ve changed you know a change you have some work on you know more pages and have them no less listings a lot of sort of technical things can be can get screwed up and we never we never really do it on purpose it’s just sometimes so the other the other issues basically when it comes you know I I have audited in the past month over 100 you know in a past year over 100 different real estate sites and the biggest problem is actually just a lat you know that website of allowing the search engines goodbye [Music] yes it is so it’s really a lot of it is just your webs your your website itself is that you know there there are issues that are stopping the search engine from really finding all the all the listings and once you open those open that up and buy the search engines in and crawl and get you know get the proper information about your site a lot of things mention how much as opposed to do a point on our website link to the website a little for me and some little things like having a misspell of a word actually damages your ranking or latency is you have an authoritative site that you never misspellings and it kind of has that right you know hundreds of dollars to you know I did a a reason of what playing further and ask and that was well all of the six features you know with hundreds of thousands of pages so that should get it biggest higher ranked on websites and then part of your miss G yo what you doing any link building this link building even work anymore yes it’s not part of our strategy I mean we do we do link building also but it’s more of a depth of content I just learn to add two things to you know two things that you could take away the states that I see very common number one is people started themselves too thin so I’m the wall night on the realtor well you can beat the long island realtor you’re not going to show overall 220 towns right that’s not gonna know I mean we did take on a client signature premier well rather they have 14 offices they wanted to rank for all 220 times they’re starting to see some progress but you’re spreading yourself so thin that you’re just a much better off picking one town and just an ailing and being on page one for that one town and then move to the next step and then move to the next step they just keep building depth of content the other second mistake I see is that people are so focused on how I have to show up all these keywords well the worst thing will we see is that you’re not showing up for your name like the first thing I’m going to Google is huge the individual the brand the team and I’m gonna see what shows up and what we found is 80% of Realtors don’t even have right some of the people you’ve been on this day they will them they don’t have Google business profile so having a Google business profile for your business is key and then through your brand is he as an individual agent having it for yourself if you’re gonna drive the customer journey so they’re going to Google you you’re optimized for your name then you send them to the website that you want to send them to because that’s what it’s looked up to your Google business page so it sounds like we’re paying attention throughout the whole morning you have first step as I was divided remaining second step to start making content like Roberto Bolle suggested but instead of trying to go over all that and do everything focus on a couple of niches that you are familiar with a couple areas for ten minutes it could be coops kind of right it could be short sales I think they meant do that well and of course as you just said it first things first clean up your house and make sure your name is ringing right make sure you are ranking and that you have contact related to you and I think that’s a good first step to get started so how do I would join in here so even before you think about I’m at named okay even waving them before that there’s a keyword research process and just do a minute all the ones what’s keyword was a Cuban explained the key no no no yes so what do we get when we you know when we go to we we essentially start with a word as we call them keywords and that would be something like you know New York real estate or New York militaries or or Long Island Realtors you’re looking for you know whatever word of yours gonna search the work in that search box that is cozily you know so we have luckily with the with the internet allow us to have a lot of market essentially market research data we know specifically that that there are you know I’m starting to numbers out there but or you know for a long island real estate there’s you know I want people who search that per month but for you know Juan Islands Realtors there’s you know fifteen hundred people so you get kind of an idea just by you adding an S to the word or removing the ass or having you know real estate versus billet areas versus condo versus condos versus you know mortgage versus mortgages there’s a big difference in the number of people and the popularity of those words and so that kind of to give you a a good indication of okay well if there’s more people searching for that word it’s more popular than that’s maybe we should use a domain name that has those words in it yeah so that’s what I’m sayin be like realistic about it so if you know I mean you know if there’s if that is the biggest most important words that everybody searches for it’s on a real estate versus you know Li real estate here there is still a you know probably a ton of different versions of those and those different versions can vary the number of searches per month and not only not knowing the popularity of you know the the singular version the plural did change but you know it could be the plural version is really popular in Long Island but then you go to Staten Island the singular version is more popular there so it really has a lot of difference and so spending your time essentially even before you buy that domain name to spend out time to work in and understand the different versions of what people are searching for we have tools that tell you you know how many services per month but they also give you different earnings nothing on the people who search for long island real estate also search verb you know hot top real estate or whatever you know different different hunting laws and so we have you know so you can know the real you know you get ideas and it all starts with those key word and words of the ideas and you see what the popular and what I recommend is then start searching and Google do we know searches and seeing who comes up what kind of the market is doing out feeling out the market in the competition a little bit and then you start to look at the rain names and you know getting a keyword good keyword domain name like Bawa annual state or city or the city name so we can start out even going out the pool would start just kind of started to play around and see what comes up I remember 10 ways to do it right so how about maybe you could talk about what else peeking could be doing or how other than just why I don’t know Google and playing a search for what can be done – I think still has a poco because a lot of utility extent develops right so it with you right everybody starts I hope both of the very question I think a lot of creative SEO some people have had bad experiences some people don’t even know what it is or what it does and a lot of people just they wait for this sitting around the web development side I’ve seen over the last couple years I get forced into having a website look by using all of those agents and the indie still don’t they they rely on their broker talent agent out there that’s it but I think the perceptions are strengthened shift a little bit before I jump a little more I just want to say that for those are afraid of doing SEO or don’t know what it is of habitat experiences please grab me or these other guys today tomorrow just chat about it your competitors are doing it and they’re taking away from you by doing it so that’s why going in for an event wrapped us have the conversations even again that experience before an event if you heard about that experience that play something worth doing in terms of tools and what to do there’s a lot of agencies out there that could help out or it’s like we just spoke about there’s a lot of agencies that will do a very basic audit for free free cuz they give you some basic information before you jump in don’t think you have to jump in and that’s five figures to just get something out of it definitely learn about it I think it’s very hard to do it by your some of these days it used to be a lot easier if I’ve had 15 years ago these days it’s almost a full-time job to keep up with the SEO side it’s a full-time job with the my job to keep up with the development side that make sure you the right meta that everything for you guys out there your advantages running your own business or running your own agency or running even interesting over the stage and just doing what we do I think I would push people to at least have a chat with the agencies out there it is to see how our can help you out there’s two types of the book I just website said right there’s this one website that people build for themselves just so they could showcase themselves the other part is where they actually want to not only showcase themselves but they want to get leads through the internet through those websites so that’s where SEO comes in so you know you can have your own website that’s very nice you’ve got a good domain but it’s not bringing any leads but if you have if somebody’s typing into Google I want to sell my home in Tribeca yeah you’re asking I don’t have a website I have a keyboard right in it but I’m not coming up among the aged 16 so there’s two things to think about there’s the SEO part and that’s the part where I just want to showcase my business and not only need SEO I need leads I just want to show these my business I think even to even become a showcase around you want just how I like the resume out there I think it’s hard to even bring for it if you’re not doing anything because you have your programs everywhere else here Zillow and Trulia you’re on the proposal boat a pilot and I don’t roll the company I’ll control the material of control that leads on searches your being in place to some kind of ability profile that number one thing everybody has to keep mine there are over just an icon over a hundred forty million domains registered right there were you a million a domain administrator and then we’re going to get these in the next panel after lunch it’s a whole new set of domain names that are out there that are not comment on that that are actually related to a topic there’s a got real estate there’s a dark Club if I have more I see there’s a dark realtor and we’re going to talk about that the next pattern so one of the things we’ve guys break for lunch is outside the Verisign booth here they have a I think it’s called a silo let’s do the ok studio and you can type in words and if you have ideas about means you would like it’ll give you suggestions about available the baby of so I am inviting Walton to test that out see how it works really see what comes back but kind of SEO panel especially does combo that not realistic homes which will be able to expect right so it’s a different day hey do we have any questions over the you idiots anything that’s you’re really and a couple but they’re over here I’ll come over there just have two questions stuff is you know exactly what’s basic costs good Scott what’s the combustible over the course went on the website or you want some SEO service website it’s a good little website that’s a broad question it starts at the free website now that is gonna be customizable or search engine you know you know I was gonna say I would say if you’re gonna do a good website from what I see one of his starting at least $1000 to get like a really good website but it can go all the way up to who knows what you know I think the I think there’s three tiers one yet you’re on the website builders to go in there oh you’re still out there the two things free usually not good for SEO or a lot of other things I think the next tier is a lot of companies offer populated whoops so that’s a pretty common that they’ll customize little bit for you so I think that’s it next year I think they’ll be thousands of dollars probably want to six and I think the final tier is so that’s where you’re involved before it gets to be a website you’re involved with a design team to design literally your vision getting growing into life that will be the most expensive but we usually will look the most meet the most different and powerful click and the other website but literally from three to ten and it’s you definitely over that over the years the economy will get a value out of the higher end solutions I think if you say oh I want to save some money I’ll just make it myself pay someone apply our hundred bucks to customize some things I think in the news so much I’m a CEO and every you for example even even though the co-sign you’re starting to pay per click this is an annealing and then action worrying that you’re gonna move so much that it’s not worth as much as I tell a girl they should have a website some cases might make sense to save up a little bit instead of right yeah we see it a lot word where the third company that did you sell his website because the person he totally burned them second company didn’t have the money results and that no I co built into it foundation just wasn’t there and then it and then we have to clean up the mess that’s not so if you talk about these guys they’re vetted there do do get burnt yeah such a bad experiences inside I feel that being in the issue that so many people us something it’s just it’s not recently some people like eighteen years ago or whatever but people very few people come with a blank slate everyone comes with these bad what was a design that only people make projects get the band and there or they pay for something never gets delivered I see although we have time for just what is something that’s really implementable for all of you if you have a website and you’re wondering is my website optimized properly first simple test right click on your homepage and go to the stores and you’ll see all the coding behind them in that coding right towards the top usually they’ll be a section with title description and keywords if your title doesn’t include the keyword that you’re going after your scripture that’s included or your keyword isn’t in there your SEO company is messing up and that’s the first act like you understand a lot of your website is the first to have a pet so rather than a home screen anyway that point their cursor and they do right mouse click view page source and take a look over the interview depending on the browser and view and the not scared you’re gonna see a lot of code that means I’d like to use only companies what makes you guys experts at writing for the specific industry I’m building out before it seems that all people present themselves as able to write or optimize industries will survive what they call the Google certified well I actually I’ll agree with you I’m the first one to admit to our clients that I’m not gonna rate their content because you’re the expert who’s gonna make a note about old westbury real estate thing or read a higher content writer that’s the way to do it somebody that literally or your area of expertise of course yeah where does it seem like because we’ll tell them what keywords to implement but they’ll actually write it in a way that’s understandable cohesive makes sense of the client great question because it was so we’re not variable specific we cover everything and we get that a lot so real estate it’s easy enough that definitely helps about the local expert but over time over time if you start working in a company and they get to know you even contributing to be less and less as they lurk about the mark and learn over again people coming from so many different industries we have a client that came to us they make fasteners so any task screws things like that their thing to family maybe could have a national brand do but so try writing about tabs and investors I think over time so for us personally we just have a big team we have a little bit overeating employees internal training people we literally got along we paid for the book on fasteners at Cigna like a hundred pages we scan it again and the team learned I think over time the company for sure the beginning either if you would have two people they’re sort of your team for it to make sure the guys on the right path but I think I think it’s possible for so many work with to become an expert on your content over time so it also it’s just based on its you know experience I mean I really do encourage you know if you’re gonna hire an attorney you want to make sure that they have done done cases in the past you know a criminal defense attorney if you’re hiring them in that area so there are in SEO or divisions sure there are people who specialize and have done a lot of real estate sites sometimes on the site site you know some firm works words dental marketing and some are real estate some are very experienced in extremely large websites talking about you know what slice it has near MLS listings there’s those detail those sites you know if you need to ask the questions and get get referrals and say okay what kind of you worked on because all of us you know I said we have different experiences I think that from future from the previous speakers and people voting in the polls and how many people watch I have websites importance of getting a domain and leaving this conference if you don’t have a website that’s exactly what you need to do but it can be an overwhelming process so a lot of the people who didn’t raise their hands when they be these conference and they want to get that website there’s a lot of different ways they can go about like you say you could save a lot of money but once in scratch you could spend a thousand dollars you can get a temp time in website it wakes me and a lot of different ways so they want to leave and get a website I’ve heard that there’s a myth using a templated website it’s harder to reign with a CEO if you’re using templated website and maybe there’s tips or tricks and starting from scratch so maybe if someone wants to even build a website is this something they should think about and maybe you could point them in the right direction a really quick belly someone comes later spoke about a lot of the website and be this template used a lot of them will be using so you’re gonna cancel the ticket content issues on the site that’s a lot of the co and and all of the content well if you’re using templates on the content you won’t change you know be the did not that the complaint website will be better than the Wix website the full constantly another company so there’s nothing that that involves I think it’s a really good point I think everyone here who doesn’t have a website should grab wants to weight loss and have a chat about a relaxed gonna break for lunch these three gentlemen are gonna stand right by the four five you can say about the food and you guys promised you for the next two days so portion your eyes right in China people investing more in their social media primarily Instagram as they’re targeting 20-somethings and Warren started by Monday so how much recommend interesting in SEO for a social media class sure what I recommend is actually gonna realize that not all of us you know not all your potential customers are on Instagram they’re not you know there are what happens happen is is that people you know kind of have their preferred site some of them you know some people just go to Facebook all day some people just go to you know the Twitter and some people are on Instagram so what our view is basically look at yes they give social media as not just Instagram or not just Twitter but the messaging that you’re behind the marketing message your logo the look and feel that you have is spread yourself out make sure you have you know you have a president presence on all of them because there are totally different market yes we can you can go also its bits gram but you’re missing you know you’re missing a laconic on some others when Sophie but is it is good to be consistent across there are obviously way based optimized for each each of the social platforms and that those need to be part of your strategy pull for example posting your content posting your video I but also posting it on Instagram on Twitter on Facebook and on LinkedIn and and and how that is here before else to the halogen here’s a little secret we didn’t spike assignment have to come back tomorrow 1:00 p.m. for the answers my next question is we have a social media panel we’re gonna cover LinkedIn YouTube Instagram and Facebook and yeah I could make it be a Chris you still answer I was gonna say these martyrs to mark down their cover I think so I’m actually looking for today so you get to see a couple days you try to I would say together they both because the instagramming would be doing work you’re kind of image advertising platform by the end of the day someone wants to search which are available in a certain town they’re going to do with website they’re not going to do it on Instagram but for sure especially for real estate agents it’s important it’s part of your brand brand advertising very marketing I mean if you’re on Instagram and you’re crushing on Instagram we’re just getting started with Instagram where are they going to go to get more information about you can click on the link in the bio and that should land on a on a website about your brand about you and on social media I think your entire not entire portion of your social media strategy has to be sending links back to your website so you have a home for all your content whether that’s your blog or your website that’s your home for your content and then you’re fishing all over Facebook and Instagram that bring people back to your home and your home becomes Australian Depository that builds up over time it’s a huge asset for your business last question last question gentlemen for those of us in who walk thinking about visiting a website there are many people who in the web sites and some people have better skills than others so my first experience are there any three to five top questions that we can them properly so that when we do the website is something that is going I think first thing that you look at when this chat is about the Google search to accompany your see what other people say about see what they’re doing out there I think that is HUGE obviously the company itself will give you referral projects that work on things like that I think literally what the sentiment about is go search that to see what others are saying about him I think reputation is very very important one was visit samples of their work shows some of the best work that they have so that you can see how are you know I would have for SEO results what is their SEO strategy do they have a foundation for SEO that works and then how can you manage the content do they have a dashboard where you can actually manage it or are you gonna get charged every time you have a change those are the three questions all right thank you very much we can wrangle lunch right now lunches outside a spot to sit sweetie percent and upin the fabulous here with there’s no room here at the tables [Music] [Music]

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Cómo Utilizar el Planificador de Palabras Clave de GOOGLE...

Mié Ago 14 , 2024
Ya sabes cómo utilizar el planificador de palabras clave de Google Ads? En este tutorial aprenderás cómo hacer una … Optimiza tu éxito en línea con nuestro servicio de SEO y lleva tu marketing digital al siguiente nivel: ✔️Clic aquí para posicionar en primera página. Si buscas en inglés o […]

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